
cover art for DIVORCE AND MONEY

The Good Divorce with Kate Brown


Season 1, Ep. 6

Divorce and separation can be costly. Working out how to split your money, property and possessions is one of the hardest parts of ending a marriage and the sad fact is that your finances are likely to take a knock, at least for a while.

Women tend to bear the brunt, becoming significantly poorer after divorce. Figures show that their household income will fall by twice as much as men, which is all the more reason to seek financial advice and make a solid plan for the future.

Naomi Haynes is a Financial Planner with 20 years’ experience, who helps people navigate the daunting challenges of divorce and separation. One of her goals is to give women more confidence in managing their money, so that they can have control of their financial future.

Naomi Haynes Financial Planning

Associate Partner Practice of St James’s Place Wealth Management


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    19:20||Season 1, Ep. 7
    Divorce and separation is harder on men than women in the months immediately after a split. Women tend to find it easier to cope, possibly because they are more comfortable opening up to their friends and family and often have larger social circles.It’s not unusual for men to bottle up their loss and regret, which has a detrimental impact on their physical and mental health. They can find it hard to move on with their lives and some turn to self-destructive behaviour patterns.Paul Huntingford is an Integrative Therapist on relationship issues and understands the emotional turmoil that can often affect men following a painful divorce.He has set up an online Men’s Group to address the issues and give men a place to share their feelings.Paul Huntingford Therapywww.paulhuntingfordtherapy.comemail:
  • 5. THE DIVORCE LAWYER: Ayesha Vardag

    38:01||Season 1, Ep. 5
    Where do the global ultra-wealthy go to settle their divorces? They beat a path to the door of Ayesha Vardag, one of the UK’s most high-profile divorce lawyers. Her success in winning multi-million pound settlements for her elite clientele has given her an international reputation.Twice married, once divorced, with three children, two step children, and many mouths to feed at her London-based firm Vardags, Ayesha runs a tight ship professionally and personally. She exudes an elegant unflappability and a supreme legal intellect.The so-called ‘Diva of Divorce’ has risen to become a star of her profession, bringing about ground-breaking changes to the law on Prenups in the process. Here, Ayesha explains what motivates her and how she has succeeded in reaching the top of her game.Ayesha Vardag is Founder and President of Vardags

    18:43||Season 1, Ep. 4
    A divorce coach supports you through the first weeks and months after separation, helping you get unstuck and let go of destructive thoughts, to discover a new future for yourself. Sarah Woodward, The Divorce Coach for Women (and sometimes men too), explains the step-by-step strategies that can help you gain clarity on what you want your life to look life after divorce, and how to get there. Sarah has also experienced divorce first-hand and is living proof that you can move on and create a great life for yourself.Sarah Woodward can be contacted atsarah@sarah-woodward.comwww.sarah-woodward.comContact Kate Brown:Bridge Family Mediation 07930

    22:35||Season 1, Ep. 3
    It’s a natural reaction when going through a divorce to try and cling on to as many of the marital possessions as possible and fight to keep the family home. For women in particular - but also for men too - not having to move house represents stability for them and their children and makes them feel they haven’t lost everything. But according to Suzanne Roynon, a leading Interiors Therapist, getting to keep the home and the ‘stuff’ doesn’t help you move on and can keep you tied negatively to your ex and the failed relationship. For three decades, Suzanne has been working with clients, who are finding it hard to build a new life after a divorce, and shows you how to declutter your lives and create positive spaces, to bring about the exciting future you are seeking.  Suzanne Roynon is the Author of Welcome Home: How Stuff Makes or Breaks Your Relationship @PanomaPressShe can be contacted at, 

    25:31||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Splitting up can be bitter and costly, involving court hearings and huge stress. But there is another way, where a separating couple comes together and, with the help of a mediator, works through the issues reasonably and fairly, in a spirit of co-operation. Mediation is fast becoming the preferred way of resolving finances and child arrangements but is still not widely known about. Here, Nicola Crowther, the Director of Crowther Mediation and a former lawyer, explains how mediation is a key to having a Good Divorce.Nicola Crowther can be contacted 0330 390 Kate Brown:Bridge Family Mediation 07930

    19:45||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Children take a lot of the pain when their parents split up. No matter what age they are, being caught in the crossfire of a parental break-up can be deeply troubling, and children often suffer lasting emotional distress as a result. Here Yvonne Smyth, a Conscious Parent Coach and single mum to two boys, discusses the importance of putting the children first, and offers advice on how to tell the kids their parents are separating.Yvonne Smyth can be found on Instagram @thisparentingadventure, where you can get in touch with her to book a session.Contact Kate Brown:Bridge Family Mediation 07930
  • The Good Divorce with Kate Brown - The Trailer

    I’m Kate Brown.I’m a Divorce & Separation Mediator. I’ve also been divorced, have three children of my own and two stepkids. No doubt about it, divorce is messy and painful all round… But it doesn’t have to be a never-ending nightmare. There is a way through it and there are steps you can take to help yourself and your family make peace with your new circumstances.In this podcast, I want to share my personal experience and draw on the insights of some amazing guests, who have loads to say on the subject professionally and personally, and by doing so, help you have the best break up possible.Contact Kate Brown:Bridge Family Mediation 07930