
cover art for Episode One with James Gray AKA Jimmy Trueslacks

The Not So Angry Dad's

Episode One with James Gray AKA Jimmy Trueslacks

Season 1, Ep. 1

Episode One with James Gray AKA Jimmy Trueslacks we dive deep into being a human, a boy, a man, a husband, a father. Drinking whiskey, pints and eating nachos we open up and hang out.

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  • 3. Episode Three with Jimmy Trueslacks

    44:09||Season 1, Ep. 3
    On episode three, we're back at it again. It's been a while but heck life gets in the way, but we're here. Two not so angry Dad's, hanging out, talking about life experiences. Great to be back! @trueslacks @jamieurierealtor @jimmy_trueslacks @nobodyshouldlistentothis @letitoutwithjamieurie @jimmyjamescustom
  • 2. Episode Two with Jamie Urie

    20:08||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Episode two of the Not So Angry Dad's feature your very own Jamie Urie. We had a bit of a scheduling issue so I ended up interviewing myself and having some laughs talking about how Time Flies!