
The North State
One Year of October: The Press
It’s been one full year since Oct. 7 and the world will never be the same. In the first part of this three part series, Scott details how Western news media, and the Canadian news media specifically, has distorted coverage of Israel’s crimes in Gaza. Interviewing journalists Emma Paling and Samira Mohyeddin, The North State shows how their reporting and experiences reveal the deep anti-Palestinian bias at the heart of the news industry.
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"Stay the Course" Kevin MacLeod (
"Bittersweet" Kevin MacLeod (
"Mesmerize" Kevin MacLeod (
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51st State Blues ft. Tyler Shipley
49:52|Since late last year, Donald Trump began a very public habit of musing on making Canada the 51st state. Throughout posts on his social media feeds, press conferences about the US' trade relations and even an appearance at the World Economic Forum, Trump has threatened high-tariffs against Canada and expressed a desire to integrate it into the USA. While news coverage has been breathless, it omits the reality of Canada's foreign policy and how it's aligned with the US throughout some of its darkest chapters. Tyler Shipley, professor of political economy an author of Canada in the World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination, joins Scott to discuss the historical and political context of Trump's rhetoric and how the Canadian political system is ill-equipped to combat these plans.Canada In The World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination by Tyler ShipleyFollow Scott on Socials:Bluesky: Intro Music: Vigilante - Cross DogArtwork by Zo at Studio BonjourhiSources and further reading available at: Justin Tru-Done, Metapocalypse and State of Canadian News
01:06:55|On this edition of The North State, independent award-winning journalist Rachel Gilmore joins Scott to have a Breakdown. Justin Trudeau resigns as Liberal Party leader, and consequently Prime Minister of Canada. How has the media covered these tumultuous weeks? Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg announced that everything can always get worse at Meta– what does this mean for Canadians? Finally, it’s time we had a proper retrospective of Canadian news media’s state in 2024. We talk about legacy layoffs and what happens when beloved indie outlets stop actually shit-talking the news.Check out Bubble Pop with Rachel Gilmore.Follow Rachel on Bluesky.Follow Scott on Socials:Bluesky: Intro Music: Vigilante - Cross DogArtwork by Zo at Studio BonjourhiSources and further reading available at: ID Verification is Coming... Are We Ready?
01:15:19|Recently, Australia passed a law requiring social media to ban people under sixteen from their services. In order to implement this law, the two avenues of age verification broadly encompass either facial recognition software or government ID verification. Both have disastrous privacy implications at the best of times. So why does Canada have a similar bill in the House of Commons, currently under way to become law? What has the news media missed? Most importantly, who does it affect the most? Scott talks with Kate Sinclaire, a law student and activist with SWAC, and Jelena Vermillion, sex worker and activist with SWAP Hamilton about the formulation and impacts of Bill S-210, as well as the news industry's poor coverage of sex work in general.This is the last episode of The North State for 2024. We're taking a break until the new year. Happy holidays!Sources and Further Reading at: Scott on Socials:Bluesky: Intro Music: Vigilante - Cross DogArtwork by Zo at Studio BonjourhiMusic:"Devonshire Waltz Andante" Kevin MacLeod ("Concentration" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License Layoff Season, War on Bikes, Bounty on Journalist ft. Dave Gray-Donald
54:25|Introducing: The North State’s Breakdown! Scott takes on multiple stories about the news media industry with the help of a guest. Publisher and Editorial Director for Toronto's The Grind Dave Gray-Donald joins Scott to talk about three big stories. Layoffs at Rogers and TVO hit the industry in two different ways. Then, Doug Ford got his way on bike lane legislation… what is the news missing? Finally, La Presse reveals that a convicted killer placed a $100,000 bounty on one of their reporters who covered his murder trial. What does this say in context of the wider threat to journalists?Dave Gray-Donald Twitter: out The GrindFollow Scott on Socials:Bluesky: Intro Music: Vigilante - Cross DogArtwork by Zo at Studio BonjourhiSources and further reading available at: Sections Misdiagnose Trump Win ft. Chuka Ejeckam
01:04:35|Trump won. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. It's been impossible to escape. So it's unsurprising that Canadian news media has been committed to publishing analyses of Trump's sweeping electoral victory. But what's worthy of publishing? What purpose do these proposals serve? Unsurprisingly, shifting right is the main solution. Writer, researcher and co-host of the podcast Expats and Allies Chuka Ejeckam joins Scott to discuss the analyses published by The Globe and Mail, National Post and Toronto Star. They also discuss how even left-wing analyses of Trump's win omits important lessons for the people.Clarification: Ritchie Torres was not one of the Democrats who spoke out against trans athletes.Check out Expats and Allies.Follow Scott on Socials:Bluesky: Music: Vigilante - Cross DogArtwork by Zo at Studio BonjourhiSources and further reading available at: 2024: Election-fever-mania
19:18|British Columbia, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan all had provincial elections within two weeks of each other. On the ballot was the incumbent government's track record and the ideology of the electoral options. But according to news coverage, two were referendums on progressive ideals. According to news coverage, no matter the result, the conservative view held firm... even when the Conservatives lost. By examining the coverage of these elections, we can learn what to expect for election coverage in the future.Follow Scott on Socials:Bluesky: and Further Reading Available at: Year of October: The People
01:26:14|So far in this series, we’ve discussed the function of journalism and the government in Canada. It’s important to bring the conversation down to a personal level and examine how the current climate has affected Palestinian-Canadians and their connections to Palestine.It's additionally crucial to know the perspective of Jewish people, whom Israel proclaims to speak in the name of. Today, Scott speaks with Maryam Afana, a Canadian born in Gaza who now lives in Toronto; Fatima Saleh, a Canadian born Palestinian activist based in Alberta, and Gur Tsabar, spokesperson for the Jews Say No to Genocide coalition based in Toronto.Sources and Further Reading Available at:"Apprehension" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License Year of October: The Parliament
01:10:35|In the second part of this three part series, Scott discusses how Canada aligns with Israel in both its foundational structures and how our Liberal government materially supports their genocide. Journalists Alex Cosh and Justin Brake have both, in their unique ways, confronted the Canadian government about their support for Israel. Alex has been reporting on arms exports for the better part of this past year for The Maple. Justin, Editor-in-Chief for Newfoundland's The Independent, mainly focuses on provincial issues. But when he had a chance to confront Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about his government's support of Israel's genocide, he took it. Two different approaches but very similar results.Sources and Further Reading Available at Scott on Socials:Bluesky:"Blue Sizzle" Kevin MacLeod ("Long Note Three" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License