
Tantra Illuminated with Dr. Christopher Wallis
Tantrik Shaivism and Buddhism: Interview by Andrew Holecek
This week’s episode features a conversation with Andrew Holecek for his podcast ‘Edge of Mind’, recorded a few years ago. Andrew is an acclaimed author, spiritual teacher, and long-time practitioner of Buddhism. He's also an expert on lucid dreaming, and the author of Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep and Reverse Meditation: How to Use Your Pain and Most Difficult Emotions as the Doorway to Inner Freedom. In this interview, we explore themes from The Recognition Sutras, and discuss the simplicity and immediacy of the awakened state, how to access it and how to stabilize it, as well as what makes it so extraordinary. Together, we draw the similarities between Tantrik Shaivism and other traditions like Dzogchen. We explore the role of contraction and relaxation on the spiritual path and get into its nature looking into questions like: do we really need a path? How does striving along the path actually get in the way? Why do some people have awakenings that are blissful, while others experience fear upon opening? What is the importance of cultural translation, and how does language trap us? What is the nature of consciousness? This is a wide ranging conversation that I hope will stretch your mind and open your heart.
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47. Bhūta-shuddhi: Five Elemental Energies Meditation
28:51||Ep. 47This week’s episode is the guided meditation Bhūta-shuddhi, the purification or recalibration of the five great elemental energies in the body. This ancient practice, central to classical Tantric yoga, harmonizes the five great elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—through visualization and mantra, restoring balance to both body and mind. In this practice, you will be introduced to the esoteric bīja mantras for each element, distinct from those commonly used in mainstream tradition. To fully receive the benefits of this meditation, set aside undisturbed time and space. Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at Trika Maṇḍala Prakāśa with Christian de Vietri
01:23:35||Ep. 46This week’s episode is a conversation with accomplished artist and scholar-practitioner Christian de Vietri about his journey from the contemporary art world to the study and practice of Tantric sacred art. Christian, known for his large-scale public installations and fine art, shares how he came to know and practice non-dual Shaiva Tantra, how this transformed his approach to artistic expression, and how it led to the publication of his groundbreaking book, Trika Maṇḍala Prakāśa: Illuminating the Mandalas of Abhinavagupta's Tantrāloka—the first detailed and comprehensive study of all the mandalas presented and taught in Abhinavagupta’s Tantrāloka. The conversation explores the process of reconstructing these mandalas, including the challenges of decoding encoded texts, the significance of mandalas in Tantric initiation, and the precise methodologies required to ensure their correct construction. Christian describes the artistic and spiritual insights that emerged through this work and reflects on the broader role of sacred art in preserving and transmitting the wisdom of the tradition.Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at Mandala and Āgamic Identity by Alexis Sanderson (Part Two)
28:18||Ep. 45This week, we continue the abridged reading of Alexis Sanderson's 1986 article, Mandala and Āgamic Identity in the Trika of Kashmir. Here Sanderson unveils the role of Kāīi-based practices within the Trika tradition, exploring how Abhinavagupta infused the tradition with the transformative energy of Kāīi worship, elevating the Goddess to a central role in tantric initiation and ritual. His analysis touches on cycles of deities, the interplay of purity and impurity, and the process by which practitioners dissolve into the ‘egoless ground’ of consciousness.Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at Shifting Paradigms and Near Enemies: interview by J. Brown
01:10:43||Ep. 44This week’s episode features an archival conversation from about four years ago during the pandemic with J. Brown, host of the Yoga Talks podcast. J. Brown has been practicing yoga for over 25 years and is widely known as a writer and industry-leading podcaster. His signature offering is a deeply breath-centered, therapeutic yoga practice inspired by the TKV Desikachar tradition, aimed at fostering well-being and reducing pain. J. Brown's journey into yoga began as a way to process his mother’s death, seeking freedom from the grief and disillusionment that accompanied it. Starting with Ashtanga and Iyengar styles, J. eventually found his way to a therapeutic approach through the teachings of Swami P. Saraswati and the Krishnamacharya tradition. He teaches that yoga is not a linear progression but a practice of learning how to care for oneself. In this conversation, we explore the evolving dynamics of yoga practice and the teacher-student relationship. The discussion covers themes such as balancing devotion and discernment, the challenges of navigating modern spirituality, and common misconceptions about awakening. It highlights the importance of aligning one’s practice, goals, and philosophical view to bring clarity to the spiritual path, offering valuable insights into the role of teachers and the transformative power of yoga.Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at Mandala and Āgamic Identity by Alexis Sanderson (Part One)
37:08||Ep. 43This episode features a reading of Alexis Sanderson's second article, first published in 1986, entitled Mandala and Āgamic Identity in the Trika of Kashmir. Here Sanderson focuses on the esoteric and ritualistic dimensions of the Trika tradition in medieval Kashmir. In this article, we explore the themes of tantric initiation, the mandala as a tool for self-realization, and the concept of āgamic identity, which Sanderson describes as the aspirant's union with the deity self. These practices are shown to dissolve the boundaries of individual identity, replacing them with an all-encompassing awareness of the cosmos as Shiva consciousness.Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at Spiritual Practice and the Dimensions of Nonduality with Tina Rasmussen
02:00:54||Ep. 42In this episode, we talk to Tina Rasmussen, Ph.D., meditation teacher, Buddhist practitioner, and author of Practising the Jhānas. Tina shares her remarkable path of awakening, which began at the age of 13 and unfolded through profound solo retreats, including a transformative year-long retreat in 2003. She discusses her experiences as the first Western woman to complete the detailed jhāna path in the Burmese lineage under the guidance of meditation master Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw, who later authorized her to teach. Tina also shares her journey of taking refuge with Tsoknyi Rinpoche, a Tibetan Dzogchen teacher, and her initiation into the Nyingma lineage. This conversation explores Tina’s work integrating spiritual awakening into everyday life, her transition from being drawn to monasticism to embracing the dynamism of modern life, and the challenges of weaving awakening into daily relationships. Topics include non-attachment, the transformative potential of practices like jhāna and somatic inquiry, and the embodiment of spiritual realizations.There some audio quality imperfections in this episode, but we hope the insights shared more than make up for it.Tina Rasmussen’s Luminous Mind Sangha fosters awakening and its embodiment in worldly life through the application of authentic, rigorous Buddhist and modern practices.Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at Purity and Power by Alexis Sanderson
01:05:15||Ep. 41This episode offers a special reading of Alexis Sanderson's groundbreaking academic article, Purity and Power among the Brāhmans of Kashmir. Professor Emeritus of Eastern Religions and Ethics at the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College, Sanderson is widely regarded as the greatest living scholar of Tantric studies in the Western world. His illustrious 40-year career began with this article, written after 14 years of meticulous research, and it remains one of the most impressive first publications by a scholar in the field. The reading explores the interplay of purity and power within Indian religious traditions, examining the dynamic relationships between the orthodoxy of Brahmanic purity, the transformative practices of Tantric traditions, and the visionary radicalism of heterodox movements in medieval Kashmir (8th–12th centuries). While the reading is substantial, the second half contains some truly remarkable passages that are well worth the journey.Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at Bridging Scholarship and Practice: Interview by Jacob Kyle
01:20:43||Ep. 40This week’s episode features an archival interview with Jacob Kyle, yoga and meditation teacher, writer, philosophy educator, and founder of Embodied Philosophy, an online educational platform for wisdom studies and contemplative practices, as well as host of the Chitheads podcast. The conversation explores the role of the scholar-practitioner in bridging the gap between rigorous academic scholarship and lived spiritual practice. The discussion delves into the distinction between awakening and liberation, emphasizing that while awakening involves recognizing one’s true nature, liberation requires the integration of that awakening into daily life. They also examine the challenges of bringing spiritual realizations into relationships and daily conduct, highlighting the importance of integration to avoid spiritual bypassing. Additionally, the conversation contrasts non-dual Shaiva Tantra with other traditions, offering insights into the philosophical and practical relevance of these teachings in everyday life.Get 25% off Embodied Philosophy’s Wisdom School for life with the coupon code ILLUMINATED25.Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at Listening with the Whole Body
24:01||Ep. 39This week's episode is a guided meditation centered on a simple yet profound somatic inquiry: What might it feel like to listen with the whole body? We are invited to listen to the whole of experience, cultivating presence by tuning into the vibrancy of awareness. Through gentle attention, we explore what it means to listen, not just with the ears, but with the entirety of our body. The meditation concludes with a beautiful Sanskrit verse from the Upanishads, reminding us of the wholeness at the heart of all existence. Take this time to settle into stillness and embrace the experience of simply being. Discover a treasure trove of guided meditations, teachings, and courses at