The Home Helper Show

  • 9. Building Your Blueprint for Homeownership

    Join host Michael Unis on The Home Helper Show as he helps you lay the foundation for your journey towards homeownership. Gain valuable insights and practical advice on setting achievable goals and overcoming obstacles along the way. Get ready to craft your personalized roadmap to owning your own home!
  • 8. A Cure for What Ails You

    Owning a piece of America is still possible. This episode and several others I have planned provide invaluable insights into overcoming the fear and doubt of getting into homeownership. We’ll demystify the costs involved and the essential requirements needed to embark on your home-buying journey without fear. Whether you're a first-time buyer or looking to upgrade, tune in to discover everything you need to know to make informed decisions and move forward towards your dream home with confidence.
  • 7. 5 Tips Buyers Should Know

    Tune in this week on TheHomeHelperShow as we discuss invaluable insights on the 5 tips every homebuyer should know. From navigating the market to securing your dream home, this episode is packed with essential advice to guide you through your buying journey. Tune in now and make your next move in Maryland real estate with confidence!
  • 6. What Do Pending or Contingent Really Mean?

    You are browsing on Zillow, Realtor, or another home search App of your choice. The word "Pending" or "Contingent" is next to your home of interest. And, you wonder, what does this really mean?
  • 5. Pre-Qualification vs. Pre-Approval

    Pre-qualification and pre-approval are terms we use almost every day. Lender Commitment can be confused with pre-approval as well. But, each is distinctly different. Here’s a summary explanation of how each of these terms differs from one another that might be helpful when these terms come up in conversation with your Realtor or Mortgage Lender.
  • 4. 3 Ways to Impress Homebuyers

    Looking to sell your home in the next few weeks or months? Here are three ways to impress homebuyers and sell your home for the most in the least amount of time.
  • 3. The Selling Pathway System

    The Selling Pathway System provides a proven and time-tested approach to selling your home. The three-step process ensures the greatest number of ‘willing and able buyers’ are present for the sale of your home. This increases the opportunity for multiple offers and ultimately ensures you receive the most money for your home in the shortest amount of time.
  • 2. The Purchasing Pathway System

    Here is a look at the 10-step Purchasing Pathway System I use in my business. Whether we are working together or listening to this 1000 miles away, I hope that you gain value from what I'm about to share with you and apply it to your own real estate purchase.Download The Purchasing Pathway SystemBlog Post: Pre-Qualification vs. Pre-Approval
  • 1. Introducing The Home Helper Show

    Welcome to The Home Helper Show. It's a conversation about people, places, and everything in between. In this episode, we cover:How the show got its name.What to expect from future episodesSomething special to add a little extra value to your dayLink to The Home Helper Video