
Storm-Wracked Library

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  • 11. 11 - A Torch in the Dark V

    I continue my game of A Torch in the Dark by Michael Elliott about a unionized halfling lumberjack who delves into a dungeon after the treasure of dead capitalists.  This time, we go hardcore, almost die, and rescue the corpse of a Prince who might not have sucked as much as the nobility.

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  • 10. 10 - A Torch in the Dark IV

    We go after a Duke of Spies and meet a few interesting companions along the way.
  • 9. 9 - A Torch in the Dark III

    I continue my game of A Torch in the Dark by Michael Elliott about a unionized halfling lumberjack who delves into a dungeon after the treasure of dead capitalists.
  • 8. 8 - A Torch in the Dark II

    I play a game of A Torch in the Dark by Michael Elliott about a unionized halfling lumberjack who delves into a dungeon after the treasure of dead capitalists.
  • 7. 7 - A Torch in the Dark I

    I play a game of A Torch in the Dark by Michael Elliott about a unionized halfling lumberjack who delves into a dungeon after the treasure of dead capitalists.
  • 6. 6 - Alone among the Shifting Trees

    I play a solo game of Alone among the Shifting Trees by Takuma Okada about a halfling finding relics of a lost war against a Dark Lord.
  • 5. 5 - Pilgrimage of the Sun Guard

    I play a solo game of Pilgrimage of the Sun Guard by Amanda P. about a forlorn orphan of a fallen knightly order, which you can listen to here.You can also see the new bench in my library or check out my new Continentbuilding project for Dungeon23.