
No Return: The Orillian Regiment

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  • 1. The Orillian Regiment Primer

    The Orillian Regiment follows the story of 'Contubernium One' of the 'Special Action Group' as they investigate the HNS Deliverance. The huge and threatening ship which appeared in Emeduan waters, resupplying the Royal Land Forces besieged in the Citadel on the Coast. 

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  • 2. HNS Deliverance

    The following is an excerpt from the journal of Chief Signalman Olinwa Aora Galondel Nossiter. They were part of the Holy Mission to the North Hub. The Chief Signalman is presently missing in action and this document is marked for destruction. I have chosen to share it here, because it contains disturbing accounts of conduct by the Uruk Helots and our Presiding Patriarch. Please leave any questions until after the reading. Written and produced by Kier Zhou
  • 3. It's a Ship...Not a Boat...

    Sergeant Major Dagrun and Contuburnium One receive their orders.CSgt Malcom Rigby- Girunduu (@Girunduu)Sgt Gav Fern - Dylan (@DylanandDragons)Cpl Dek Ana- Luke Scarrow (@Duderooni)Tpr Gazi - Graham Capobianco Tpr Tomo - Jack DuncanCol Wilifred- Edmund Cragg-BarberSgt Mjr Kova Dagrun- Kier Zhou
  • 4. The Weasel Bit It!

    The boys find themselves in trouble as they try to navigate the streets of the capitol.CSgt Malcom Rigby- Girunduu (@Girunduu)Sgt Gav Fern - Dylan (@DylanandDragons)Cpl Dek Ana- Luke Scarrow (@Duderooni)Tpr Nuori Gazi - Graham Capobianco Tpr Hupsu Tomo - Jack DuncanCol Wilifred- Edmund Cragg-BarberSgt Mjr Kova Dagrun- Kier ZhouCapt Luobo Ironside- James Hart
  • 5. You're Military, You Sound Military

    Mal and Gav find themselves in a spot of bother in The Row whilst Deky and the Troopers prepare for battle.Gav- Dylan @DylanandDragonsMal- Girunduu @GirunduuPerformer 1 - Aaron @Zed1PodPerformer 2- Katie @Zed1PodDoor Man - Graham Capobianco Anan- Skyler Giordano Gazi - Graham Capobianco Deky - Luke Scarrow @DuderooniTommo - Jack DuncanVon Overton- Angela Yih @Girlmadeofjade
  • 6. An All Singing, All Dancing One.

    Gav and Mal finally get the prisoner back to Colonel Wilifred. Deky, Tommo, Gazi and Von Overton engage the enemy. Dagrun and Luobo prepare a surprise from the skies...Col. Wilifred- Edmund Cragg-BarberGav- Dylan @DylanandDragonsMal- Girunduu @GirunduuGazi - Graham Capobianco Deky - Luke Scarrow @DuderooniTommo - Jack DuncanVon Overton- Angela Yih @Girlmadeofjade
  • 7. These Barbarians

    The next chapter in the journal of the Chief Signalman of the HNS Deliverance.