
The Semper Reformata Podcast
Why Did God Rescue Us?
Season 3
Why Did God Rescue Us?
Text: Ephesians 2:4-7
Paul has given us a shocking assessment of the very nature of all humanity, in every age, in every location, people of all races and creeds, men and women… They are all polluted with sin, and we discovered in Ephesians 2:4, that Paul had inserted two very important and pivotal words: BUT GOD. Someone once remarked that right here we have the biggest BUT – a contrast – in the Bible. Here’s why. Because it is an unexpected twist. There’s many’s a novel has a twist like that. But none of them can compare with this twist, this BUT.
This sermon was preached at Ballymacashon, and at Templepatrick Reformed Church. It was recorded at Templepatrick, and is used here with their kind permission.
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Christian Concern
20:48||Season 5Christian ConcernText: Ephesians 6:21-24. (Cf Colossians 4:7-9)Here we have Paul’s final words, in his letter to the Christians in Ephesus, as he brings his epistle to a close and in closing he brings them a word of consolation, a word of commendation, and a word of blessing. It is an expression of Christian fellowship and love.This sermon was recorded live at Ballymacashon, - please excuse the sound quality.Read the NOTES HERE.Do Not Love The World
21:48||Season 5Do Not Love The WorldText: 1 John 2:15 Christians must be wary, for the present world holds much attraction, and they will be tempted to take of its goods and trust in its promises, but it is a false hope, for this world and everything in it is passing away. Don't be beguiled by its empty promises and false hopes...Read the NOTES HERE.Paul's Prayer Request.
28:56|Paul's Prayer Request.Text: Ephesians 6:19-20 – 2 Corinthians 12:9ffThe Christian has a ‘prayerful lifestyle’ – a basic disposition to prayer, a heart that will turn to God for help in whatever circumstances, seeking His guidance and help, whatever might come our way. And we are to pray for others. So, having made that point, Paul now puts them to work, – admitting HE needs prayer and asking them to pray for him, in the difficult situation in which he finds himself. Read the NOTES HERE.This message was recorded at Templepatrick Reformed Church, and is reproduced here with their kind permission.Who We Are and What We Have in Christ
22:04||Season 5Who We Are and What We Have in Christ. Text: 1 John 2:12-14This is a ‘greeting’ of sorts, perhaps a hymn – or even a ‘transition’ – like between the slides on a powerpoint! Certainly it’s an exhortation to the Christians to show them who they are, and what they have in Christ.Read the NOTES HERE.The Fundamentals of Prayer
27:10||Season 5The Fundamentals of PrayerText: Ephesians 6:18 In our last study we saw how important it was that every Christian should read and meditate upon the Bible, God’s infallible word, and so submit to the work of God the Holy Spirit, in applying God’s Word to our lives (Ephesians 5:25-26). Just as the armour of God is a defence against satanic attacks, so prayer is our greatest weapon against the enemy. In one single sentence Paul gives us the Bible’s most comprehensive advice on how to pray. Read the NOTES HERE.This sermon was recorded live at Templepatrick Reformed Church and is used here with their kind permission.Love Others as Christ Loved Us
20:00||Season 5How's That LOVE Thing Going For You?In the podcast we look at 1st John 2:7-11, and note that John is teaching us that to be loving, - to be predisposed to love others, is a reflection of Christlikeness in us, and that we can use our assessment of our love for others, - our 'love quotient' as a means to know if we have really experienced God's grace in our lives.Read the NOTES HERE.The Sword of the Spirit (Extract)
10:42||Season 5The Sword of the Spirit. (Extract)Text: Ephesians 6:17 The warrior now lifts his final piece of equipment, – his sword. It will be used in defence, to ward off the onslaught of the enemy, but also in attack, to inflict mortal blows upon the adversary of the soul, for after all, sometimes attack is the best form of defence. The Sword of the Spirit is a dual purpose weapon. Read the NOTES HERECan We KNOW That We Are Saved?
22:59||Season 5Can We KNOW that We are Saved?Text.1 John 2:3-6 John, in this passage, four times uses the word KNOW. We can KNOW that we KNOW Him. we can see here how we will recognise, looking inwardly, that we are saved – the EVIDENCE that conversion has been effected in our lives by a divine work of God the Holy Spirit. READ THE NOTES HERE.The Helmet of Salvation
16:21||Season 5The Helmet of SalvationEphesians 6:17Why do we need this protection? A head wound or a bang to the head is a serious matter indeed. That’s why motor cyclists and bikers wear helmets. Brain injury is a very great danger.So it is for us, for it is in the brain, where all of our thought-life occurs – the mind. It is in the mind that the devil often strikes, This sermon was recorded at Templepatrick Reformed Church, and is reproduced here with their kind permission.Read the NOTES HERE