The Guided Journey

Welcome to "The Guided Journey", a podcast all about Islam. This podcast is recorded and produced by @Jedi.Limz on Tiktok. Our podcast takes you on a guided journey to help you find and build a connection with Allah (SWT). We use the ultimate guidance found in both the Qur'an and Hadith to find the path of spiritual growth and success. Join us as we explore the teachings of Islam, discuss practical tips for living and fulfilling a true Muslim lifestyle, and share inspiring stories of prophetic traditions. As you're probably catching on, the title: "The Guided Journey" represents the idea that as Muslims, we are all on a journey to seek guidance and become closer to Allah (SWT). We're all on our redemption arc. So, join me on this journey of discovery, growth, and transformation. May Allah SWT bless us in this endeavor, Allahumma Ameen.