

The Mick Clifford Podcast


The fiftieth anniversary of the Dublin Monaghan bombings falls on 17 May. Thirty four people died in the four bombings in what was the worst tragedy in the state since the Civil War. Families were marked for life by the killings but beyond the human tragedy there was also a state scandal associated with the day. Over the years it has emerged that both the Irish and British governments of the day showed no interest in investigating the crime and bringing perpetrators to justice. Retired senior garda John O’Brien has written a book about the case, focusing on the political and policing elements in the aftermath and why there appeared to be a lack of willingness to find out who had bombed Dublin and Monaghan. John O’Brien is this week guest.

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  • RUNNING TO STAND STILL: Cathal Dennehy

    The recent successes of Irish athletes in the European championships have nicely teed up the forthcoming Olympics for most sports fans. Rashida Adeleke and Ciara Mageean among others have done the country proud. But is the success that they and others are enjoying a result of a the kind of well funded, structured system that exists in comparable countries, or is it in spite of the approach of the government that these athletes are showing their world class ability. Former athlete and sports journalist Cathal Dennehy has assembled strong evidence that it is the latter. He is this week’s guest on the podcast.

    Some had billed the Euro and local election the most important in a generation. Others said they all say that. One way of the other there were shocks, surprises and a few very interesting takeaways. Irish Examiner Political Editor Elaine Loughlin gives the run down on all that went on all it tells us about what to expect in the coming months.
  • HUNTED: Dan Lawton

    One of the most fascinating personal stories to emerge from the decades of violence in the North is that of Kevin Barry Artt. He was wrongly convicted of murder, on the word of a supergrass. He was part of a huge breakout from the Maze prison even though he wasn’t a member of the IRA. And he eventually became the focus of a concerted effort by the British government to extradite him from the USA to where he had fled. His story is now told by his onetime lawyer, Dan Lawton, who also moonlights as a writer. Dan is this week’s guest to talk about Hunted, The Kevin Barry Artt Story.
  • TO BRUSSELS WITH LOVE: Theresa Reidy

    With European elections coming over the horizon next week we got political scientist Dr Theresa Reidy to tell us just what exactly we will be voting for. She outlines the job of an MEP, who is the best kind of person to send and what we should know about and expect from what is our parliament. Theresa also runs the rule over the novel mayoral election in Limerick which could herald the beginning of a new way of doing governance in this state.  
  • EXAMINING THE EDITOR: Tom Fitzpatrick.

    This week’s guest on the podcast is Irish Examiner editor, Tom Fitzpatrick. Tom talks about the challenges in today’s media world, from attempting to provide a fact based and balanced newspaper, both in print and online, to protecting journalists who are often targeted by those intent of creating divisions and hatred. He gives an insight into the job of a modern day editor who has all the traditional duties of editing, driving and creating a newspaper while combining that with carving out an online niche that will ensure sustainability into the future. And he tells why despite the challenges and long hours, he still gets a buzz from being at the centre of telling the news.

    This week’s guest on the podcast is one of Ireland’s leading criminal law solicitors, Frank Buttimer. With over forty years in practice Frank Buttimer has represented clients in some of the most high profile trials over the decades. He also has some interesting insights in the type of crime that is coming before the courts these days, particularly in the area of sexually motivated crime.

    A new study into how teenage boys are drawn down rabbit holes online to content that is misogynistic and possibly have a traumatic impact on their development was published recently by DCU. The research shows that social media companies are now drawing teenagers towards influencers who are spreading all manner of negative material simply to make money. What can be done about it by regulators, parents and society in general? And what will the impact be for tomorrow’s adult males. Professor Debbie Ging from DCU’s anti bullying centre is this week’s guest.
  • HERO’S BROKEN WINGS: Roger Casement

    One of the most tragic figures from the revolutionary period was Roger Casement, global humanitarian, Irish rebel, hung as a traitor. A new biography Broken Archangel – The Tempestuous Lives of Roger Casement provides a fascinating account of this complex figure and the times he lived in. It also answers definitively the questions around whether his diaries, used to blacken his name ahead of his execution, were forged. The book’s author, Ronald Phillips is this week’s guest on the podcast.