
The Other Hand
What can you do if the electorate will bear anything but the truth?
Trump is impossible to forecast - so should we stop trying? Is talking about him merely enabling him? Colluding with him?
There is a spiders-web of connections between Trump and Brexit.
Farage, Le Pen and Orban have a new spring in their step.
Brexiteers still hanker after a free trade deal with the US. They must confront the reality of a protectionist US President - and government.
One way Trump could make mischief would be to implement his global tariffs but offer the UK an exemption. The British government could hardly say no. But that would blow out of the water all of their efforts 'to get closer to the EU'. That would be the end of the 'rebuilding trust' project.
Brexit is now too difficult to talk about. It may even be a problem too difficult to solve. Most Britons agree that Brexit was a mistake but is now a problem child best kept hidden.
Electorates everywhere want anything but the truth.
A fabulous conversation with Professor Chris Grey
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In conversation with Dan Davies, author of "The Unaccountability Machine"
54:31|From Brad de Long's review of the book:Understanding how to make our systems more accountable and more human may not be the key to our survival, but it is certainly the key to our happiness and prosperity.Will the West unite against its new common enemy? (That's America, in case you hadn't guessed)
34:25|Finding nobility in the health service. Something notably absent in the White House
31:53|Why cause chaos? 'Because I can'.