
cover art for Ep 52: The Men Who Saved The West (Guests: Alexander Bard, Benedict Beckeld and Ralph Schöllhammer)


Ep 52: The Men Who Saved The West (Guests: Alexander Bard, Benedict Beckeld and Ralph Schöllhammer)

Since the collapse of Western centrism in the last decade, one thing is now very clear – the future is nationalist. The excesses of globalism and universalist thinking that deeply fractured The West has led to an upsurge of popularity for the concepts of 'national sovereignty' and ‘identity' that will dominate the 2020s and 30s.

But still, tectonic shifts have made the ground under our feet sway and there is no going back to the self-satisfied days of Western dominance. The very phrase “The West” is by now undermined and made suspect – militarily, morally and philosophically. Within its borders and without, Western civilisation is a term of slander and abuse.

This is a series of podcasts dedicated to those people who want to save The West, and who have the will and ideas to get it done. So: What is The West? Who are the men and ideas that will save it? Most crucially, what is to be “saved"?

The promise of The West has always been a combination of sovereignty, pluralism, justice and identity. In that vein, this series reacts against, and rejects, attempts to reformulate the centrist and globalist project as well as the nihilism of denying the need for a civilisation. From this vantage point, we ask: What is the role of identity and tradition? What are the limits to openness and pluralism in the world we are now shaping? And what replaces conservatism and liberalism within the scope of nationalism in the digital age?

We will strike at these concepts with a hammer and listen to what rings true. We invite you to follow us on a journey to discover this, our future. Will you be among the Men Who Saved The West?

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  • Ep 54: Regime Change for a Post-Liberal Future (Guest: Prof. Patrick J. Deneen)

    Patrick Deneen is a professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame. Professor Deneen rose to prominence with his 2018 book Why Liberalism Failed. It drew a readership from the entire spectrum of American politics; from Cornel West, Jacobin Magazine and President Obama to the likes of Jonah Goldberg and George Will. The book drew praise and criticism alike as well as throwing a wrench in the smooth workings of the left-right divide of American intellectual life. He is a noted student of American democracy and shares many perspectives with one of its most noted observers and commenters, Alexis de Tocqueville. He visits our podcast to talk about his latest book, Regime Change - Towards a Postliberal future.A conservative who rejects both the dogma of Republican Party “freemarket” corporatism as well as libertarian atomism he instead advances the argument for a common good conservatism. Being branded simultaneously dangerous radical and nefarious reactionary Professor Deneen traces the common good doctrine back to the very foundations of America and ties it to a wider European tradition. If our post-liberal future is to have a chance it is time to slaughter sacred cows and do battle against all both the current political regime and the nihilism of those who say that nothing can be done. 
  • Ep 53: Why Are Modern Cities So Ugly? (Guest: Michael Diamant)

    Why is modern architecture so ugly? Since at least 1950 the world has gotten immensely less attractive. Under the banner of poverty alleviating and social housing beauty in urban spaces became an outdated concept. Progress demanded that the bourgeoisie notion of function be discarded which is why your local library and Opera house now looks something designed by a wicked totalitarian regime totally obsessed with off putting shapes in steel and glass.Surprisingly not everyone thinks Modernist Architecture, the official name of the movement - think Stalinst but without the sense of grandeur, is great. Carl tends to agree. So we interviewed one of the leading lights of a popular rebellion against Modernism to ask if we are condemned to a future where architecture is still making us depressed. He was suitably optimistic but warned us that this view might be a sign of political extremism, and as he'd been told by his opponents in the architectural establishment, you guessed it, racism.Colour us surprised. We needed to know more.
  • Ep 51: Varför är svenska politiker så in i helvete dåliga? (Gäst: Jan Emanuel)

    Jan Emanuel ger gammelmedia långfingret och gästar Manifestpodden för det första längre samtalet efter lanseringen av Folklistan tillsammans med Sara Skyttedal. De populistiska vindarna i Folklistans segel är snålblåst från ett svenskt politiskt landskap i kaos. År av vanskötsel och naivitet gör att den enda frågan nu är vem som bäst kan anklaga den andre för att vara orsaken till allt som gått fel. Ändå fortsätter det politiska maskineriet att rulla till samma gamla visa och samma gamla ansikten. Sossar och Moderater. I en värld där de flesta andra glatt skulle stannat kvar på en strand i Marbella, Palma eller Gran Canaria väljer ändå Jan Emanuel att spotta i handen och ge sig in i politiken igen. Varför? I detta avsnitt av Manifestpodden berättar Jan Emanuel vad som gör svenska politiker så in i helvete dåliga.
  • Ep 50: The Farmers Are Revolting! (A Time-Honored European Tradition Returns!)

    The farmers are revolting. No, literary. Always have been. Since what they do always accompanies them with that certain smell.Europeans are quite used to see farmers revolting. It’s a part of our long and troublesome history. The French have always been revolting, driving their tractors up and down the Champs-Élysées, spraying fertilizer on government buildings and keeping the baguette prices high and thus their way of life. Liberals and socialists alike have scoffed at their antics, see them as quaint relics of the past where food came from cultivating the land and that sort of reactionary nonsense. Today, modern people know that’s not where food actually comes from. Real food is either grown in a vat or is traded for from a poor country. You know really poor, where people actually work with their hands. Who needs an agri-sector when you have fair trade marked goods, right?Something has gone very wrong though because it seems now non-Gallic farmers are revolting. First the Dutch, ever dependable calvinists, took to the streets and led a campaign that brought down the centre-right government. But now its serious. Germany, the most serious country in all of Europe, where there are actual banks and industry and such, has got a peasant revolt on its hands.It’s time to care about farmers again. Well, as it happens, Johan was born on a farm. And Carl likes to eat actual non-vat grown food. There seems to be actual stakes now. So what the hell is going on anyway?!
  • Ep 49: How to Survive the Demographic Collapse (Guests: Simone & Malcom Collins)

    I have been told, ever since I was young, that if the world is coming to an end it's going to end in fire. Too many people, too few resources and as all the charts tracking human progress point upwards we're going to either exhaust our planet, or nuke each other in the process. But lately both malthusian and liberal optimist narratives have come under fire from a quite unexpected corner. Elon Musk travels the globe talking about it and the people driving the movement seem to be coming as much from the San Francisco tech scene as from rural traditionalists. So timely in this time of the most celebrated nativity, we wanted to talk with two of the leading lights of the pro-natalist movement. If you're a city dweller you probably already knew that babies aren't being born at replacement rates. But Simone and Malcolm Collins are making it their lives work to make the points just how catastrophic the numbers really are. So we invite you to an end of the year discussion about babies, religion found and lost. About new Gods and Old. Merry Christmas. 
  • Ep 48: The Taboos Of Our Era: Demography and Race (Guest: Eric Kaufmann)

    As the fossilized shell of the old consensus of values in Western democracies falls apart and slides into the ocean, it's time to get some priorities straight.“It's Not The Economy, Stupid” If there is a story to be told about the last thirty years, and the story that will be told about the coming thirty years that is not one of economics, then it is about social, cultural and spiritual decline fuelled by, yes, demographics. The End of the Boomer era has left most Western countries struggling for their soul because the post-war system was built and managed by the people, values and - yes money, that will soon be gone. Ours is a time when society functions less and less on liberal merit and more and more on tribe and race. One of the best chroniclers of this development is our guest this episode – Eric Kaufmann – whose book White Shift, and upcoming book about the taboo of race, is a great guide to this new world. We ask him about what can be salvaged from the ruins of the old order.
  • Ep 47: Covenantal Politics and Blue Labour (Guest: Lord Maurice Glasman)

    The notion of Conservative Socialism or Blue Labour would to many people seem bizarrely paradoxical. It ought to. The British Labour party has in the 83 years since George Orwell made his case for a distinctly patriotic and English version of socialism and socialist in The Lion and the Unicorn has been the party of large scale nationalization and militant leftism. Until it capitulated to the Thatcherite view of the world during the End of History and has since oscillated between its old tendencies and a sort of liberal centrism well in tune with the times and of course, the City.Too intune, too fashionable and too destructive - too European, as some would have it. The man who symbolizes that some more than anyone else is a, of all people, Labour peer in the House of Lords. Lord Maurice Glasman is a radical and a reactionary (he would surely prefer another word) all at once, advocating for a populist, conservative but most strikingly pre-French Revolution notion of politics. Arguing the country and its politics has lost itself we embark on a conversation that echoes Eric Arthur Blair's wartime cri de coeur and is sure to get everyone on the spectrum angry, frustrated - but above all, thinking.As the twenties thunder head on into the next series of crises, it’s precisely the kind of conversation we want to have.Because we too, “Fucking hate the French revolution” and the clichés of right-left politics we still wrestle with every day.
  • Ep 46: The Problem of Intelligence- IQ and Its Detractors (Guest: Nathan Cofnas)

    Nathan Cofnas is a heretic. It's not a title nor a career path he has chosen, rather, he has had the bad taste of delving into the wrong subject at the wrong time. Because in a world where social sciences and polite society has decided that humankind is essentially fully moldable beings, constructed as the post-moderns would have it - to study the subject of IQ is not only a poor choice, but a dangerous one at that. Delving even further into the dark arts, Cofnas field of study is that of race and intelligence.Here be dragons. What does his research really show? What should we do with that information?This and more in our latest episode.