
TGV Telugu
The Power of Visualization | Executive & Celebrity Coach Ram Jaladurgam | #TGVT150
🚀 Can seeing your success before it happens make it a reality?
In this episode of The Guiding Voice, we dive deep into the transformative power of visualization with Ram Jaladurgam, an expert in mindset coaching and performance psychology. He shares how this powerful technique has played a crucial role in his life, including a major breakthrough that changed everything.
✅ The science and psychology behind visualization—why it works
✅ Practical ways to incorporate visualization into your daily life
✅ How visualization helps overcome fear, anxiety, and self-doubt
✅ A simple and effective visualization exercise you can try right now
✅ How to break free from limiting beliefs and negative mindsets
✅ Common mistakes people make with visualization—and how to avoid them
✅ A surprising outcome of visualization that Ram never expected
🎬 Coaching Icon Star Allu Arjun
Ram also shares insights from his coaching journey with star actor Allu Arjun Garu and the key lessons fans can learn from this superstar’s mindset, discipline, and drive.
🔥 Whether you’re an entrepreneur, athlete, creative, or simply someone looking to unlock your full potential, this episode is packed with actionable takeaways!
🎧 Tune in now and start visualizing your success!
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151. Swadhyay tho Sweeya Nayakatvam | Aruna Ganti Sanagavaram | #TGVT151
31:20||Season 1, Ep. 151In this enlightening conversation, Aruna Ganti Senagavaram shares her journey from being an engineer to a global coach, emphasizing the importance of self-leadership, emotional intelligence, and the concept of Swadhyaya. She discusses how personal experiences shaped her understanding of resilience and the need for self-reflection in achieving personal and professional growth. The dialogue explores the significance of values, purpose, and vision in guiding one's life and decisions, ultimately highlighting the transformative power of self-study and awareness.TakeawaysSelf-leadership involves focus, direction, accountability, and motivation.Swadhyaya, or self-study, is essential for personal growth.Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in effective communication.Values guide our decisions and can evolve over time.Journaling and self-reflection enhance self-awareness.Creating a personal vision is vital for success.Resilience is built through understanding and managing emotions.The journey of self-leadership is ongoing and requires commitment.Success is subjective and should align with personal values.Coaching can provide clarity and direction in one's life.ChaptersPrecapIntroduction to Aruna Ganti SanagavaramThe Journey of Self-LeadershipUnderstanding Self-Leadership and SwadhyayaEmotional Intelligence and CommunicationValues, Purpose, and VisionThe Impact of Swadhyaya on GrowthConnect with the guest Aruna Ganti Sanagavaram on LinkedIn: with host Naveen Samala on LinkedIn: you'd like to contribute to our mission, please donate through Paypal you wish to become a productivity monk: enroll in this course: Inspiring Lives Volume 1 & 2 are on Amazon:Vol 2: Notion Press: UK: 1: Kindle: is available in Hindi & Telugu: (#tgvtelugu)149. The Dark side of Entrepreneurship by Founder of Maker Global(3D printing for the film industry) | Kraveenthar Kamal | #TGVT149
53:35||Season 1, Ep. 149In this candid episode, we delve into the realities of entrepreneurship, exploring the often-unseen challenges and sacrifices alongside the triumphs. Kraveenthar Kamal, founder of Maker Global, shares his journey, offering insights into the 3D printing industry, product mindset, and the unique demands of working with the film industry. We start with a rapid-fire round to get to know Kraveenthar, then dive deep into his experiences and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.Key Discussion Points:Rapid Fire Round:Alternate CareerCraziest IdeaDesired SkillBiggest InspirationPast or FutureGuilty PleasureEntrepreneurship Myth)Best Decision for Maker GlobalDream CollaborationStartup Mistake to AvoidAdmired StartupUnlimited FundingIntroduction:Kraveenthar Kamal's background and journey.His "Guiding Voice" and influences.Student life: insights into his formative years.Explaining 3D printing to a layperson.Future of 3D printing and emerging job opportunities.Essential skills for the 3D printing industry.Path to becoming a successful entrepreneur in this field.Impact of education on his career.Developing a product mindset.Influential entrepreneurs and lessons learned.Film Industry Experience:Unexpected opportunity to work with the film industry.Differences between the film industry and other sectors (timelines, mindset).The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship:Discussion of the hardships and less glamorous sides of running a business.Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:Guidance for those struggling to find their passion.Connect with the guest on LinkedIn:Connect with host Naveen Samala on LinkedIn: you'd like to contribute to our mission, please donate through Paypal you wish to become a productivity monk: enroll in this course: Inspiring Lives Volume 1 & 2 are on Amazon:Vol 2: Notion Press: UK: 1:Paperback: is available in Hindi & Telugu: (#tgvtelugu)148. The Power of Passion | Professor YVK Ravi Kumar Sir | #TGVT148
30:44||Season 1, Ep. 148ఈ ఎపిసోడ్లో, మేము ఒక స్ఫూర్తిదాయకమైన వ్యక్తితో కలిసి ప్రయాణం చేస్తున్నాము, ఆయన అభిరుచి ఆయన జీవితాన్ని ఎలా మలుపు తిప్పిందో తెలుసుకుంటాము. ఆయన విద్యాభ్యాసం నుండి మొదలుకొని, రాష్ట్ర సివిల్ సర్వీస్లో గ్రూప్ 1 అధికారిగా పనిచేసి, ఆ తర్వాత ఇంజనీరింగ్ కళాశాలలో అధ్యాపకుడిగా మారడం వరకు, ఆయన ప్రయాణం ఆసక్తికరమైన విషయాలతో నిండి ఉంది. ఈ మార్పుకు గల కారణాలను, సవాళ్లను, అభిరుచి యొక్క నిర్వచనాన్ని, విద్యార్థులలో స్ఫూర్తిని నింపడం, ఎదుర్కొన్న సవాళ్లను అధిగమించడం, మరియు ఔత్సాహిక విద్యావేత్తలకు ఆయన ఇచ్చిన సలహాలను ఈ ఎపిసోడ్లో చర్చిస్తాము. అంతేకాకుండా, రాపిడ్ ఫైర్లో ఆయన అభిప్రాయాలు, ఇష్టమైన కోట్, ప్రేరణ కలిగించే వ్యక్తి గురించి తెలుసుకుంటాము. చివరగా, తమ అభిరుచిని కనుగొనడంలో కష్టపడుతున్న వారికి ఆయన ఇచ్చిన సలహాతో ఈ ఎపిసోడ్ ముగుస్తుంది.చర్చించిన అంశాలు:విద్యాభ్యాసం మరియు కెరీర్ మార్పుఅభిరుచి యొక్క నిర్వచనం మరియు ప్రభావంవిద్యార్థులలో స్ఫూర్తిని నింపడంఎదుర్కొన్న సవాళ్లు మరియు వాటిని అధిగమించడంఔత్సాహిక విద్యావేత్తలకు సలహారాపిడ్ ఫైర్ ప్రశ్నలు మరియు సమాధానాలుచివరి ప్రశ్న మరియు సలహాముఖ్యమైన విషయాలు:అభిరుచి అనేది మన జీవితాన్ని మలుపు తిప్పగల శక్తివంతమైన శక్తి.సవాళ్లను ఎదుర్కోవడానికి మరియు లక్ష్యాలను సాధించడానికి అభిరుచి మనకు సహాయపడుతుంది.ఇతరులలో స్ఫూర్తిని నింపడం ఒక ముఖ్యమైన విషయం.మన అభిరుచిని అనుసరించడానికి బాహ్య ఒత్తిళ్లను అధిగమించడం చాలా ముఖ్యం.147. Attention vs Money ($$) | Jagan Mantha & Naveen Samala | #TGVT147
16:36||Season 1, Ep. 147In this conversation, Naveen Samala and Jagan Mantha explore the critical themes of attention, mindfulness, and the challenges of managing time in a fast-paced world. They discuss the impact of social media on attention spans, the importance of mindfulness practices, and strategies for maintaining focus amidst distractions. The dialogue emphasizes the need for balance between work and personal well-being, highlighting the significance of self-care and mental health in achieving productivity.TakeawaysMoney is important, but time is more valuable.Attention is a scarce resource in today's world.Social media can lead to inevitable comparisons and tension.Mindfulness practices can help improve attention.The Pomodoro technique is effective for time management.Physical activities and meditation are essential for well-being.Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining attention.Burnout can be avoided with proper self-care.Preserving focus is vital in a distracted environment.Everyone has a role in nurturing their own well-being.Sound Bites"Money makes many things.""Attention is mindfulness.""Everyone says that, right?"ChaptersThe Importance of Time and AttentionNavigating the World of Attention SeekingMindfulness and Attention ManagementBalancing Work and Personal Well-beingPreserving Focus in a Distracted World146. టెక్లో ఎమర్జింగ్ ఉమెన్ లీడర్గా ఎలా అభివృద్ధి చెందాలి | Swathi Sagi | #TGVT146
57:25||Season 1, Ep. 146In this podcast episode, Swathi Sagi discusses the journey of emerging women leaders in the tech industry, sharing insights on the challenges they face, the importance of mentorship, and the need for visibility and self-advocacy. She emphasizes the significance of values and guiding principles in leadership, the impact of impostor syndrome, and the role of feedback in personal and professional growth. Swathi also highlights the necessity of public speaking and networking as key skills for women aspiring to leadership roles.TakeawaysLife is full of compromises.Impostor Syndrome is a common challenge for women leaders.Feedback is crucial for growth and should be embraced.Visibility is essential for women to advance in their careers.Mentorship should be a two-way growth relationship.Public speaking is a key skill for women leaders.Women often face challenges in self-advocacy and visibility.Networking is vital for career advancement.Continuous learning is important for personal growth.Building relationships with mentors can provide valuable insights.Sound Bites"Life is full of compromises.""Impostor Syndrome is definitely deep inside.""Visibility is an important factor for promotions.""Women don't get many opportunities.""Mentorship is a two-way growth relationship.""Public speaking is a key skill for women leaders.""Feedback is crucial. It's a gift.""We should be constantly taking feedback.""Contribute ideas and thoughts compulsorily.""Keep learning through different perspectives."Chapters0:00:00 Precap0:02:00 Introduction to Emerging Women Leaders0:10:21 Values and Guiding Principles in Leadership0:12:09 Challenges Faced by Women in Tech0:20:25 Influencing Without a Title0:24:12 Visibility and Self-Advocacy for Women Leaders0:31:11 The Importance of Mentorship0:46:11 Feedback as a Tool for GrowthConnect with Swathi Sagi on LinkedIn: with the hosts Naveen Samala & Jagan Mantha on LinkedIn: is now on your favorite Spotify. Follow, tune in, and grow personally + professionally 🙏🎉🙌🚀📈.మీకు career related లేదా సాఫ్ట్ skills రిలేటెడ్ questions ఏవైనా సరే మాకు ఇమెయిల్ చేయండి లేదా... వాయిస్ మెసేజ్ పంపండిఅంతే కాకుండా మీ సలహాలు సూచనలు అభిప్రాయాలను మా తో share చేసుకోండి#TGVtelugu is a Telugu podcast run by seasoned IT Leaders to help you learn life skills and succeed personally and professionallyAlso, Tune into our English podcast here:YouTube: The Journey Through Disappointment | Naveen Samala and Jagan Mantha | #TGVT145
17:09||Season 1, Ep. 145In this conversation, Jagan Mantha and Naveen Samala delve into the theme of disappointment and its role in personal growth and success. They explore how setbacks can lead to hope and passion, emphasizing the importance of persistence in the face of challenges. Through personal anecdotes and stories of famous figures, they illustrate how overcoming obstacles can lead to remarkable achievements. The discussion encourages listeners to share their own experiences with disappointment and highlights the transformative power of storytelling.TakeawaysDisappointment can lead to hope and passion.Many people start initiatives but expect immediate results.Persistence is key to overcoming disappointments.The journey of TGV has seen many ups and downs.Disappointment is common in the social media generation.Winning awards can be a result of overcoming disappointments.Famous figures often faced significant setbacks before success.Stories that resonate with us can inspire change.Sharing experiences of disappointment can foster community.Every disappointment is an opportunity for growth.Chapters0:00:00 Exploring the Impact of Disappointment0:03:08 The Journey of Persistence and Hope0:06:04 Overcoming Obstacles in Career Transitions0:08:49 Stories of Resilience and Success0:11:56 Lessons from Famous Figures0:15:07 The Power of Sharing ExperiencesConnect with hosts Naveen Samala and Jagan Mantha on LinkedIn: Unlocking the Secrets of Vedic Mathematics (Telugu lo) | Maruthi Ram Singh | #TGVT144
35:51||Season 1, Ep. 144summaryIn this episode, we explore the fascinating world of Vedic Mathematics with expert Maruti Ram Singh. The conversation delves into the techniques and philosophies behind Vedic Maths, its rapid calculation methods, and its applications in education. Singh shares his inspirations, the differences between Vedic and traditional mathematics, and the future of this ancient practice. The discussion emphasizes the importance of teaching Vedic Maths to children and its potential to enhance logical thinking and creativity.TakeawaysVedic Maths is a part of Mathematics.Multiplication is a fundamental skill in Vedic Maths.The methods are easy to understand and remember.Vedic Maths can be learned by anyone, regardless of age.There are many practical applications of Vedic Maths in daily life.Teaching Vedic Maths can enhance logical thinking in children.Vedic Maths promotes creativity and problem-solving skills.The philosophy behind Vedic Maths is rooted in Indian tradition.Vedic Maths techniques can significantly reduce calculation time.Inspiration and guidance are crucial for mastering Vedic Maths.Sound Bites"Multiplication means life to me.""My guiding voice is my mother.""Vedic Maths is easy to understand.""Vedic Maths is a part of Mathematics.""I multiply big numbers instantly.""Vedic Maths is our Indian tradition.""Vedic Maths can be learned by anyone."ChaptersPrecapIntroduction to Vedic MathematicsRapid Calculations and TechniquesThe Philosophy Behind Vedic MathsInfluences and Inspirations in MathematicsVedic Maths vs Traditional MethodsPractical Applications of Vedic MathsThe Future of Vedic MathematicsTeaching and Learning Vedic MathsConclusion and Final ThoughtsGuest LI Profile: with hosts Naveen Samala and Jagan Mantha on LinkedIn: Leadership Philisophy of a Tea Seller turned Soft Leadership Guru | Professor M S Rao | #TGVT143
52:45||Season 1, Ep. 143In this conversation, Professor M.S. Rao shares his insights on leadership, personal inspiration, and the importance of storytelling. He emphasizes the significance of helping others and doing one's duty without expecting returns. The discussion also touches on the challenges of language and communication in expressing ideas effectively. In conversation with Naveen Samala and Jagan Mantha on #TGVT143In this conversation, Professor M.S. Rao shares his personal journey of resilience and leadership, emphasizing the importance of a guiding voice, overcoming adversity, and the role of storytelling in influencing others. He discusses his philosophy of leadership, the significance of emotional intelligence and empathy, and his vision for building future leaders through education. The dialogue highlights the challenges faced by individuals and the importance of mentorship and self-discovery in achieving success.Key TakeawaysLeadership is about helping others and making an impact.Success is defined by duty, not by returns.Personal inspirations can shape leadership philosophy.Storytelling is a powerful tool in leadership.Language diversity can present challenges in communication.Optimism is essential for facing an unpredictable future.Cultural influences play a role in personal identity.The importance of doing the right thing in leadership.Experiences shape our understanding of leadership.A guiding voice can resonate like a heartbeat.My guiding voice is that I have some hidden power.I survived because of the power of some divine force.Initiative, positive approach, and bravery are key to success.Obstacles are common; facing them positively is essential.Storytelling is about reaching out and influencing others.The intent behind the content matters.We have to create positive vibes to build a better world.You are gems; unlock the genius within you.Empathy is very important; we must help others.Money comes and money goes; impact is what matters.Sound Bites from Professor M S Rao"My guiding voice is that I have some hidden power.""I survived because of the power of some divine force.""I proved them wrong; I survived.""Storytelling is about reaching out and influencing others.""The intent behind the content matters.""We have to create positive vibes to build a better world.""You are gems; unlock the genius within you.""Money comes and money goes; impact is what matters.""Empathy is very important; we must help others."ChaptersPrecapIntroduction to Leadership PhilosophyPersonal Inspirations and SuccessThe Importance of Storytelling in LeadershipLanguage and Communication ChallengesThe Guiding Voice: A Personal JourneyOvercoming Adversity: The Power of ResilienceThe Role of Storytelling in LeadershipPhilosophy of Leadership: Lessons from HistoryEmbracing Failures: A New PerspectiveThe Importance of Emotional IntelligenceEmpathy and Humanity in LeadershipThe Journey of Self-Discovery and GrowthInspiration and Influence: The Role of MentorsBuilding Future Leaders: A Vision for EducationConnect with the guest on LinkedIn: with hosts Naveen Samala and Jagan Mantha