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The Good Information Podcast

The Irish Language

Season 1, Ep. 12

Though there are very few Irish people who speak the Irish language daily, there is widespread enthusiasm for better integrating our native tongue into everyday life. 

From live events to independent polling to original reporting, The Good Information Project's coverage of the Irish language painted a very hopeful picture of what the future of An Ghaeilge could look like. 

However, getting the Irish language to thrive - rather than merely survive - is a challenge we must rise to meet.

There is great demand for more outlets that would allow everybody to engage with the language at their own pace, and for more housing to be made available to reinvigorate Gaeltacht areas. 

In this episode of The Good Information Podcast, we reflect on the lessons learned from shining a spotlight on Gaeltacht issues and attitudes towards the Irish language, and look at what more can be done to help grow the language.

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  • 1. A Shared Island?

    17:33||Season 1, Ep. 1
    The first episode of The Good Information Podcast, "A Shared Island?" explores the question of a United Ireland.Throughout the tensions of Brexit, debates over the Northern Ireland Protocol and another fiercely-contested Assembly election, the idea of a United Ireland has come into sharper focus.Presented by Journal Media managing editor Susan Daly, The Good Information Podcast also features contributions from reporters, experts, independent polling company Ireland Thinks, and from you, our readers.The Good information Podcast is the quickest way to engage with our in-depth reporting on the most pressing matters facing Ireland and the EU.
  • 2. New Working Week

    16:05||Season 1, Ep. 2
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  • 3. China, The EU and You

    15:17||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Episode #3 of The Good Information Podcast looks at the evolving relationship between Ireland, the EU and China. The economic juggernaut now has many trade and investment relationships with Ireland, which are only expected to deepen as China's global influence continues to grow.What is Ireland getting out of the deal? Can we exercise any influence over China's human rights decisions? And do Irish people trust the Chinese government? Answers to the these questions and more are explored in this episode. Presented by Journal Media managing editor Susan Daly, The Good Information Podcast also features contributions from reporters, experts, independent polling company Ireland Thinks, and from you, our readers.The Good information Podcast is the quickest way to engage with our in-depth reporting on the most pressing matters facing Ireland and the EU.
  • 4. Ireland's Housing Crisis: is there any end in sight?

    19:38||Season 1, Ep. 4
    The Good Information Project's work on the housing crisis exposed a deep misalignment between the government's Affordable Housing Scheme and what the Irish public can actually afford to pay for housing.As available rental properties tumble, house prices continue their seemingly unstoppable rise, and short-term lets dominate the market, we ask the question: is there any end in sight?Episode #4 of The Good Information Podcast looks at the underlying causes of the housing crisis, whether anything is truly being done to fix it, and where we can go from here. To catch up with the rest of our coverage on this issue, follow this link:
  • 5. Public Transport

    19:07||Season 1, Ep. 5
    The quality and accessibility of public transport in Ireland can vary widely not just from county to county, but from town to town. This episode looks at what can we do to create a public transport infrastructure that is efficient, sustainable and proximal. Reporter Lauren Boland talks host Susan Daly through some of the big ideas that could utilise public transport to reduce emissions and improve quality of life for those who currently have no access to it, and explains how ambition and investment is key to achieving a better future for transport in Ireland.You can catch up on The Good Information Project's reporting on public transport here:
  • 6. The Space Race: are we in it?

    14:53||Season 1, Ep. 6
    You might not think that Ireland is involved in the space race, but through our participation in the European Space Association, we have more skin in the game than you might think.Not only that, but many private companies and university research teams are involved in the broader efforts of space exploration. This episode of The Good Information Podcast looks at Ireland's unlikely involvement in the global space race, as well as the Irish public's hesitant attitude towards space travel.Climate change, new discoveries and billionaire space jaunts have reenergised talk of exploring the celestial frontiers, but where are Ireland and the EU in all of this? Host Susan Daly speaks to The Journal contributor CJ McKinney about the facts and figures underpinning Ireland's place in the galaxy at large.To catch up with all of The Good Information Project's coverage on space travel, click here:
  • Migration

    The war in Ukraine has had a transformative impact on migration in Ireland and the European Union, the second wave of refugees in as many years following the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The EU's approach to migration is one of the most contentious issues facing its member states, with differing attitudes towards accepting refugees and asylum seekers a core cleavage between the different wings of the European Parliament.In this episode of The Good Information Project, host Susan Daly hears from Gráinne Ní Aodha on Ireland's role within the EU's approach towards taking in refugees, and whether the current policy "works for the EU, but not for migrants." We also look at the results of an Ireland Thinks poll to establish how the Irish public feels about the EU's approach to migration.To catch up on The Good Information Project's reporting on migration, click here:
  • Climate Crisis

    In the global fight against climate change, Ireland might see itself as just a minor player, but we have set out our ambitions: halve carbon emissions by 2030, and reach "net zero" by 2050.Are we on course to achieve those aims? Are those aims even ambitious enough? Episode 6 of The Good Information Podcast looks at whether Ireland is pulling enough of its weight when it comes to addressing the climate crisis.The Journal reporter Orla Dwyer was on the ground at COP26, and co-authors the monthly Temperature Check newsletter, keeping subscribers up to date on all the latest developments in Ireland's climate policy, and the outlook more globally. In this episode, Orla joins Susan to discuss whether any progress was made at last year's conference, why climate activists were disappointed with the outcome, and what it means for Ireland.To read all of The Good Information Project's reporting on the climate crisis, click here:
  • 9. Brexit

    14:51||Season 1, Ep. 9
    As the United Kingdom's political landscape endures scandal after scandal, Brexit continues to loom menacingly in the background. Already, the UK's decision to leave the EU has changed its relationship with Ireland, and put pressure on cross-border relations. Six years since the fateful referendum, what's currently happened with Brexit? How have the diplomatic relationships between Ireland and the United Kingdom changed. Is there any prospect of a return to normality, or are we stuck watching a game of political football, with landmark peace agreements like The Good Friday Agreement used as little more than bargaining chips?This episode of The Good Information Podcast looks at the effect Brexit has had and continues to have on the dynamic between Ireland, the EU and the UK, and what we can expect to happen next.