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The LeDrew Three Minute Interview

Will Justin Trudeau Follow in His Father's Footsteps, Just Like In 1980... and Win?

Pierre Trudeau was not a beloved politician for much of his time in office - Are we beginning to see Justin Trudeau following in his father’s footsteps? Could the unthinkable turn into reality ? Could Justin Trudeau find a way to beat Pierre Poilievre? Marc Kealey is a bigshot Liberal - he joins Stephen LeDrew to discuss how this might play out for Three Minutes.

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  • Thanks To Justin Trudeau, Netflix Is About To Get More Expensive!

    It’s amazing that the Trudeau Liberals haven’t run out of ways to tax Canadians! The latest scheme out of Ottawa involves forcing the big streaming companies to pay a tax that will go to help prop up the failing legacy media. (I would like to note - that this channel takes NO money from Ottawa). Inevitably these companies will pass this cost down to YOU the consumer. Jay Goldberg is with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation - he joins Stephen LeDrew to discuss this madness for Three Minutes.
  • Bill C-59 Is Another Authoritarian Bill From Justin Trudeau

    In another attempt to control how Canadians think and act the Trudeau regime has passed a law that is going to make it illegal to question the environmental record of an entity. It’s beginning to look more like we need to ask ourselves whether Freedom of Speech will survive much more of this Liberal-NDP regime. Ginny Roth is a partner with Crestview Strategy and she joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes.
  • Will The Oil And Gas Industry Survive Trudeau's Attempts To Kill It ?

    Justin Trudeau has made no secret of his disdain for western Canada and the oil and gas industry. While the world is trying to move away from fossil fuels this is not something that is going to happen any time in the near future. Bryan Gould is the CEO of Aspenleaf Energy Limited, a Canadian Oil Company - he joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes to discuss the future of this industry.
  • Has Justin Trudeau Changed Canadian Society For The Worse?

    In today’s Canada we are witnessing public calls to kill Jews - and this vile hatred is largely going unchecked. Have woke ideologies caused irreparable damage to Canada? Has Canada become spinelessly too tolerant? Trudeau has stated that he wants a Post Nationalistic society. John Capobianco is a thoughtful Conservative - we check in with him for Three Minutes on what he thinks about this dramatic change in Canadian society.
  • New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs Stands By His Choice Of Parents Over Bureaucrats

    Last year New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs was the center of controversy when he introduced legislation that ensured parents were informed of whether their children wanted to change their names and pronouns at school. Trudeau Ministers accused him of being anti-trans, and putting children’s lives at risk! On the other side of the argument many say that parents should be the ones in charge of their children. Today Premier Higgs joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes to discuss.
  • Just like Trudeau’s Carbon Tax - The United Nations Is Making Green Policies That Will Ruin Canada!

    The much maligned Carbon Tax in Canada is front of mind for many people struggling to make ends meet. Now - we have the United Nations with the brilliant idea of limiting the amount of plastic we can use. Take a moment to look around - we NEED plastic as it is a part of our day- to- day lives - whether you are watching this video on your phone, a computer, or a television - Plastic! Catherine Swift is the President of the Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada, and has a definite opinion about this- she joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes.
  • Why Do Canadians Allow Governments At All Level To Fail Them?

    Roads, Bridges, Signs, Subways, Canals, Pipelines … The list could go on and on - another Government project - more delays, and more cost overruns. People are being let out of jail without trial - because there are no judges to hear their case. Are we being ground down by poor government and incompetent bureaucrats (FYI - Trudeau has hired another 100,000 bureaucrats). Brian Lilley knows a thing or two about bad government - and he joins Stephen LeDrew to discuss this for Three Minutes.
  • Why Do We Allow Politicians To Act Like Children Instead Of Doing Their Jobs?

    Petty divisive politics is the name of the game at all levels of government. In Ottawa, people are so busy pointing fingers at each other, calling each other names, and accusing each other of lying - no one is coming up with any solutions to the problems in our society. John Capobianco is a Bigshot Conservative and he joins Stephen LeDrew to discuss this for Three Minutes.
  • LeDrew Rant - Just When Trudeau's Fantasies Couldn't Get More Silly ... Here Comes His Dental Plan!

    Trudeau boasts that he has delivered all sorts of great programs since his election, and his Day Care was a big one. We know how that has turned out - just talk to any parent. The latest one is his dental plan - The Federal Government is going to take care of you ! It is paying Sun Life Assurance to send an exclusive “Member Card”, with your “ID Number” to certain Canadians. Like all of Justin’s hollow promises, it is an abject failure! It turns out Trudeau did not consult with any dentists before imposing his utopia.