
Soul Wisdom Transitions
Writing as a Tool for Self-Discovery and Forgiveness with Odelia Elgarat
"When I started, I thought I was forgiving my birth mom and my adoptive mom, and at the end of the process, after six long years of ups and downs, I told my husband: I'm done, I forgive everyone, I'm good. And then he said, I think you forgot someone, and I'm like, No, I didn't. And it took me a few days to understand. Oh my gosh, I didn't forgive myself!" - Odelia Elgarat.
In today's episode, I'm joined by the super creative and inspiring Odelia Elgarat to talk about writing, self-reflection, and forgiveness and how, by relying on them, we can use literature as a transformational tool and stay in close touch with our soul wisdom. Odelia is an Author, Writer, and Guided Autobiography Instructor; she holds a degree in Cultural Creation and Production from Sapir College in Israel and recently launched her online writing coaching business. Born in Paris, Odelia grew up visiting museums, filling her eyes with Manet, Monet, Renoir, and Van Gogh's paintings and her heart and imagination with Balzac, Molière, and Victor Hugo's stories. Still, she would reconnect with her inner writer many years later, when in 2015, she and her family moved to Israel, where she had no friends or family. Odelia took writing lessons to fill that void and, one year later, started to write her first book, the memoir "You Are Allowed."
Throughout this episode, you'll hear Odelia's thoughts on the transformative power of self-compassion and how, through it, you can tap into your intuition, listen to your inner wisdom more clearly, and grow. You'll also hear about Odelia's approach to coaching new writers and why, when they do, their stories have an unmistakable authenticity accent.
Additionally, you'll learn how to use writing as a self-discovery mechanism, instill personal growth through creative writing, and much more.
Tune in and listen to episode 11 of Soul Wisdom Transitions, and learn why you must forgive yourself, love yourself, and respect yourself before anything in your creative journey.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- A bit about Odelia's background and passion for writing (4:10)
- Odelia's technique to help coachees connect with their soul wisdom (8:00)
- You are not aiming for a Pulitzer; just write your story (13:10)
- Forgive yourself first, love yourself first, respect yourself first (17:00)
- There are no rules, no criticism; start with one word (20:30)
- Odelia shares an exercise to get beginner writers going (23:40)
Connect with Odelia:
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- Get Odelia's book, You Are Allowed
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- Book: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle
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22. Feed the Right Wolf. How To Help Yourself Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
17:01||Ep. 22From all the stories we carry around throughout our lives, limiting beliefs are usually the heaviest ones. What are yours? How often do you find yourself feeding them?Today, in our final episode, I share practical tools to help you step out of your comfort zone and, one by one, gather the courage to face and crush your limiting beliefs.Throughout this episode, I share personal experiences and insights on spotting the stories that hold you back, three tips to unravel those stories and stop feeding them, and the importance of being aware of them to challenge them. You'll also get tips to help you understand how you can take control and stop feeding the stories that don't serve you, recognize the things that shut you down, and more.Listen to episode 22 of Soul Wisdom Transitions, help yourself unravel your story, and start feeding the right wolf.In This Episode, You Will Learn:A bit about Terri's participation in the 2024 Ms. Colorado Senior America Pageant (1:40)Which wolf wins? A Cherokee Tale (3:00)What is your story? What triggers you? (6:10)What happens when we stop feeding our limiting beliefs? (9:30)The power of becoming aware of the stories that hold us back (11:00)Let's connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebookBook: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle21. Boundaries, Acceptance and Growth with Barb Nangle
32:54||Ep. 21How often do you hear yourself saying "yes" while your entire body screams: NO!?In today's episode, we receive expert advice on building healthy relationships with ourselves and others from Boundaries Coach Barb Nangle. Barb is the Founder and CEO of Higher Power Coaching & Consulting, the Host of the "Fragmented to Whole" podcast, and a Boundaries Coach specializing in women who focus on what others think and neglect themselves. Despite being very introspective, reading about self-help, and doing therapy for almost 4 decades, Barb found herself in a 12-step recovery program at the age of 52.Throughout this episode, you'll hear about Barb's self-development journey, her codependency issues, and how learning to build healthy boundaries changed her life. Barb also talks about her podcast, "Fragmented to Whole," why she created it, and how it helped her in her own journey.Additionally, Barb shares her thoughts on the importance of 12-step programs, the importance of spotting and dealing with the patterns that shape our thoughts and behaviors, and much more.Tune in to episode 21 and learn how to recognize and overcome victim mentality, practice acceptance, and establish healthy boundaries with yourself and others.In This Episode, You Will Learn:How Barb discovered she had codependency issues (2:20)Building healthy boundaries is an antidote to codependency (5:10)What makes us say "yes" when we want to say "no" (12:00)12-step programs are spiritual experiences (19:00)Barb talks about a book that shaped her relationship with God (23:20)Resources Mentioned:Book: Neal Donald Walsch - Conversations With GodConnect with Barb Nangle:WebsiteInstagramYouTubeFacebookListen to Barb's podcast, Fragmented to Whole - Life Lessons from 12-Step RecoveryLet's connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebookBook: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle20. Feel the Fear, Sit with It, and Do It Anyways
23:12||Ep. 20How many times has fear stopped you from doing something you really wanted to do?In this episode, in another soul-starting conversation, we discuss the importance of facing our fears and overcoming limiting beliefs. We all have limiting beliefs - things we think we cannot do, things we don't deserve to achieve or have, or objectives we feel we will never be able to pull off. These self-imposed limitations are fed by stories in our heads—stories we've been creating our whole lives based on the things we heard when we were little or things that happened to us at some point.Throughout this episode, you'll hear practical tips to help you overcome your fears and limiting beliefs, learn to listen and trust your soul's wisdom, and overcome self-imposed limitations through public speaking. You'll also hear about the importance of embracing your vulnerability, why feeling ridiculous is not a valid excuse for inaction, and so much more.Listen to episode 20 of Soul Wisdom Transitions and equip your soul wisdom with the tools to dismantle limiting beliefs and crush your self-imposed limitations.In This Episode, You Will Learn:Feel the fear, take a deep breath, and do it anyways (2:10)The importance of embracing your vulnerability (5:00)Don't eat a whole meal in one bite (8:20)Life happens on the other side of your comfort zone (12:30)Is feeling ridiculous a valid excuse? (16:00)Resources Mentioned:Book: Jack Canfield - Chicken Soup for the Soul 30th Anniversary Edition: Plus 30 Bonus StoriesBook: Dr. Susan Jeffers - Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and ActionLet's connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebookBook: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle19. Transforming Tumbleweeds: Empowering Women in Times of Need with Jackie Rubio
30:46||Ep. 19Sometimes in life, it feels like a two-by-four has hit us in the face, and the pain makes it hard to pay attention or even hear our soul wisdom's voice. In these moments, it is crucial to remember vulnerability isn't a weakness but a strength. It can be the flare that guides us right into a helping hand, offering the support and understanding we need. In this episode, I'm joined by Jackie Rubio, a beacon of resilience and strength. She is the co-founder and president of Transforming Tumbleweeds, an empowerment non-profit group created for women who need a guiding light and a little inspiration in times of darkness and unsureness. Jackie is a best-selling author, a mother of four, a grandmother of two, a certified Reiki practitioner, and a recovered alcoholic.Throughout this episode, Jackie talks about the creation of Transforming Tumbleweeds and her need and passion for connecting with and empowering other women on similar journeys. You'll also hear Jackie's heartbreaking story of how she lost a son, the titanic challenge of staying sober in the face of tragedy, and how she honed the craft of listening to her soul's wisdom. Additionally, we delve into the importance of seeking support and guidance to guide us through the pain of loss, the benefits of automatic writing, and more.Listen to episode 19 of Soul Wisdom Transitions and learn more about Jackie's fascinating story and work, helping and empowering beautiful souls seeking help.In This Episode, You Will Learn:How Jackie got the idea for Transforming Tumbleweeds (2:10)Jackie talks about the time her soul wisdom helped her stay sober in the face of tragedy (8:00)How do we deal with the times we think, "How am I doing all this"? (15:00)How to get up after a two-by-four hits us in the face (21:20)About the benefits of automatic writing (25:40)Connect with Jackie Rubio:Transforming Tumbleweeds websiteTransforming Tumbleweeds FacebookLet's connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebookBook: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle18. Breaking Free: Identifying and Conquering Self-Imposed Limitations
22:07||Ep. 18What's stopping you from doing what you love? Is it other people's opinions, a feeling of unworthiness, or a real reason? In today's episode, we discuss limiting beliefs and analyze how they impact our existence. Most people have self-imposed limitations, yet only a few become aware of them and how they get in the way of happiness and fulfillment. Although awareness is liberating and empowering, it isn't a final solution. Working on self-imposed limitations is a consistency game that demands patience, an open mind, and, above all things, tons of self-compassion. Throughout this episode, you'll learn how limiting beliefs get between you and your dreams, why becoming aware of them is a crucial first step, and how to overcome them. You'll also hear how limiting beliefs impact personal and professional growth, the life-transforming potential of sharing one's life story, and much more. Listen to episode 18 of Soul Wisdom Transitions and learn to explore your full potential without worrying about what your limiting beliefs whisper in your ear. In This Episode, You Will Learn:How limiting beliefs impact our existence (1:30)Terri shares a limiting belief that chased her for years (3:10)What changes once we are aware of our limiting beliefs (6:50)Don't let limiting beliefs stop you from sharing your story (11:20)Who cares about what others may think? (14:50)Let's connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebookBook: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle17. From Flying Through the Clouds to Reading the Stars. All About Jennifer Clair's Spiritual Awakening
25:41||Ep. 17If you ever felt a coincidence was much more than that, it probably was. Synchronicity is one of the many languages our soul wisdom uses to communicate with us; sometimes, getting in touch with it is all about being open and paying attention to the signs. In this episode, I'm joined by Evolutionary Astrologer and Spiritual Counselor Jennifer Clair. Although Jennifer has been attracted to astrology and spirituality her whole life, becoming a counselor who combines astrology with spirituality wasn't part of her plans. Still, looking back at the people she met along the way and the seeds they planted in her, she easily recognizes her soul wisdom's hand charting her path to where she is today. Throughout this episode, you'll hear about Jennifer's awakening story, her journey into becoming a professional astrologer, and the role astrology and numerology played in her finding her purpose. We also talk about personal growth, how astrology and birth charts can help people better understand and deal with their past traumas, the importance of paying attention to synchronicities, and much more.Listen to episode 17 of Soul Wisdom Transitions and learn more about how Jennifer followed the breadcrumbs right into her purpose. In This Episode, You Will Learn:A bit about Jennifer's past and present (1:10)Jennifer explains what is Evolutionary Astrology (3:20)What are the things Evolutionary Astrology can help you with (8:50)From flight attendant to astrology extraordinaire (12:10)Jennifer talks about her spiritual awakening (16:20)Pay attention to synchronicities (20:10)Connect with Jennifer:WebsiteYouTubeSubscribe to her Newsletter!Let's connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebookBook: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle16. How To Cross the Finish Line Dead Last and Still Win with Jodi Greve
38:18||Ep. 16"It's always interesting since I work with athletes. It is like, well, I have to win; that's the goal. To win the game, to win the race. Yes, it is. However, there are other ways that you can win. Coming in first is not the only way to win." - Jodi Greve.In today's episode, the inspiring Jodi Greve joins us to talk about failure and success, expectations, and growth. Jodi is a High Performance and Mindset Coach, Author, Speaker, and former Collegiate Basketball player and coach. Jodi's journey into coaching started almost accidentally after a hike to Mount Kilimanjaro, which utterly changed her perspective on what it truly means to be a winner. Throughout this episode, Jodi tells the story of her transformation after conquering Mount Kilimanjaro and how that experience changed her perspective on the meaning of being victorious. You'll also hear Jodi's thoughts on using uncomfortable experiences to enhance personal growth, managing challenges through goal setting, the power of positive affirmations and self-talk, and much more. Tune in and listen to episode 16 of Soul Wisdom Transitions and discover Jodi's unique approach to winning, crushing goals, and conquering our limitations.In This Episode, You Will Learn:Jodi talks about what winning meant to her before the Kilimanjaro experience (3:40)What changed in Jodi after she realized winning isn't only finishing first (11:20)Winning is very subjective (16:30)Can every average hiker reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro (21:20)Just go stop sign to stop sign (27:50)How do you eat an elephant? (32:00)Connect with Jodi:WebsiteLinkedInInstagramTwitterBook: Joid Greve - Conquering KilimanjaroLet's connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebookBook: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle15. Journey Inward: Practical Tips for Making Self-Reflection a Habit
28:02||Ep. 15Although self-reflection is quite simple to do, it is not easy. It requires time and commitment and can lead to finding uncomfortable truths buried in the mind's deepest, darkest corners. Still, practicing self-reflection and questioning the stories ingrained in the subconscious mind are shortcuts to personal growth, healing, and mental and spiritual well-being. In this episode, we discuss self-reflection, its challenges, and benefits, and we explore practical ways to make introspection a habit. You'll learn what self-reflection is and how it can help you question your inner stories through it, how to be less reactive and more responsive, and how understanding the emotions behind your reactions can help you improve your sanity. Additionally, we go through some ideas of how to carve time for introspection, the link between self-criticism and self-reflection, how to deal with the crap that might come out as a product of self-reflection, and more.Tune in and listen to episode 15 of Soul Wisdom Transitions, and learn more about the difference sitting with yourself a couple of minutes a day can make in your life. In This Episode, You Will Learn:What is self-reflection and how it can be done (2:10)Self-reflection can help you make informed decisions (4:20)The link between self-criticism and self-reflection (8:00)Using introspection to check with our daily intentions (14:50)The importance of taking time to understand our emotions (18:40)How to deal with stressful situations (23:20)What is the best way to deal with the crap that might come out of self-reflection (24:30)Let's connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebookBook: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle14. How To Recognize Your Spirit Guides' Voice and Reconnect with Your Intuition
23:49||Ep. 14"One of your guides is your soul wisdom, and this is your higher power, higher self, or your spirit self, whatever you want to call it; it is that inner knowing that is here to help you on your journey throughout this life."In today's episode, we talk about intuition, why it is so important, and how to strengthen our intuitive abilities to rely on them more often whenever we need to make decisions. We all are intuitive beings; it is part of the survival kit our ancestors developed over thousands of millions of years of evolution. Still, although modern society is dangerous in its own way, most people think intuition is trivial, so we are not taught to strengthen that muscle. Throughout this episode, I share practical tips that will help you strengthen your intuition abilities, sharpen your capacity to hear your spirit guide's voice and messages and become more and more comfortable with listening to and connecting with your soul wisdom. You'll learn about the power of journaling, meditation, connecting with nature, exercises to enhance your intuition, and more.Tune in and listen to episode 14 of Soul Wisdom Transitions, and learn new ways to strengthen your intuition abilities.In This Episode, You Will Learn:We all are intuitive beings at birth (2:00)About Terri's spirit guides and how she communicates with them (4:20)How meditation can help you strengthen your intuition (7:10)The power of putting pen to paper and journaling (10:30)Get inspired by spending time in nature (16:20)The SAGE Method (19:00)Resources Mentioned:Isabeau Maxwell's SAGE MethodCalm appBook: Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher CreativityLet's connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagramFacebookBook: Terri Mongait - Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle