
cover art for #8: How your story can support you along your grief journey - with Eric Hodgdon

Smiling Again

#8: How your story can support you along your grief journey - with Eric Hodgdon

Season 1, Ep. 8

If you've ever loved an addict, you may have reached an exhausted, painful point where you felt broken and we're struggling to just keep it all together. I am Kim Moore, and this is smiling again, where in each episode, we remind you that you are not alone together. One thing at a time, we will take small steps to introduce little changes into your life.

When we lose a loved one to addiction, the grief journey begins, affecting you emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially and financially.  The journey can begin before they pass away, as we feel they are lost in the addiction. It's this type of grief that is ever so complicated. It can feel incredibly intense, with overwhelming emotions.  In order to heal, you must walk through the grief journey.

In this episode I speak with Eric Hodgdon,  a coach, author, speaker and Zoi’s dad. After losing his 15-year old daughter Zoi to suicide in early 2014, Eric found a way to get back from loss. Through his grief journey he is sharing the lessons he learned so that no one else has to walk alone on theirs. Eric has trained thousands of people who simply wanted to know how to navigate one of the hardest things that a human can endure - the loss of a loved one.

Eric and I talk about story, and how talking, telling your story can help you along your journey.

Let's walk this journey together.
Together, one thing at a time  we'll take small steps, little actions every day, which can help you let go and start smiling again. Together, we'll support each other as we do the work, taking care of ourself along our healing journey. You'll gain a sense of comfort re-joining a social atmosphere, trying new things, building confidence as you develop new positive habits, and have fun, laugh be playful, making new friends, all who understand what you've been through losing a loved one to addiction.

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