
cover art for The Toddler Stretch

Stretch Marks

The Toddler Stretch

Season 2, Ep. 5

In this episode of Stretch Marks, we are talking all things toddlers. The tantrums, the negotiating and how to keep sane through what can be a bumpy year or two (which, of course, can still be filled with so much love and countless gorgeous moments). Again, Carolines comes at this from the perspective of a first timer, while Sinead has learned by toddler number 2 to ride the waves. Follow us on @StretchMarksPodcast for more.

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  • 3. Caoimhe Big Hill House - An Unexpected Life Stretch

    This episode with Caoimhe McG is delicate. Navigating the end of a relationship as a parent is an often unspoken impossible life stretch - yet so many are going through it. Caoimhe is a mum of 4 and with her account The Big Hill House has shared parts of her home with her followers - but nothing is certain and the life we plan can change. Here she finds her voice and her courage to speak about how hard the last year has been. Her decision to move back to Ireland, step away from her career and her financial security, the 6 weeks of maternity leave she experienced in Abu Dhabi 3 times, in comparison to her decision to be at home full time with her children now. Life stretches us beyond measure - and if you are where Caoimhe was a year ago I hope this episode gives you comfort and the courage you need to find yourself again. Thank you to my NEW sponsor Dove Advanced Care Body Wash for bringing their support and for creating a body wash with 24 hour moisture straight from the shower.Hosted by Sinead O'Moore Get in touch at @stretchmarkspodcast I'd love to hear from you.
  • 2. Aoife Dunne - My Depression, Shame & Healing life's Traumas' Stretch

    This weeks guest is a comedian, a poet, a storyteller - Aoife Dunne english_and_aoife Her observations and comedy of the Irish Mother are wildly accurate and so too are her expressions of grief, depression and finding her real identity that lay hidden under trauma for too long. It’s deep, intelligent, beautiful and it's Aoife - so it's funny.And I think it’s really important to hear.She talks about losing her mother, the shame of her dad's affair and growing up in Galway as she says - "poor".  We talk about life and a defining break up at 33 that stretched her to the point of finally acknowledging her depression.And the process back to happiness. We also talk about how her success in comedy often brings derogatory comments from men. This conversation was recorded BEFORE the announcement of Natasha O’Brien’s assault case. We did not know at the time how the rest of the week would roll out - and yet you’ll hear us talk about our fears on the rise of misogyny, violence and the degrading of women’s rights. Thank you to my NEW sponsor Dove Advanced Care Body Wash for bringing their support and for creating a body wash with 24 hour moisture straight from the shower.Hosted by Sinead O'Moore Get in touch at @stretchmarkspodcast I'd love to hear from you.
  • 1. Genevieve Turley - The Real Beauty, Self Esteem & NOT Having it All Together Stretch

    NEW SEASON of Stretch Marks with Sinead O'Moore Kicking off another 10 weeks with my first guest Genevieve TurleyGenevieve is a make up artist in the rational, normal, you're doing great as you are babe sense of the word.She combines her wit with her natural beauty, her comfort with who she is and how she looks with informative, kind and hilarious content. She is doing us ALL a favour - and if you're not following her yet I encourage you to do so immediately. She is a mum of 2 in her 30's and we talk about growing to accept ourselves, getting excited about our 40's, ignoring the weight of expectation for how we are to look 24/7 and some really kind honest advice on how to stop bashing ourselves. Listen and you'll reemember that you are more than ENOUGH.Thank you for my NEW sponsor Dove Advanced Care Body Wash for bringing their support and for creating a body wash with 24 hour moisture straight from the shower. Hosted by Sinead O'Moore Get in touch at @stretchmarkspodcast I'd love to hear from you.
  • Keep Stretching: Season 7 is Here

    Season 7 of Stretch Marks with Sinead O'Moore returns on Wednesday 19th June 2024Joined by inspirational guests, experts and friends, this podcast will help us to flow with whatever life is throwing at us and leave us feeling more empowered, excited and confident about the version of ourselves we are growing in to.Together let's celebrate our personal growth while acknowledging the physical, mental & emotional Stretch Marks we've earned. #AD - This season is supported by Dove Advanced Care Body Wash.Their best ever Dove body wash with 24 hour renewing micro-moisture regenerating the skin’s natural moisture from within.
  • 10. Holly Cairns - My Leadership Stretch

    Season Finale Holly Cairns - leader of the Social Democrats joins me to talk about her stretch as a women new to politics and what has motivated her to want positive change. I have admired Holly's ability to stand in the Dáil and speak on issues with empathy, humanity and an authenticity we don't always see.We talk about Gaza, how her view of politics and the world has changed - her experience of sexism, agism and intimidation - her rise through politics and why we need more women using their voices, their votes and their value for the world we all hope to see. Thank you Holly for giving me your time less than 48 hours after Leo resigned.So that's it. Another season of stretch marks is over.We talked about our bodies, our fertility, self worth, mental health, hyperemesis, nicu, the referendum, brain tumours, nervous system regulation and leadership. Big topics. Deep topics. But I hope conversations that have supported anyone in the depths of their own unique stretch. So for now - thank you for every listen, share and review. And to my sponsor of this Season Carriwell available at CleverClogs. Hosted by Sinead O'Moore Get in touch at @stretchmarkspodcast I'd love to hear from you.This episode is kindly supported by Carriwell - available from
  • 9. Justine King - My Natural Home Birth Stretch

    5 days after giving birth at home - fashion stylist Justine King joins me to share her gorgeous natural home birth story. Making this empowered choice to birth at home wasn’t by accident - but an instinct that grew following her first lockdown baby - and his restricted birth. Instead this was within her control, within her safe 4 walls and within her capacity as she stretched her inner belief and goddess to meet her baby.Hosted by Sinead O'Moore Get in touch at @stretchmarkspodcast I'd love to hear from you.This episode is kindly supported by Carriwell - available from
  • 8. Paul O'Regan - Why Acupuncture supports my Stretch

    For 5 years I’ve trusted Paul O’Regan founder of AcuDublin with my headspace, back pain, pregnancy preparation and postpartum recovery. Acupuncture and Anatomy in Motion with Paul is now firmly in my self care toolkit - and he has finally agreed to join me on the podcast to talk about my symptoms and how he treats so many women as stretched as me coming through his clinic.Mothers, trying to be all things to all people in this modern world with little regard for what our bodies actually go through in pregnancy, postpartum or just monthly, my symptoms, my story is so not unique - and that seeing so many women in this same boat has led him to create Aim to Recover a brand new multi disciplinary health hub in Drumcondra that focuses on every aspect of pregnancy and postpartum recovery. Plus he’s a dad of 3 young kids - he gets it. And you can follow Paul @acudublin on instagram or discover all the pregnancy and postpartum treatments at this new clinic Aim to RecoverHosted by Sinead O'Moore Get in touch at @stretchmarkspodcast I'd love to hear from you.This episode is kindly supported by Carriwell - available from Produced by The Brand StoryRecorded in Prymal Productions.
  • 7. Laura Mangan - My Brain Tumour in Wrexham Stretch

    One year ago, when her 1st born was 3 weeks old, Laura Mangan was diagnosed with a a brain tumour. From Limerick, now living in the UK with partner and Wrexham FC player Anthony Forde - club owner Ryan Reynolds stepped in and found answers. While Laura's story has been featured throughout media with and without her knowledge - this is Laura's story. A first time mother living away from home with a newborn standing in the hospital with an expressed bottle at home being told this news. And here for the first time she tells it in her own words. March is Brain Tumour Awareness Month and one year on almost to the day from her diagnosis, Laura is here and ready to use her voice to create more awareness. Follow more of Laura’s recovery, advocacy, wedding and gorgeous life on @livingwithljmShare this far and wide - talk to you again next week. Hosted by Sinead O'Moore Get in touch at @stretchmarkspodcast I'd love to hear from you.This episode is kindly supported by Carriwell - available from Thank you to Alan Breslin on SoundProduced by The Brand Story
  • 6. Sonya Lennon - The Referendum Stretch

    This Friday, March 8th Ireland is being asked to vote on two referenda.There are two articles for us to vote on.1) The Family Article and 2)The Care ArticleI have written a full piece on the meaning of both on my substack - you can access that here. In this episode I speak with Sonya Lennon, founder of Work Equal and along with the Women's Council has been part of the process to get us to this point. Through her work with work equal she was called as witnesses to the joint Oireachtas committee on gender equality.She is a YES YES campaigner - however this episode explores the questions and concerns shared by my followers who participated in the polls.**I am open to learning. My opinions are not everyone's. My understanding is open to correction. I believe in the importance of debate and conversation. I am not a broadcaster with a responsibility to be neutral. I am a person trying to figure this out.Hosted by Sinead O'Moore Get in touch at @stretchmarkspodcast I'd love to hear from you.This episode is kindly supported by Carriwell - available from Thank you to Alan Breslin on SoundProduced by The Brand Story