The Flying Dutchman

David ‘Dickie’ Groenteman is one of Australia’s oldest living survivors of Auschwitz. Born in 1923 in Amsterdam, this is the first time Dickie has shared every intimate, unfathomable and inspiring chapter of his life story. It's the tale of a boy from Holland who survived death row and the death camps to become a hockey legend. On the ice Dickie was known as 'The Flying Dutchman' and this is his story told. To see the key characters of this story and learn more about Dickie, follow @storiestoldau on Instagram or Facebook.

Mac Lyon

A storyteller based in Brisbane, Mac worked as a broadcast journalist for 7 years covering some of the nation's biggest news events. He launched Stories Told in 2021 with a mission to capture and craft impactful narratives about inspiring humans.