
Taxing Matters
The Common Reporting Standard: An HMRC game changer?
Season 1, Ep. 19
With now over 100 countries signed up to the international information exchange known as the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), last year HMRC received 84 million details of bank accounts covering one in 10 UK citizens.
As CRS data is increasingly used by HRMC to identify who should be targeted for investigation and "nudge letters", it is vital that individuals and businesses understand what information is being collected and what HRMC are doing with it.
In this episode Dawn Register, Head of Tax Dispute Resolution at BDO, joins us to explain exactly what the CRS is and discuss its increasing importance for those UK residents with financial accounts and investments overseas.
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5. Taxing Matters: Nature's wealth: unlocking the power of natural capital with Daisy Darrell
31:06||Season 3, Ep. 5In the latest episode of Taxing Matters, our host, Alexis Armitage is joined by Daisy Darrell, a Senior Associate in Birkett's Agricultural and Estates team to discuss all things natural capital. Natural capital is the planet's natural wealth and the idea that the world has a stock of natural assets which provide ecosystem services like clean air, fertile soil and pollination of crops. Join Alexis and Daisy as they explore:opportunities that natural capital can create for landownersexamples of recent environmental enhancement and restoration projectsthe environmental benefits of such projectstax considerations for farmers and landownerspotential impacts of ESG on natural capital markets We hope you enjoy the episode. Please subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to keep up with future episodes.If you would like to discuss any of the matters raised in this episode, please contact Adam Craggs and Alexis Armitage. All information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice. Opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of RPC.4. Deck the halls… with weird and wonderful taxes throughout history
15:48||Season 3, Ep. 4In our special Christmas episode, Alexis Armitage, RPC's Taxing Matters podcast host and Senior Associate in our Tax Disputes and Investigations team, is joined by Andrew Hubbard, editor-in-chief of Tolley's Taxation Magazine. From candles to beards, join them as they discuss the most bizarre taxes that have existed throughout British history.All information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice. Opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of RPC.3. ADR in tax disputes with HMRC's ADR lead, Fiona McRobert
25:41||Season 3, Ep. 3In this month's episode of Taxing Matters, Alexis Armitage is joined by HMRC's Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) lead, Fiona McRobert, to discuss HMRC's approach to the ADR process, and how tax disputes may be resolved outside the Tax Tribunals and the court system. During this episode they discuss:how the ADR process differs from formal litigation or an internal HMRC reviewthe types of cases considered suitable for ADR (and those not suitable)the role of the mediator potential outcomes of the ADR processtimelines and practicalities involved in the ADR processthe pros and cons of ADRADR success ratestop tips.All information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice. Opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of RPC.2. Crystal ball gazing with Jasprit Singh
17:08||Season 3, Ep. 2In this episode, Alexis Armitage, RPC's Taxing Matters podcast host and Senior Associate in our Tax Disputes and Investigations team, is joined by colleague and fellow Senior Associate, Jasprit Singh. Join them as they gaze into their crystal ball and predict what could be on the horizon for taxpayers under the new Labour government. This episode covers:Labour's upcoming autumn budgetHMRC's next potential targets and what they may focus on in the coming monthsthe potential role of AI in HMRC's plansAll information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice. Opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of RPC.1. Taxation of agents' fees in the football industry
13:33||Season 3, Ep. 1In this episode, Alexis Armitage, RPC's Taxing Matters host and Senior Associate in our Tax Disputes and Investigations team, is joined by colleague and Partner, Michelle Sloane, to discuss the latest issues surrounding the taxation of agents' fees in the football industry.This episode covers:the financial relationship between players, their clubs and their agentsHMRC's position on the tax splitwhat clubs can do to evidence that the split reflects the commercial reality of the arrangement the high risk areas most likely to be investigated by HMRC.All information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice. Opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of RPC.19. Spotlight 63: HMRC shines a light on property business arrangements involving hybrid partnerships
18:33||Season 2, Ep. 19In this episode, Alexis Armitage, RPC's Taxing Matters host and Senior Associate in our Tax Disputes team, is joined by Simon Howley and Amanda Perrotton from Bell Howley Perrotton LLP. They discuss HMRC's Spotlight 63, which focuses on property business arrangements involving hybrid partnerships, which have recently come to the attention of HMRC.In this episode, we discuss:Spotlight 63 and HMRC's view of property business arrangements involving hybrid partnerships and why HMRC consider such arrangements to be fiscally ineffectivethe individuals and companies for whom Spotlight 63 might be relevantwhat the consequences might be for those who have participated in the type of property business arrangements referred to in Spotlight 63.18. Exploring tax from an ESG perspective with the Fair Tax Foundation
23:39||Season 2, Ep. 18In this month's episode, Alexis Armitage, RPC's Taxing Matters host and Senior Associate in our Tax Disputes team, is joined by Paul Monaghan, Chief Executive and co-founder of the Fair Tax Foundation to discuss the growing interest in tax from an ESG perspective, and the work of the Fair Tax Foundation.In this special episode for Fair Tax Week, Alexis and Paul discuss:the Fair Tax Foundation and its aimstax transparency and good governancehow organisations can become Fair Tax Mark accreditedthe requirements for accreditationkey performance indicators.If you would like to discuss any of the matters raised in this episode, please contact Adam Craggs and Alexis Armitage.All information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice. Opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of RPC.17. The latest on the loan charge scandal with Matt Hall from Armadillo
36:18||Season 2, Ep. 17In this episode, Alexis Armitage, RPC's Taxing Matters host and Senior Associate in our Tax Disputes team, is joined by Chartered Tax Adviser, Matt Hall from Armadillo to discuss the latest on what is often referred to as the "loan charge scandal".This episode considers the loan charge controversy, including:The background to the introduction of the charge.Those primarily impacted by the charge.Why it remains relevant today for so many taxpayers.What can be done to resolve the loan charge saga once and for all.If you would like to discuss any of the matters raised in this episode, please contact Adam Craggs and Alexis Armitage.All information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice. Opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of RPC.16. Changes to non-domiciliary rules with Philip Simpson KC and Ben Symons
17:19||Season 2, Ep. 16In this episode, Alexis Armitage, RPC's Taxing Matters host and Senior Associate in our Tax Disputes team, is joined by Philip Simpson KC and Ben Symons from Old Square Tax Chambers to discuss the Government's Spring Budget and, in particular, the proposed changes that will affect non-UK domiciled individuals.This episode covers the major changes to the UK's non-domicile regime proposed by the Government, including:The shift from domiciled-based taxation of individuals to the new residence basis for taxation of individuals.Transitional reliefs for current non-domiciled individuals.The inheritance tax implications of switching from a domicile basis to a residence basis. If you would like to discuss any of the matters raised in this episode, please contact Adam Craggs and Alexis Armitage.All information is correct at the time of recording. Taxing Matters is not a substitute for legal advice. Opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of RPC.