
Talking OTC Commodities
Fit for 55 – is Shipping running out of time?
In this episode, Michael Mervyn-Jones (EEX) and Richard Heath (EEX) discuss the ongoing transition to greener shipping with Tjard Juergens, Stefan Schindler and Patrick Schwinke from ZEABORN Ship Management and specifically examine just how ready the shipping industry is when it comes to EU ETS readiness.
In the podcast, the panel chats on the progress made since the “Fit for 55” package was announced almost a year ago and highlights a number of key areas which require further clarification including transparency of the political process, the importance of credible MRV data and who is ultimately responsible when it comes to paying the costs.
If you have any questions relating to this episode, please contact:
Richard Heath
Head of Business Development – Global Commodities (EEX)
Michael Mervyn-Jones
Head of Commercial Content – EEX
Tjard Juergens
Vice President – Business Development – ZEABORN Ship Management
Stefan Schindler
Senior Vice President – Project & Performance – ZEABORN Ship Management
Patrick Schwinke
Business Development Manager – Projects, Relations & Marketing – ZEABORN Ship Management
About ZEABORN Ship Management
ZEABORN Ship Management is a pure third-party ship manager based in Hamburg and Singapore. We believe in the safety of people and ships, transparency towards our customers on financial and operational matters, asset protection so our customers can take advantage of the market, and reliability in performance.
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2. The Rising Role of Funds in Freight
24:17||Season 2, Ep. 2In this episode, Michael Mervyn-Jones (EEX) talks to Richard Heath (EEX), Claudia Gerotto (EEX) and Kerry Deal (Freight Investor Services) on the rising importance of Funds in the Dry Freight Market. In the podcast, the panel discuss the history of funds in freight, outline why now is the right time for funds to enter into dry freight and examine what brokers and exchanges can do to attract more funds to the market. If you have any questions relating to this episode, please contact: Claudia GerottoHead of Sales – Global Commodities (EEX)Email: claudia.gerotto@eex.comLinkedin: Richard HeathHead of Business Development – Global Commodities (EEX)Email: richard.heath@eex.comLinkedin: Michael Mervyn-JonesStrategic Lead – Commercial Content (EEX)Email: michael.mervyn-jones@eex.comLinkedin: For more details on the EEX Global Commodities portfolio, please About Freight Investor Services Freight Investor Services (FIS) was founded in 2001, by Mr. John Banaszkewicz (known to the market as John B). For the past 20 years, FIS has taken a leading role in the development and promotion of the dry FFA market. In addition to the extremely strong presence on dry FFAs, FIS is a leading broker of Iron Ore, Coking Coal, and Steel and Scrap futures, as well as Wet FFAs, Fuel Oil, Base Metals, and Fertilizers. If you have any questions for Kerry Deal or would like to know more about Freight Investor Services, please contact: Kerry DealHead of Business Development – Freight Investor ServicesEmail: KerryD@freightinvestor.comLinkedin: Counting the Cost of Carbon in Shipping
34:25||Season 2, Ep. 1Talking OTC Commodities is back with a brand-new season of episodes which will examine what’s happening in commodities today.For the 1st episode of season 2, we’re continuing the conversation which began in episode 10 of season 1 and delving deeper into the concept of decarbonization in shipping.As the shipping sector continues to deal with the “green shift” and with important decisions from the EU fast approaching, in this episode EEX’ Richard Heath is joined by Kuehne + Nagel’s Kai Miller as they discuss shipping’s standing as a “green” mode of transport. Referencing specific examples from the container sector, the pair go on to examine who’s ultimately going to pay the cost of CO2 reduction and explore the various methods the industry can utilize to manage that cost.If you have any questions relating to this episode or would like to know more about EEX Group’s Sustainable Shipping initiative, please contact:Richard HeathEmail: richard.heath@eex.comLinkedin: Mervyn-JonesEmail: michael.mervyn-jones@eex.comLinkedin: To view our latest complimentary webinar “Counting the Cost of Carbon in Shipping”, please click here: more details on the EEX Global Commodities portfolio, please visit: About Kuehne + NagelWith over 72,500 employees at 1,400 locations in over 100 countries, the Kuehne+Nagel Group is one of the world's leading logistics companies. Its strong market position lies in sea logistics, air logistics, road logistics, and contract logistics, with a clear focus on integrated logistics solutions. In 1890, August Kuehne and Friedrich Nagel founded the freight forwarding company in Bremen, Germany. Over the last 130 years, Kuehne+Nagel has evolved from a traditional shipping company to a global logistics partner that offers highly specialised solutions for major industries worldwide.www.kuehne-nagel.comIf you have any questions for Kai Miller or would like to know more about Kuehne + Nagel’s offering, please contact:Kai MillerEmail: kai.miller@kuehne-nagel.comLinkedin: Sustainable Shipping – the next frontier
30:30||Season 1, Ep. 10As sustainability continues to dominate headlines around the globe, the central theme of decarbonization has emerged to play a crucial role in the commodities sector worldwide, but in what way has it affected the shipping industry thus far and how will it develop in the future? In the 10th episode of Talking OTC Commodities, EEX Group’s Richard Heath, Erlend Engelstad and Michael Mervyn Jones examine the role that decarbonization plays in shipping today, explore potential scenarios and solutions as to how it will evolve in the future and discuss how EEX Group, an exchange with a global footprint in both the Freight and Carbon Markets, can take an active role as facilitators of change. If you have any questions relating to this episode or would like to know more about EEX Group’s Sustainable Shipping initiative, please contact: Richard HeathEmail: rIchard.heath@eex.comLinkedin: Erlend EngelstadEmail: eengelstad@eexasia.comLinkedin: Michael Mervyn-JonesEmail: michael.mervyn-jones@eex.comLinkedin: For more details on the EEX Global Commodities portfolio, please visit: www.eex.com9. Navigating the course of Maritime Fuels in the wake of IMO 2020
23:52||Season 1, Ep. 9In this episode, Erlend Engelstad talks with Rajesh Nair from Platts about how supply and demand for fuel oil has changed after IMO regulations came into place in 2020. In particular, they focus on the battle of the benchmarks, and how the futures market for low sulphur fuel oil is picking up steamIf you have any questions relating to this episode or would like to know more about EEX Group’s Global Commodities portfolio, please contact:Erlend EngelstadEmail: eengelstad@eexasia.comRichard HeathEmail: richard.heath@eex.comMichael Mervyn-JonesEmail: michael.mervyn-jones@eex.com8. The outlook for Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) & long term hedging in a post-COVID world
24:03||Season 1, Ep. 8One of the hottest topics in recent years is the rise of Power Purchase Agreements to fund renewables projects in Europe. This month’s podcast dives into the rise of PPAs, the impacts of COVID-19 and the resulting outlook from the perspective of key players in renewables and European Power trading. Listen to find out how they see the future of PPAs in a post-COVID world, and how managing risk through markets is crucial for sustainable growth. This month’s panel includes: Viviana Ciancibello (EEX) – viviana.ciancibello@eex.comJorge Arenillas (Sonnedix) – jorge.arenillas@sonnedix.comJay Rustulka (Uniper) – jay.rustulka1@uniper.energyMichael Mervyn-Jones (EEX) – michael.mervyn-jones@eex.com7. Sustainability and Transparency – How can renewable energy from Biomass benefit from both?
23:43||Season 1, Ep. 7In this month’s podcast, EEX Group’s Robert Seehawer discuss the aspects of sustainability and transparency in relation to Biomass with experts from Enviva (the largest global wood pellets producer) and Ørsted (the most sustainable company in the world as voted by Corporate Knights 2020 Global 100 index). Together, the panel explores why Biomass is often criticised in the media, what type of market is required to unlock the potential of Biomass as a commodity as well as discussing what needs to happen to sustainably integrate this global commodity into the mix of renewable energy sources.6. Japanese Power Derivatives – how can the trading community unlock its potential?
35:55||Season 1, Ep. 6Following EEX’s successful entry into the Japanese Power Derivatives market, this month’s podcast examines the potential of this dynamic market and explores what measures are required in order to grow liquidity. With expert opinion from key players in the Japan Power market, we ask the question; “how can the global trading community support the development of this new and exciting market?”. If you have any questions relating to this podcast, please contact or Make sure to follow EEX Group on Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram See for privacy and opt-out information.5. Japan Power – An industry Journey
34:40||Season 1, Ep. 5As Japan continues to follow the course of ongoing deregulation in its Power market, the demand for cleared long-term contracts and further hedging instruments continues to grow. EEX Group, the largest power exchange group in the world, is committed to developing such a cleared long-term market for Japanese Power by combining best practices from 20 international power markets with domestic Japanese specifics. In this month’s podcast, EEX COO, Steffen Koehler and Power Derivatives Director, Steffen Riediger discuss EEX Group’s highly anticipated entry into the Japan Power market. In addition to their own personal experiences, “the Steffens” examine the dynamics of the Japan Power market, outline their future expectations and give a detailed insight on the work to date in preparation of the launch on the 18th May. If you require any further information on the Japan Power initiative please contact or Make sure to follow EEX Group on Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram