
The Net Zero Business Podcast
Solitaire Townsend on the March of the Solutionists
Thoroughly enjoyed this chat with Solitaire Townsend, Founder and Chief Solutionist of Futerra, and author of the fab new(ish) book, The Solutionists. We discuss what a Solutionist is, positivity vs doom, greenwash, creativity and engaging leaders in Sustainability. Don't miss this one!
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Sustainability in the C-suite with Jennifer Geary
33:18|This week I'm joined by Jennifer Geary, award winning author of a set of books on how to be a C-level executive, including co-authoring How to be a Chief Sustainability Officer. Here's what we cover:Leadership in difficult political timesConnecting Sustainability to the company purposeShould the CSO be a standalone role or integrated into other C-rolesOwnership of Sustainability, including Green Jujitsu (my smart engagement technique)AI and reducing the data burden in reportingIf you want a deep dive into 'How to be a CSO', check out my episode with Jennifer's co-author Anna Krotova.The Net Zero Business Podcast is brought to you by Terra Infirma Ltd – Bringing Sustainability to Life.The biggest barrier to Sustainability is just 6 inches wide...
07:21|In this episode of the podcast, I talk about the need to start casting off mental baggage that is holding back the transition to a low carbon economy. I give some policy examples, but I also take a few pot shots at those in the Sustainability sector who resist innovation in our methods. We need to keep doing things better!The Net Zero Business Podcast is brought to you by Terra Infirma Ltd - Bringing Sustainability to Life"Is the electricity grid ready for Net Zero?" with Paul Glendinning, Northern Powergrid
40:51|With electrification emerging as the prime route to the decarbonisation of transport, space heating and many industrial processes, the gazillion dollar question is, can the electricity grid deliver sufficient zero carbon electricity to make this happen? To get some answers, this week on the Net Zero Business Podcast, I caught up with Paul Glendinning, Energy Systems Director of Northern Powergrid (NPG) – we discuss the following:The remarkable decarbonisation of the UK electricity grid to datePaul's prediction that NPG will hit Net Zero by 2028"What if the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow?"How market reform is unlocking clean energy projectsSmart grids, AI and vehicle to grid (V2G) technologyThe Net Zero Business Podcast is brought to you by Terra Infirma Ltd - bringing Sustainability to lifeThe Art of Sustainability Communications with Helen Neal
40:51|This week on the Net Zero Business Podcast, I'm joined by Helen Neal of HN Communications. We cover a huge number of topics including:Ethics in the PR IndustryThe importance of leadership commitmentBrandmapping to create a compelling Sustainability storyBuilding trust through sharing the positives and difficultiesFocussing on what you have done rather than what you plan to doGreen claims and the nuances of greenwashProgress > perfectionThe pros and cons of the BCorp schemeThe Net Zero Business Podcast is brought to you by Terra Infirma Ltd - Brining Sustainability to LifeUnpicking the Politics of Net Zero with Michael Liebreich
01:00:09|This week on the Net Zero Business Podcast, I talk politics with Michael Liebreich, one of the foremost commentators and advisors on the clean energy transition, a former Olympic skier and co-host of Cleaning Up, my second favourite podcast.Here's a selection of what we cover:How the UK Labour Government has fared on its commitment to green growth (we recorded before the Heathrow announcement)The imperative of driving down consumer electricity billsWhy Michael told the Conservative party to commit to Net Zero or dieTrump's petrostate vision, vs China's electrostateWhether hydrogen and CCS are distractionsDirty money in politics and the PR industryThe episode of Cleaning Up with Michael and Adair Turner can be found here.This podcast is brought to your by Terra Infirma Ltd - Bringing Sustainability to LifeDemand: the one word that will save the planet
06:14|This week I muse on the magic that demand brings to the economy: plummeting prices, rising quality and security of supply. Therefore it follows that to accelerate the creation of a sustainable economy, we must be focussing on ways of stimulating demand for renewable energy, electric vehicles and secondary materials to name but three. I talk about how individuals, organisations and policy makers can do their bit. The Net Zero Business Podcast is brought to you by Terra Infirma Ltd - Brining Sustainability to Life.Business Leadership & Sustainability: Head, Heart & Hands with Profs Julia Binder & Knut Haanaes
38:51|This week on the Net Zero Business Podcast, I'm joined by the two editors/lead authors on a new book 'Leading the Sustainable Business Transformation', Prof Julia Binder and Prof Knut Haanaes from IMD. We discuss the importance of 'head, heart and hands', dig into the importance and power of "future-back thinking" (aka backcasting) and explore the two Profs' favourite case studies.We also cover a wide range of Sustainability topics including the risks of the low carbon transformation (using the auto industry as a case in point), product-service systems, the circular economy and the importance of design. I thoroughly enjoyed delving into these issues with two such esteemed thinkers!The Net Zero Business Podcast is brought to you by Terra Infirma Ltd - Bringing Sustainability to LifeWhy Sustainability Will Survive Trump, welcoming the backlash and the Batman paradox - John Friedman
40:06|This week on the Net Zero Business Podcast, I'm joined by leading US Sustainability thinker, author and fractional CSO John Friedman. We cover a huge range of issues including the impending Trump administration, why we are getting a backlash and John's Batman analogy. We also cover why your employees should be your primary audience, what a fractional CSO is, and talk about John's book, Managing Sustainability: First Steps to First Class.This podcast is brought to you by Terra Infirma Ltd – Bringing Sustainability to LifeAdapt or die: why decarbonisation is no longer enough with Rupert Read
51:20|Climate adaptation is the Cinderella of climate action, but increasing extreme weather events make it all too clear that we not only have to mitigate climate change (through carbon reductions) but prepare for the impacts already baked into the system. Rupert Read, author of Transformative Adaptation and former Extinction Rebellion Spokesperson, joins me to talk about the need to go beyond "shallow, defensive" adaptation and 'green bling' to build true resilience into our global value chains, and how adaptation can be a pathway to decarbonisation rather than an either or. Rupert is a fascinating analyst of the climate debate who will challenge many of your assumptions.Rupert's book, Transformative Adaptation can be bought here.The Net Zero Business Podcast is brought to you by Terra Infirma Ltd – Bringing Sustainability to Life