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That Freelance Life Podcast

The show where we discuss the how to's, the in's and out's, the highs and lows of creative freelance life in London.

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  • 1. Ep 1 - Who are we

    27:52||Season 1, Ep. 1
    In this episode we introduce ourselves, discuss why we decided to create this podcast and share what you can expect in episodes to come.

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  • 2. Ep 2 - Deciding to go freelance

    45:20||Season 1, Ep. 2
    If you’ve ever toyed with the idea of going freelance, then this episode is for you. We’re talking all things decision making and sharing how, why and when we decided to take the plunge and freelance, diving into some personal and vulnerable thoughts and gathering some tips and tricks from a number of other freelancers that will hopefully help make the decision making process easier for you.
  • 3. Ep 3 - Getting your creative ducks in a row with Lisa Campana

    59:19||Season 1, Ep. 3
    As a creative, your portfolio is your biggest selling point. But how do you make sure your portfolio stands out amongst the sea of other equally talented creatives? We chat to Lisa Campana, Director of Design at Wunderman Thompson, who has seen her fair share of portfolios and has great tips and advice on how to make sure yours gets noticed by the right people. There is even a little piece of advice from Stefan Sagmeister in the mix.
  • 4. Ep 4 - Getting your financial ducks in a row with Crunch Accounting

    46:32||Season 1, Ep. 4
    Going freelance is brilliant creatively but can be a lot more admin on the business side of things. That’s why we highly recommend getting a good accountant, and why we chatted to Dillis and Luke from Crunch Accounting to get the best tips and advice to help you figure it all out. There are 3 routes to take when setting yourself up for business as a freelancer and each suite different people for different reasons. Take a listen to learn more.
  • 5. Ep 5 - Getting your name out there with Stefanie Sword-Williams

    01:11:41||Season 1, Ep. 5
    Selling ourselves is one of the hardest things, something we are often made to feel ashamed of and never taught. But being freelance means you have to put yourself out there in order to get the work you want. So how do you hone in on your unique selling points and broadcast them to the right people? In this episode we chat to the brilliant Stefanie Sword-Williams, queen of self promotion and founder of F*ck Being Humble, an online platform, event series and soon to be book, educating the world on how to be unapologetically proud of their achievements and change the way we view self promotion.
  • 6. Ep 6 - Being at the top of a recruiters mind with Bonnie Harold

    01:03:04||Season 1, Ep. 6
    There are many ways to get those freelance gigs; word of mouth, networking, cold emails or Linkedin. But another way is through recruiters, essentially the people agencies and companies call at the 11th hour needing resource asap. You want to be top of mind of those people when the call comes in. In this episode we chat to Bonnie Harold, partner of LIZH Recruitment and Founder of Genie, an AI talent agent for freelance creatives and designers. With over 20 years in the business, she knows all the ins and outs to get you the jobs you want. And with the creation of Genie changing the way recruitment works, she’s essentially taking the hustle out of trying to find gigs so you can focus more on what you do best, creating.
  • 7. Ep 7 - Let's talk about money honey

    35:40||Season 1, Ep. 7
    There is so much shame surrounding money, talking about, asking for it; often this causes things like unequal pay, the gender pay gap and more. Let’s open up the conversation, be more transparent and keep the market price up, so we may all benefit from getting paid our true worth. In this episode we cover how to work out the right day rate for your skill set and experience, how to raise your day rate and how to let your clients know when you do. Some great tips along the way from Alex Holders book; ‘Open Up, let’s talk about money,’ as well as from our own experience freelancing for the last 3 years.