
cover art for Spotify Wrapped - Unwrapped!

Social Media Social Club

Spotify Wrapped - Unwrapped!

Season 1, Ep. 8

We're back for our final episode of the year and indeed, our final episode of season 1 of Social Media Social Club! 🎊

The chat pretty much everywhere this past week has been about Spotify Wrapped, and as we hit seven years (!) of everyone's favourite round-up, we teamed up with our office music fanatic Lindsey to take a look at why it's worked for so long and what the future holds for the trend.

Have we reached peak Wrapped? Find out on YouTube now!

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  • 11. SMSC meets Less Waste Laura (Part 2)

    27:57||Season 1, Ep. 11
    In Part Two this double bill special, we talk to sustainability influencer and anti-disposable vape campaigner Less Waste Laura, as she recounts the inception and runaway success of her social media-powered anti-vape campaign. Follow us: things Less Waste Laura:
  • 10. Episode 10: SMSC meets Less Waste Laura (Part 1 of 2)

    35:08||Season 1, Ep. 10
    In this double bill special, we talk to sustainability influencer and anti-disposable vape campaigner Less Waste Laura! In Part 1 Hannah and Josh chat with sustainability influencer Less Waste Laura about her journey, great ways to improve your green comms, and a whole lot more! Follow us: things Less Waste Laura:
  • 7. TikTok fame, Parasocial Relationships and Dungeons & Dragons

    31:13||Season 1, Ep. 7
    This week on SMSC we're talking to Ross Hill, Hydrogen's Head of Creative, about an increasingly important topic: parasocial relationships πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘It's hard not to have at least a couple of them in 2023, but are they always healthy? We'll explore this and loads more from Wednesday!
  • 6. Yassification, dog filters, and body neutrality

    23:49||Season 1, Ep. 6
    With authenticity being one of the most sought after traits in content creation in 2023, how are social platforms affecting our perception of what this actually means? We discuss all this and much more in episode 6 of Social Media Social Club, as we explore the fascinating and occasionally terrifying world of face filters.
  • 5. Storytelling, brand building and 'going full toddler'

    31:05||Season 1, Ep. 5
    If you're new to the world of marketing and want to understand how you can sharpen your skills, this is a great episode to dive in!In Episode 5 of SMSC, Rachelle takes us through the importance of creating a genuine emotional connection with your audience, and the long term benefits this can have on a marketing campaign.
  • 4. MySpace, music and scene kids

    29:10||Season 1, Ep. 4
    Episode 4 of Social Media Social Club is here πŸ‘‹ We get our office 'elder' and arch-millennial Lisa to chart the rise and fall of MySpace, how it changed social media and see if its influence can still be felt today!
  • 3. Corporate jargon, gatekeeping and accessibility

    29:15||Season 1, Ep. 3
    SMSC #3 is here πŸŽ‰This week, we're talking OFFICE JARGON with our insights extraordinare Megan! Chatting buzzword pet peeves, industry gatekeeping and accessibility, it's another cracker of an episode - particularly for those starting out in the industry! Welcome to the world of "eh, what does that mean?" πŸ™ˆ
  • 2. Ethical AI, art and buff Harry Potter

    24:31||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Episode 2 of Social Media Social Club is live πŸŽ™οΈThis time we're talking about the ethics of AI, how it's already affecting creators, and some of our biggest AI pet peeves.