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Stockholm Legacy Report

Fun and Cozy Times

Ep. 134

A podcast about Paper Legacy. In this shorter episode, we follow Robin to a nice weekly with more of the Frog and ask Victor what he's likely bringing to Nationals in November. What are you bringing? Let us know in our Discord!

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  • 146. Mindless, Timeless, Endless Despair

    30:29||Ep. 146
    A podcast about Paper Legacy. In this episode, we follow Robin to an off-season weekly at the LGS where a truly epic punt occurs. After that, we reconvene the Basic Land Connoisseur Panel, after a long hiatus of this beloved segment. This time, we look at Eldrazi! Join the Discord for all Land thumbnails:
  • 145. True Brew with The Hope

    45:13||Ep. 145
    A podcast about Paper Legacy. In this episode we bring on Andreas Hofverberg, MTGO trophy hero and resident end boss to talk about winning with really inspired brews and what you need to succeed! Find links to amazing decks in our Discord server:
  • 144. Plexiglass Cannon

    30:49||Ep. 144
    A podcast about Paper Legacy. In this episode Robin talks about success, Victor scores more than 3 points and both discuss the tiny Metagame in the run up to the Local Legacy League season Finals! As always, find us in our Discord channel:
  • 143. Crushed Again!

    20:09||Ep. 143
    A podcast about Paper Legacy. In this episode we here from Victor who runs into yet another weekly full of exciting challenges. Also, Christofer shows up with a surprise quiz! Do you want to quiz? Let us know in the Discord and we'll make it happen:
  • 142. Python Economy

    35:47||Ep. 142
    A podcast about Paper Legacy. In this episode our co-hosts return to local game store cardboard meetings and clash with each other! We also look back a bit at 2024 and follow Robin down the rabbit hole of too much time one one's hands! Join the Discord:
  • 141. Final Flight of the Frog

    42:39||Ep. 141
    A pocast about Paper Legacy. In this episode we report great success from two of our co-hosts in the last week before the recent bannings, as well as pondering a bit about what Legacy will look like without Psychic Frog and Vexing Bauble. As always, you are very welcome to join our Discord server:
  • 140. Eternal Weekend Champ Johan Larsson

    39:03||Ep. 140
    A podcast about Paper Legacy. In this episode, we dedicate our time to local Stockholm Legacy hero and newly minted Eternal Weekend Prague Legacy Champion Johan Larsson! What went down, how does it feel winning such a massive trophy and what does it mean to have a local game store for weekly cardboard games? Johan Larsson can be found on X at @L4r55on, join the Stockholm Legacy Report Discord at
  • 139. Much Combo, Very Bauble?

    36:37||Ep. 139
    A podcast about Paper Legacy. All our co-hosts have played with their cardboard to varying success, but all content is good content! Note: this episode was recorded pre Eternal Weekend Europe, we'll get to that. Come join the Discord for celebration of what went down!
  • 138. Commanding Horizons

    27:40||Ep. 138
    A podcast about Paper Legacy. In this episode, Robin and Christofer head down to the LGS to discover that MH3 cards are still just really very good cards. Come join the Discord and let us know what to ban next: Blusky;,