
cover art for Chris Hoy

The Horne Section Podcast

Chris Hoy

Season 2, Ep. 14

Welcome to another episode of The Horne Section Podcast, your biweekly dose of musical nonsense and anarchic chat with Alex Horne and his band! This week we're joined in the studio by a Scottish racing driver and former track cyclist who represented Great Britain at the Olympics and World Championships and Scotland at the Commonwealth Game, Sir Chris Hoy, MBE.

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  • 2. Luton Airport

    31:09||Season 9, Ep. 2
    The Horne Section is back on tour, and so is their Podcast! In this episode the whole band play a liquid-based game, two members reveal their homework set by Alex and Willip has made a new potential theme tune. For the best possible listening experience, simply ask to borrow someone else's earbud on the street, and hopefully this is what they're listening to. And yes, that’s a big hopefully.The Horne Section’s Hit Show Tour dates can be found at
  • 1. Boing Boing Boing

    28:49||Season 9, Ep. 1
    The Horne Section is back on tour, and so is their Podcast! In this episode, there’s a moderately successful new game, two pretty good jokes, a tribute to the Doors and the first ever episode of their original and sweaty drama, Sticky Streets. For the best possible listening experience, listen out loud on the tube while holding a balloon.The Horne Section’s Hit Show Tour dates can be found at
  • 6. Steve...

    33:34||Season 8, Ep. 6
    The Horne Section is off on tour this year, and to mark the momentous move, Alex and his band are releasing another Podcast series! This is the last episode for now, but what a last episode it is! Ben’s Beat Me To The Punchline is back, Alex and the band try and see how far into songs they can sing together, and there's also an instructional tune about what to wear on your feet when drinking. For the best listening experience, relax, have a bath, chill out, put some music on as well, watch a film, enjoy a meal with your mates, go to the cinema etc.The Horne Section’s Hit Show Tour dates can be found at
  • 5. The Piggy Episode

    30:42||Season 8, Ep. 5
    The Horne Section is off on tour this year, and to celebrate, Alex and his band are releasing this super-serious podcast series. We’re now on episode four and this piggy special features piggy themed songs, a piggy movie quote, non-piggy games and another piggy thing. For the best possible listening experience, please listen to this episode in full on slop mode.The Horne Section’s Hit Show Tour dates can be found at
  • 4. Put Your Trousers In The Wash

    39:37||Season 8, Ep. 4
    The Horne Section is off on tour this year, and to celebrate, Alex and his band are releasing another Podcast series! We’re in episode 4 already and this episode features a bad game about boy bands, a good song about fruit and veg and a pianist trying to remember a song from roughly 3 years ago. For the best possible listening experience, please listen to this episode while sat on someone's lap (and ideally that person is listening to a different podcast).The Horne Section’s Hit Show Tour dates can be found at
  • 3. Lil Pat

    33:07||Season 8, Ep. 3
    The Horne Section have just won their fourth grammy, and to celebrate, Alex and his band are releasing another Podcast series! This is the third episode and features eggs, sausages and a joke. For the best possible listening experience, please listen to this episode in public. The Horne Section’s Hit Show Tour dates can be found at
  • 2. Great Play

    30:52||Season 8, Ep. 2
    The Horne Section are really great fun, and to celebrate, Alex and his band are releasing another Podcast series! This is the second episode and features a prize, a play and a song about television programming. For the best possible listening experience, please listen to this episode in a lift or something else that goes up and down a bit. The Horne Section’s Hit Show Tour dates can be found at
  • 1. Virgo Mary

    31:23||Season 8, Ep. 1
    The Horne Section is off on tour this year, and to celebrate, Alex and his band are releasing another Podcast series! This is the first episode and features a game, a sad song and a dairy related banger. For the best possible listening experience, please listen to this episode on a nice big boat. The Horne Section’s Hit Show Tour dates can be found at
  • The Horne Section Podcast Returns!

    00:33||Season 8, Ep. 0
    The Horne Section is off on tour this year, and to celebrate, Alex and his band are releasing another Podcast series! The Horne Section’s Hit Show Tour dates can be found at www.thehornesection.comThe podcast returns on February 14th 2024.