
Tell It To Neil
Design and business : From the industry to portfolio prep
Season 1, Ep. 5
An interview with Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Denise Anderson from Kean University. She talks about her path into graphic design, the Aha! moment of being an educator, owning a Baskin Robbins franchise, working as a designer in NYC, and how she merged her love of design and business.
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3. Tying in teaching, scholarship and research: The tenure packet
56:24||Season 1, Ep. 3An interview with Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Gary Rozanc from The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). He talks about his path into graphic design, the Aha! moment of being an educator, and the idea behind the narrative in the tenure packet at UMBC. His podcast can be found here: Supporting your spouse : Navigating life and non-tenure-track positions
01:10:16||Season 1, Ep. 2An interview with Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Jarred Elrod from The University of Florida (UF), Gainsville. He talks about his path into graphic design, the Aha! moment of being an educator, and navigating all the different non-tenure-track jobs while supporting his spouse along the way to his current tenure-track position at UF. His current work can be found here: The myth of a package deal : When tenure and promotion go sideways
56:57||Season 1, Ep. 1An interview with Assistant Professor of Graphic + Interactive design, RJ Thompson from Youngstown State University(YSU). He talks about his path into graphic design and all the different jobs, paths, and roadblocks he encountered along the way to his current position at YSU. RJ goes on to talk about Adaptive Synergy and the promotion and tenure process at YSU.4. Knowing the right fit : Who you are and where you want to be
47:17||Season 1, Ep. 4An interview with Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Kelly Porter from East Tennessee State University (ETSU). She talks about her path into graphic design, the Aha! moment of being an educator, her love of nature and sustainability, and knowing who she is and where geographically she wanted to be.6. Building a case for scholarship: Publishing work in open educational resources
01:02:16||Season 1, Ep. 6An interview with Associate Professor of Graphics and Imaging Technologies, Chauncey Rion Huffman from Pittsburg State University. He talks about his path into graphic design, path of education, the Aha! moment of being an educator, his passion for creative commons, and how he has crafted a case for scholarship publishing on open educational resources. Learning from the first few years out of grad school: Getting your hustle on
46:49||Season 1, Ep. 7An interview with Assistant Professor of Art, Catherine Moore from Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, GA. She talks about her path into Art, the Aha! moment of being an educator, working as an illustrator, teaching at various institutions, and teaching design outside of an Art Department. Life after the MFA : Continuing your research and work in the classroom
45:41||Season 1, Ep. 8An interview with Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Shannon McCarthy from Eastern Kentucky University. She talks about her path into graphic design, the Aha! moment of being an educator, her various positions before landing a tenure-track position, and how she is continuing and building her MFA research in the classroom. Job prospects : Choosing location or quality of life
49:34||Season 1, Ep. 9An interview with Assistant Professor of Digital Media, Brytton Bjorngaard from The University of Illinois, Springfield in Springfield, IL. She talks about her path into Art, the Aha! moment of being an educator, teaching in a small art department, using the Boyer model of scholarship to write her tenure narrative, and how she formed the group Lonely Wolves.