
cover art for LeDrew Rant - Why Do Canadians Tolerate Mediocre and Incompetent Government?

The LeDrew Three Minute Interview

LeDrew Rant - Why Do Canadians Tolerate Mediocre and Incompetent Government?

Everywhere you turn there are examples of Government incompetence at all levels. And it is not just in matters of Defence, Foreign Affairs, fighting pollution – it’s no secret that governments can’t handle even the most basic of projects, like bridges in Vancouver - and Montreal - and Windsor! But even the small projects are mishandled - how about passports and the ArriveCan App. Is it time to unelect useless politicians and elect people who can get stuff done?

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  • Just like Trudeau’s Carbon Tax - The United Nations Is Making Green Policies That Will Ruin Canada!

    The much maligned Carbon Tax in Canada is front of mind for many people struggling to make ends meet. Now - we have the United Nations with the brilliant idea of limiting the amount of plastic we can use. Take a moment to look around - we NEED plastic as it is a part of our day- to- day lives - whether you are watching this video on your phone, a computer, or a television - Plastic! Catherine Swift is the President of the Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada, and has a definite opinion about this- she joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes.
  • Why Do Canadians Allow Governments At All Level To Fail Them?

    Roads, Bridges, Signs, Subways, Canals, Pipelines … The list could go on and on - another Government project - more delays, and more cost overruns. People are being let out of jail without trial - because there are no judges to hear their case. Are we being ground down by poor government and incompetent bureaucrats (FYI - Trudeau has hired another 100,000 bureaucrats). Brian Lilley knows a thing or two about bad government - and he joins Stephen LeDrew to discuss this for Three Minutes.
  • Why Do We Allow Politicians To Act Like Children Instead Of Doing Their Jobs?

    Petty divisive politics is the name of the game at all levels of government. In Ottawa, people are so busy pointing fingers at each other, calling each other names, and accusing each other of lying - no one is coming up with any solutions to the problems in our society. John Capobianco is a Bigshot Conservative and he joins Stephen LeDrew to discuss this for Three Minutes.
  • LeDrew Rant - Just When Trudeau's Fantasies Couldn't Get More Silly ... Here Comes His Dental Plan!

    Trudeau boasts that he has delivered all sorts of great programs since his election, and his Day Care was a big one. We know how that has turned out - just talk to any parent. The latest one is his dental plan - The Federal Government is going to take care of you ! It is paying Sun Life Assurance to send an exclusive “Member Card”, with your “ID Number” to certain Canadians. Like all of Justin’s hollow promises, it is an abject failure! It turns out Trudeau did not consult with any dentists before imposing his utopia.
  • The Trudeau Liberals Are Trying To Mess With The Election Date To Pocket More Taxpayer Cash!

    The Trudeau Liberals are trying to move the last possible date of the next Election in 2025 by pushing it a week. Coincidentally - many Liberal MPs (who will undoubtedly lose their seats next election…) need that extra week to qualify for their cushy MP pensions. Jay Goldberg is with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation - he joins Stephen LeDrew to explain what the hell is going on here.
  • Did The Liberal/NDP Government Just Give Canadian Unions Even More Power?

    Once the Trudeau-appointed Senators approve a Bill unanimously passed in the House of Commons, replacement workers for Federally- regulated industries will be illegal. If the House of Commons is united what could be wrong with this bill? Catherine Swift is the President of the Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada - she joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes to explain how this is not helping those who really need help.
  • Is Trudeau's Free-For-All Immigration Making Canada Unsafe for Everyone?

    The Trudeau Government has opened the floodgates to immigration-with new rules-immigration from parts of the world that breed extremist views, and anti-west sentiments. There are so many immigrants entering the nation that it is not possible to properly screen and vet these people before they set foot in Canada. That is according to Immigration Lawyer Sergio Karas - he joins Stephen LeDrew to discuss this issue for Three Minutes.
  • Is Working From Home Ending Career Advancement?

    With the Covid-19 pandemic firmly in the rear view mirror, workers are being summoned back to abandoned offices. However, many, especially Federal civil servants,are refusing! Many workplaces are currently expecting workers to be in the office two days a week - and employees are throwing temper tantrums over being asked to head to the office for even a third day! John Tory is a former mayor of Toronto - and a successful businessman and executive - he joins Stephen LeDrew to impart some wisdom of the value of in-person work for Three Minutes.
  • Who Will Succeed Justin Trudeau in Leading The Hapless Liberal Party?

    Our corrupt Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made it clear that he is not going anywhere until he is dragged out of office. Meanwhile, more rational Liberals are already looking at who will be the next leader of the Party. Some have suggested Mark Carney - But recently Michael Ignatieff has been back in the headlines. He recently won Spain’s Princess of Asturias Award for Social Sciences… But is this a reminder of elections past when the Liberal Party was led by academics? Do the Liberals have anyone waiting in the wings to succeed Trudeau? Brian Lilley is a columnist with the Toronto Sun - he joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes.