That Fitness Thing

  • 4 - Facts on Facts

    Have you ever wondered what diet is best to pick? Brit and Mel discuss low fat versus low carb diets and the history behind them.
  • 3 - I am not the housekeeper, I just like to talk

    Are you new to the gym? Mel and Brit talk about gym etiquette, weird stories from the gym, and much more.
  • 2- Not in our Wheelhouse

    Mel and Brit discuss how women get bulky while weight training, body image in the media, and strength gains amongst sexes.
  • 1 - It's a Podcast

    That Fitness Thing is a podcast about, well fitness thing. Have you ever had someone ask you how your fitness thing is going instead of specifically asking questions like they know what is going on in your life? Well, we do, and we are here to chat with you about progesterone, Mel's experience with the hormone when going through fertility treatments.