
cover art for The helpful podcast for families with disabled children

The helpful podcast for families with disabled children

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  • Seven reasons to claim Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

    Updated March 2024Our parent adviser Derek explains why claiming Disability Living Allowance can be a gateway onto more financial help.
  • A conversation with Ramou from Peterborough Family Voice

    Contact Associate Laura talks to Ramou from Peterborough Family Voice parent carer forum about reaching the work they do reaching out to different communities in the area.
  • Moving onto Universal Credit

    This podcast episode looks at the different ways that someone might move onto Universal Credit.Transcript:
  • What should you do if you receive a Universal Credit managed migration notice?

    This episode is about what you should do if you receive a managed migration notice from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) telling you that your existing legacy benefits are ending and you need to claim Universal Credit.Transcript:
  • Tube feeding with Fledglings

    Our Fledglings shop sells clothing, products and equipment to help children and adults with all kinds of disability, condition or area of difficulty. And our new tube feeding range of clothes is no different.In this episode, Contact's Head of Commerce Lisa talks to our Wales Information and Networking Coordinator, Mandy, about products to help your child.You can also watch this conversation on our YouTube channel:
  • What is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Arabic translation

    الفيروس التنفسي المخلوي هو المسبب الأكثر شيوعا للسعال و نزلات البرد. معظم الأطفال يصابون بالفيروس قبل بلوغهم العامين. قد يسبب الفيروس المخلوي التنفسي السعال و الزكام للبالغين والأطفال الأكبر سنًا، أما للأطفال الصغارفهو المسبب الرئيسي للإلتهاب الحاد للرئة المسمى بالقصيبات بل إنه السبب الأكثر شيوعا للقصيبات عند الأطفال والرضع الأقل من سنتين في هذه الحلقة، سنوضح كيفية التعرف على علامات الفيروس التنفسي المخلوي ، و الطرق الممكنة للتخفيف عنهم.،بمافي ذالك  اللجوءإلى الطبيب أو الإتصال بخدمات الطوارئ