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Cooked-Up Leadership

Season 4, Ep. 35

So, in this Episode, I start out by stirring the pot a little and discuss what comes up to make me say leadership is not all it's cooked up to be. I highlight the four-way disconnect between how leadership is presented and how leadership is practiced.

Company leadership systems, policies, and practices are not value-neutral. They are a reflection of the leader's values and the company culture they have structured.

Policies and practices can have a negative impact on women and people of color in a variety of ways.

Many companies and their leaders, if the persistent statistics are to be believed have not achieved the basic commonly stated aspirations. Stated values appear to be misaligned with or disconnected from actual practice. So, I say leadership simply is not what it has been 'cooked up’ or presented to be. Do you agree? Subscribe to this podcast so you'll know when they drop each week. Follow me on Instagram @drcarmelananton. Connect with me at Let's lead inclusively. Dr. Carmela Nanton is Executive Coach, Inclusion and Women's Leaderologist

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  • 43. Your Voice is Power

    The one thing we are born with that has strategic and life implications is our voice. Beyond it's unique identity as an identifier, our voice had the primary responsibility of ensuring our survival. some of our voices were silenced along the way to maturity for many people. Others try to silence our voices so that they can control us by taking away our power. Alice Walker said "No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow."This podcast describes the power of our voice, the silencers of that voice, makes the connection to the reality that silencing hinders our growth and stifles us. and finishes with a call to exercise our voice because it is our power. Please subscribe to the podcast, and share it with friends. To contact me @drcarmelananton or email:
  • 42. Ernestine Shepherd Interview

    Ms. Ernestine “Granny Six Pack” Shepherd, Guinness World Record Female Body Builder. In her soft-spoken voice, Ernestine tells a fascinating story of her journey to greatness. Told in an inimitable way, Ernestine gives us a glimpse of personal struggles to overcome and transformation of mind and body. She not only fulfilled her promise to her sister but encourages us to forget the mistakes of the past and live in the faith to be our best selves. She is a certified personal trainer and the epitome of her 3D philosophy usually blazoned on something she is wearing: ‘Determined, Dedicated, and Disciplined to be fit’ is also the title of her book. It is a perfect reminder for each of us as we finish out the year and contemplate the goals of the new year to focus on them with the determination to tackle them, the dedication to engage them daily, and the discipline to complete them. Ernestine is still making news today as an advocate for health, exercise, and fitness. 
  • 41. Leader-Moms Part 2

    This podcast builds on the content of last week's Leader-Mom episode. I bring attention to company false narratives that women can't lead.I speak to what it means for how companies look at leadership, and equity in the workplace, and the significance of women as almost 50% of the workforce, the population, and the family -all places where leadership is in demand.
  • 40. Leader-Moms Part 1

    Mothers Day is gone, but mothers are mothers every day. Mothers are natural leaders. In this two-part podcast, I propose that Motherhood requires and comes with the Gift of Leadership. Yet when mothers temporarily step out of the workplace on maternity leave they find that their position or status may not be the same as before they left. In this episode, I identify the specific leadership skills that motherhood requires. Companies must recognize the disconnect from reality that they have when they continue to promote the false narrative that women cannot lead. We have already noticed that the soft-skills, as we like to call them, are really crucial skills for 21st-century leadership. Content is excerpted in part from the Hard-wired to Lead series.
  • 39. Dr. Osgood Interview

    Dr. Osgood shares her powerful story of redemptive transformation, and how she became an influential leader. We learn the value of mentoring in leadership, the pain of competition, the power of accountability partners, and how anything is possible with the value of having a “success entourage.” From convict to chairwoman, a cancer survivor, with a great sense of humor, she candidly discusses the challenges of women leaders, dealing with the social issues that come with women’s leadership such as rejection or isolation. Her latest book is Influential Woman Leader.
  • 38. Why It Matters

    For Women only! If your leadership trajectory has been blocked and barriers fill your workplace experiences. This is to let you know You are seen. You are heard. You are valued. The underlying premise for Hard-wired to Lead series and a reason for Talk4Leaders. I put this at the end of the Hard-wired to lead series because in spite of it all we really do matter. Subscribe to this podcast so you'll know when they drop each week. Follow me on Instagram @drcarmelananton. Connect with me at Let's lead inclusively. Dr. Carmela Nanton is Executive Coach, Inclusion and Women's Leaderologist
  • 37. Domestic Violence and Leadership

    This episode, I look to make the connection between domestic violence behaviors and women's experience in contemporary leadership practice. I take some of the specific behaviors of domestic violence and identify the corresponding leadership behaviors. The power and control, the wage gap, the isolation, and support it with statistics. The collective Empathy switch has to be turned on if change is going to happen. If change happens in leadership practice, it will happen in society. Subscribe to this podcast so you'll know when they drop each week. Follow me on Instagram @drcarmelananton. Connect with me at Let's lead inclusively. Dr. Carmela Nanton is Executive Coach, Inclusion and Women's Leaderologist
  • 36. The Fifth Image

    Leadership is changing. It has a new face: women.The image of women immediately brings up certain prescribed roles in the minds of society. Even today in the 21st century, those prescribed roles do not include leadership as part of the prescription. This podcast summarizes four cultural image types that have been assigned to women, all of them limiting, all of them not including leadership. I present the fifth image to expand the ones that were outlined for women of color early on by P.H. Collins. This 5th image includes leadership as the main role for women who are hard-wired to lead.Subscribe to this podcast so you'll know when they drop each week. Follow me on Instagram @drcarmelananton. Connect with me at Let's lead inclusively. Dr. Carmela Nanton is Executive Coach, Inclusion and Women's Leaderologist