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The LeDrew Three Minute Interview

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  • Will Jagmeet Singh Save The NDP By Ripping Up His Deal With The Trudeau Liberals

    There have been many questions about Jagmeet Singh and the future of the NDP after he ripped up his deal with the corrupt Trudeau Liberal government. Have the NDP been tainted by their longtime propping up of the Liberal regime - or did Singh rip up the deal in time to save them from oblivion in the next election? Michael Diamond is a political strategist with Upstream Strategy Group and he joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes.

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  • LeDrew Rant - Trudeau Lost The By-Elections... Will He Finally Go Away?

    Justin Trudeau lost two by-elections this week. Does this mean he will finally go away? According to what he said to reporters - he’s going to “continue the work he’s doing”. How does he not understand that Canadians are telling him with their votes that they are fed up with his woke agenda? Mr Prime Minister - Canadians are ready for an election!
  • Justin Trudeau Is Calling On A Former Bank Of Canada Governor To Save Our Economy

    The Canadian economy has been struggling this summer - so Justin Trudeau has called Mark Carney, former bank of Canada Governor to save the day. Is this a good idea? Or another strange pie in the sky idea from an incompetent government. Catherine Swift is the President of the Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada - she joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes to discuss this.
  • Are The Trudeau Liberals About To Welcome 5000 Terrorists To Canada?

    The Trudeau Liberals have once again set an arbitrary immigration target to welcome 5000 Gazans into Canada. Is this a hasty decision in yet another attempt to buy votes? And will these votes come at the expense of Canadian lives? The lines between Gazans and Hamas have been blurred - and this is even more apparent since the current conflict in Israel. Is it prudent to welcome 5000 people and their families - most of whom have been taught since birth to hate and hunt Jews? Sabrina Maddeaux is a political commentator and she joins Stephen LeDrew to unpack this for Three Minutes.
  • The CBC Hides The News They Don’t Want You To See In The Dog Days Of Summer

    Less than 3% of Canadians watch the losing CBC - so naturally they handed out big bonuses to their wonderful executives. Furthermore - they buried this news story on a Friday towards the end of summer. Why do we continue to give big bonuses to incompetent management? Jay Goldberg of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, thankfully, has been paying attention to this - he joins Stephen LeDrew for Three Minutes.
  • Be It Resolved - The Liberal Party is Dead

    We recently hosted a debate at the National Club to discuss the resolution - The Liberal Party Is Dead. Dan McTeague is a former longtime Liberal MP - and he believes that the Liberal Party is Dead. Stephen sits down with him for Three Minutes to discuss - when and how the Liberal Party died. Also - You can watch the full debate from this channel here.
  • How Would You Like Ottawa Bureaucrats Telling You How To Live?

    (As though they don’t already!).The Indian Act has been a thorn in the side of Indians for over a hundred years. Bureaucrats in Ottawa have the ability to tell Indians what they can and cannot do ….Right down to how many cigarettes can be sold in their stores! This is not the rule of law. Should it be abolished? Karen Restoule is a Vice-President with Crestview Strategies, and is an Ojibwe Indian from Dokis First Nation - she joins Stephen LeDrew to discuss this for Three Minutes.