
That Great Business Show
E225 That Great Business Show - Sport in business, business of sport - Ronan Dunne, board member Chair Six Nations Rugby, Marks & Spencer
E225 That Great Business Show
UCD Smurfit Business School 'Podcast of the Year'.
Ronan Dunne, former boss of Verizon in the US, current board member Marks and Spencer (who he says are in the 'experience business'), Chair of Six Nations Rugby (and much, much more), on $10,000 sports tickets, introducing Irish businesses to his network, being a mentor to women entrepreneurs in Ireland, the difference between the male and female business ego, being paid to tell what you 'screwed up' in business... and then there's the LEO space company he's involved with...why he told Dómhnal Slattery, former CEO of Avalon, that he's not his 'rent a rolodex'...
Hire in a heartbeat? Nuala Fennell.
With thanks to De Facto Shaving Oil, the SHAVING oil for sports winners.
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230. E230 That Great Business Show - Secret Nordic Sauce (IKEA, Jysk) how do they do it. Tanya Cawley, Ireland head AJ Products (Sweden) - How make smarter decisions, Nuala Walsh
50:18||Season 1, Ep. 230E230 That Great Business ShowUCD Smurfit 'Podcast of the Year'IKEA? Check. Jysk? Check. AJ Products. ??? Yes, it's another hugely successful Nordic brand, available across 19 countries, including Ireland. Tanya Cawley is the Ireland country boss and she tells us what's in the secret sauce. Not surprisingly, attention to detail is very, very important. Oh, and she likes a clean desk. Very, very clean. And shut that drawer!Her 'hire in a heartbeat'? Sharon Carey who works at Dunnes Stores.How to make smarter decisions in a noisy world. Nuala Walsh is an extraordinarily well qualified woman who has written a book - 'Tune In' (Harriman House) - about decision making. It's a practical resource for making better choices. Now, what business would not want that? She says the book will show how to make fewer errors.Her 'hire in a heartbeat'? Bill ClintonWith thanks to De Facto Shaving Oil. For everyone who shaves.229. E229 That Great Business Show - €80k for a two day month? Become a NED -Carol Bolger - RDS going in circles? Rebecca Markey
41:11||Season 1, Ep. 229E229 That Great Business ShowUCD Smurfit Business School, 'Podcast of the Year'A 'handy number'? Some Non-Executive Directors, NED, can earn €80k for a monthly board meeting...some can earn twice that. Carol Bolger, formerly senior executive at Ulster Bank and Faculty member at Institute of Directors Ireland, teaches how to become a director at the Institute of Directors (IoD). You may be able to become a NED. Carol tells you how. At 10.00" she explains how tough it was being a senior banker in 2008, during the Financial Crisis.Her 'hire in a heartbeat'? Mairead McGuinness, former EU Commissioner.Rebecca Markey is CEO of IFP Media and, of course, she 'gives back' by being Chair of the Enterprise Committee of the RDS. Once upon a time the RDS was the 'go to' place for agricultural training. That's mostly in the past. Now the RDS is promoting the 'circular economy' (using, reusing, replacing, substituting) that one report from InterTrade Ireland says there's €3 billion a year going abegging. The RDS is running a programme to promote the 'circular economy' and they want your company to apply. Like now. There's a cash prize along with some invaluable publicity.Her 'hire in a heartbeat'? Don Draper for Marketing as well as Blake from Glengarry Glen RossWith thanks to De Facto Shaving Oil, for anyone who shaves. De Facto Shave dot com.228. E228 That Great Business Show - The end of the EU, Alan McQuaid & Recycle Bicycle, Willo King
53:30||Season 1, Ep. 228E228 That Great Business ShowEconomist Alan McQuaid sees the end of the EU...and what's happening to the UK economy???He wants our Government to spend some of the Apple billions on a massive airlift of SMEs on trade missions worldwide.He says SMEs should get more grants, rent rebates and insurance subsidies.'No Dáil politician should be a a multiple home owner'His 'hire in a heartbeat'? All of the SMEs that have feature on That Great Business Show (he's a big fan) OR Nigel Owens (hear him on Episode 212).Crossbar.Willo King has run bars, off licenses, created a party app, manufactured party goods...and now runs a recycle bicycle business.She's a classic SME entrepreneur and she's an inspiration to anyone thinking of starting their own business.If you're in the bike business she'd like a word.Her 'hire in a heartbeat', Edie King (aka her daughter). Find out why.227. E227 That Great Business Show - 50X your business, Damien O'Brien - how to find your unique product/service, Ciarán Seoighe,
55:06||Season 1, Ep. 227E227 That Great Business Show UCD Smurfit Business School, 'Podcast of the Year'We know about XXX businesses, the ones that sell the dodgy stuff, but how about 50X businesses??? The 50X Programme from SME Matters connects you and your business with like-minded business owners in a peer-to-peer learning environment that’s transformative. Damien O'Brien is CEO of SME Matters and he says he doesn't offer just support— he calls it empowerment. And, he wants you to step into a new way of leading and succeeding. Listen to get a free masterclass.Every business owner, or wannabe entrepreneur, is full of good intentions…to do more R&D, find cleverer ways of making things, and of course finding anything, anything to remove costs from the business. But of course, REAL LIFE gets in the way. The boiler needs fixing and your favourite person in accounts has headed for Australia and needs replacing. But fear not. That Great Business Show is here to help. Research Ireland wants to help with whatever it takes to make Irish businesses more dynamic, more innovative…indeed anything that makes our economy more competitive on the world stage. It is NOT just for big companies. Your business – no matter what size – can benefit. Ciaran Seoighe is Deputy CEO at Research Ireland tells us what’s available, who can get their goodies, and how to go about it… With thanks to De Facto Shaving Oil.226. E226 That Great Business Show - The man who DIDN'T pivot, Jim Campion & She came Back for Business, Shemaine Doyle
59:32||Season 1, Ep. 226E226 That Great Business ShowUCD Smurfit Business School, 'Podcast of the Year'Jim Campion, the man who didn't pivot, but who made a fortune (allegedly) by selling his eponymous insurance business to UK insurance consolidator PIB.Jim served a very, very short time in the Civil Service, but then got into the insurance business - a business from which he has never pivoted. He now has 22 offices across the State. His first expansionary step was in buying Phil Hogan's (later EU Commissioner) insurance brokerage. And he wants to do more, buying as many smaller insurance brokers' offices as possible. He has 525 people working for him and and he's hiring another ten a month. He does get cheesed off though when people he hires don't turn up for work from Day One. He says 'if you want bodies go to the morgue', he's very interesting about retaining staff.Then there was a cyber hack that shut down his business. Very serious. Interestingly, this experience made him think of selling.Hire in a heartbeat? Brian CodyShemaine Doyle, founder Brave Marketing, who went to Dubai for two years and came back after eleven years - bringing with her a husband and two young kids. She was once big in marketing with Aryzta but she got the itch...the itch to set up on her own. Despite being very senior in business she still felt she needed networking. So she joined the Back for Business programme - for returning emigres who want to get back into business.Shemaine explains how her small consultancy punches above their weight - even making camel milk (yes, it's a thing) popular.Her hires in a heartbeat (plural) are mum, Joyce Doyle, Dragon's Den Steve Bartlett and singing star, Pink.224. E224 That Great Business Show - How to lead a team of 120,000 - Ronan Dunne, ex-VP Verizon, US
34:25||Season 1, Ep. 224E224 That Great Business ShowIreland's TOP Business Podcast, winner UCD Smurfit's Podcast of the YearHow to get the top job in corporate USA. Ronan Dunne on how and why he moved from head of O2 in the UK, to head of Verizon Wireless in the US, heading a team of 120,000 people. Plenty of candid insights on the big differences between US and European corporate cultures, business values and strategies for success. His 'hire in a heartbeat'? Arsene Wenger223. E223 That Great Business Show - Hack Off! - Good V Evil, Elena Donea, co-founder, What's Exposed, & Work for yourself!, John Magee, Chair of Network of Local Enterprise Offices
49:12||Season 1, Ep. 223Episode 223 That Great Business ShowUCD Smurfit Business School, 'Podcast of the Year'Top Tip. Use Reddit...yes, Reddit. It has helped What's Exposed grow. Learn how.'You're hacked'. It's happening all the time. It's happening to business big and small. It happened to a recent guest on the show and it cost that business many, many thousands of Euro. Worse still, the 'bad guys' can come back and back and back...What can you do? And how can you know if the 'good guys' aren't working for 'the bad guys'?Elena Donea is Co-Founder, What’s Exposed based in Castlebar, County Mayo, an emerging cybersecurity business. They are experts in penetration testing / identifying cyber vulnerabilities.Hire in a heartbeat - Shark Tank, Barbara Corcoran & Pat O'Callaghan, EckoNeed to go to a tradeshow, but can't afford it? Talk to LEO.John Magee, Head of Enterprise at Mayo Local Enterprise Office and Chair of Network of Local Enterprise OfficesIt’s no secret. We love LEO. Or more correctly LEOs, your Local Enterprise Offices. That is where your entrepreneur journey should start…from the very, very, very beginning. You have an idea. A better bucket. A shinier mirror. A yummier sandwich. Whatever. Next stop is to go and have a chat with your LEO.Now…it’s not all milk and honey. Sometimes they’ll say no. Some other times it may be no but maybe…Hire in a heartbeat, - Tom Murphy, Pamex and LEO mentor.With thanks to De Facto Shaving Oil, the world's best all-natural oil, for anyone who shaves.222. E222 That Great Business Show - Great service can get you into Great Britain, Noel Rowland - Sustainability reporting made easy, James McConville
45:46||Season 1, Ep. 222Episode 222. That Great Business Show. UCD Smurfit 'Business Podcast of the Year'Cheesy, yet true. That’s what Noel Rowland Founder & Managing Director, wrote on the company website, ‘When we founded Churchfield, we wanted to create a company and service that our parents, friends and local community could be proud of.’ Churchfield is a full-service energy retrofitting business based in Crossmolina, employing almost 100 people. And they have big plans to conquer the UK from Mayo, though he may start with Belgium. Did you know that unoccupied homes, brought back into use, aren't counted in official figures?? And he has a partial solution for the pyrite affected houses.You'll also learn how to save a fortune on your heating bills.His 'hire in a heartbeat'? Michael O'LearySolving the housing crisis.When James McConville, Director of ACT, Architects and Urbanists, he - naturally - wanted to tell us about something very important that's going to affect every business, big or small. Every company will eventually have to have a sustainability report. To that end James & Co have developed a tool to help companies to prepare for that sustainability reporting – part of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – a report that will become mandatory in the very near future. A top young and highly creative architect, we also took the opportunity to ask him a simple [not] question. How do you solve a massive housing shortage. His 'hire in a heartbeat'? Gráinne Mullins, founder Grá ChocolatesWith thanks to De Facto Shaving Oil.