The Minds in Motion Podcast
The Minds in Motion Podcast
Ep. 2
Finding ways to engage students in high school mathematics can be challenging. In this episode, Ms. Laura Jones, the Math Lead at South Oldham High School, discusses the work of Dr. Peter Liljedahl and his text Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics. Ms. Jones and her students describe what it is like to work in teams and implement the instructional strategies found in the Building Thinking Classrooms text.
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1. The Minds in Motion Podcast
06:19||Ep. 1Welcome to Ms. Dimercurio's 2nd Grade Classroom. On the first day of school, students lined up out outside their classroom and saw caution tape blocking the door. Students entered the classroom and learned that they would start the school year with a design challenge: work in teams to co-create our classroom learning environment. Ms. Dimercurio and her students discuss the design thinking process they used to tackle this challenge.