"SO 60! So Still In The Room - Clare Catford.
"SO, #60!" SO, Still.In.The.Room. Clare Catford. (Trailer)
Season 1, Ep. 0
"Clare Catford. So 60! So Still in the Room! Despite "I'd-rather-eat- lemon-than-employ-a 60-year-old", bosses. I’m UP for: A.I. AND V.U.I.(voice-as-user-interface, as I’m sure you know). S.T I.’s? One to avoid. Honest and funny take on ☆60 Still-In-The-Room, survival. Thank YOU, for listening.
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2. SO☆60! And SO STILL.In.The.Room. Since when was this a criminal offence? I Won't. Go. Gracefully!
04:04||Season 1, Ep. 2"i don't have to prove anything anymore - i feel LIGHTER!" 60☆- something positives? They're right here,Contributor, Jane Fonda', nails it. The, "You're born, you peak at midlife and decline into decrepitude," life narrative, is no more. "We've got more than a new cardigan and perm to look forward to". (Sarah, 61☆). In this 2nd episode Clare Catford covers the 60☆-something mental and, yes, physical pluses. If YOU'RE 60☆-something. then you ARE, SO Still. In. The. Room.1. SO☆60! And SO STILL.In.The.Room. Since when was this a criminal offence? I Won't. Go. Gracefully!
04:47||Season 1, Ep. 1"Clare Catford. SO #60! SO STILL.IN.THE.ROOM! Despite "I'd-rather-eat- lemon-than-employ-a 60-year-old", bosses. I’m UP for: A.I. AND V.U.I.(voice-as-user-interface, as I’m sure you know). S.T I.’s? One to avoid. Honest and funny take on ☆60 Still-In-The-Room, survival. Thank YOU, for listening.