
cover art for #43 Alberto De Conti, Head of Marketing and Fashion Division at Rudolf Group (Chemical Company for the Textile Industry)

Smart Creation

#43 Alberto De Conti, Head of Marketing and Fashion Division at Rudolf Group (Chemical Company for the Textile Industry)

Season 1

Did you know that chemistry plays a major role in the sustainable transition? Today, Smart Creation invites Alberto De Conti, the Head of marketing and fashion division at Rudolf Group. As the leading conscious chemical partner for the global textile, Rudolf Group aims to provide innovative products in a responsible way. 

Alberto identifies the challenges and also the solutions regarding the current state of the textile industry. If the lack of materials is for sure something we need to pay attention to, saving resources by optimizing processes and finding alternatives to current practices are the leads to follow. 

Adding to that, the recycling issue of any material. Some need to get rid of initial chemicals, others are simply not the easiest to recycle, but that’s what Rudolf is here for: think about process and develop new practices compatible with the current stakes. 

In this episode, Alberto also gives us a highlight on chemical denim process alternatives, and his thoughts about democratized fashion.




0:58 : Alberto presents herself

2:48 : What’s Rudolf’s business and Alberto’s role in it?

6:25 : What kind of chemistries do they provide?

9:00 : What’s his definition of responsible fashion?

10:58 : His good practices to make sustainability attractive 

14:28 : What is the role of chemistry in the sustainable revolution?

17:15 : The biggest challenges to reach a very low impact

20:31 : What kind of finishing is done on denim?

23:20: How can the fashion industry accelerate its revolution?

26:00 : Where are the limits of greenwashing?

28:25 : What does he want to close the door to in our industry?

28:40 : What does he look at to get inspired?

29:28 : What is the last piece of clothes he bought? 

29:45 : Who would he like to listen to in this podcast?




 «Everything is chemistry, so the question should be: what kind of chemistry should we adopt ?»


«Chemistry can be eco-friendly and it must be.»


«One of the most advanced and progressive frontiers of textile chemistry is the transformation of biomass into substances that can be further used.»


«I believe in the enthusiasm, drive, and creativity of youth.»




ABOUT Rudolf Group


Rudolf Group : 




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  • 64. #64 - Drishti Masand - Sustainability Direction at adidas and Communication Lead in the T-REX Project

    36:58||Ep. 64
    Are you curious about the future of sustainable fashion and the transformative projects shaping this industry? If so, this episode is crafted just for you! We're joined by Drishti Masand to explore the T-REX project, an acronym for Textile Recycling Excellence. Led by adidas, this initiative aims to revolutionize textile recycling across Europe through collaboration with major industry players like Veolia and various recycling companies.In this discussion, Drishti illuminates the project’s goals, including tackling the technical and economic challenges of establishing a circular textile economy. She emphasizes the importance of long-term vision in sustainability, showcasing how the New Cotton Project — another EU-funded project that concluded recently — has paved the way by turning post-consumer cotton textiles into new fibers, thus demonstrating the potential of a circular economy.We delve into the technical complexities that the T-REX project addresses, identifying gaps in textile recycling—from collection and sorting to final recycling processes. Drishti discusses the roles of the 13 key partners involved, each critical in transforming recycled materials into new products. This collaborative effort highlights the integration of advanced technologies to ensure material purity and recycling efficiency.To round off our conversation, Drishti shares insights on the upcoming EU regulations impacting the textile industry and the importance of aligning industry standards with consumer expectations for sustainability. This episode not only sheds light on adidas’s initiatives but also underscores the broader industry's move towards sustainable practices through innovation and collaboration. Join us to gain a deeper understanding of how these initiatives are setting the stage for a more sustainable fashion future.Content to Navigate the Episode:00:00:38 - Introduction to Drishti Masand00:01:08 - Drishti's career path before adidas00:02:34 - Drishti's role at adidas and circularity strategy00:03:25 - The New Cotton Project and its learnings00:04:38 - Introduction to the T-REX project and its meaning00:05:39 - Goals and partnerships of the T-REX project00:06:55 - Technical and economic challenges of textile recycling00:07:55 - Importance of technological developments00:09:42 - Issues with the purity of recycled materials00:11:43 - Key partners and responsibilities in T-REX00:20:33 - European regulations impacting the textile industry00:30:45 - adidas's guidelines on eco-designKey Learnings:"Circular economy isn't just a concept at adidas; it's a concrete strategy we're pushing forward to reshape how the fashion industry operates by 2050.""T-REX stands for textile recycling excellence, aiming to optimize a circular system within Europe. We're assessing the economic and technical barriers to make textile recycling a reality.""We've realized that the technology for sorting and recycling isn't as mature as we thought. There's still a huge gap in making these processes efficient and scalable, which is what we're focusing on in the T-REX project.""It's not just about recycling textiles; it's about creating a system where everything works in a circular loop rather than the outdated take-make-throw system.""We are at an inflection point within the EU with new regulations set to redefine the responsibilities of fashion brands towards a sustainable future.""As we push forward with T-REX, we are not just testing technologies but also creating a blueprint for how a sustainable textile industry could function within the European Union."
  • #63 - Andrea Rambaldi - Founder and General Manager of FashionArt (Luxury Denim).

    Have you ever wondered how luxury fashion and environmental sustainability can coexist? In today's episode of Smart Creation, the podcast, we dive into this fascinating intersection with a special guest who's making significant strides in this area. Our guest is not just a visionary but also a key player in transforming the fashion industry.Andrea Rambaldi, the founder and general manager of FashionArt, is the esteemed guest of our show. With a background in chemistry and a passion for painting, Andrea grew up in a family deeply rooted in fashion and creativity. His mother was a tailor and fashion designer, while his father owned a laundry and dyeing business. After spending a decade in the family business, Andrea ventured out to create FashionArt, a company that prides itself on combining artistry with industrial production. His journey led him to work with prestigious brands like Chanel, which eventually became a majority shareholder of FashionArt in 2022.This episode explores the innovative and sustainable practices that FashionArt employs in the textile industry. Andrea discusses the company's commitment to craftsmanship and technology, such as laser and ozone washing, which has allowed them to create unique and high-quality products. He emphasizes the importance of a carefully selected and audited supply chain to ensure environmental, safety, and ethical compliance. Andrea also highlights the company's initiatives like providing machinery to smaller businesses and their investment in becoming GOTS certified. The conversation delves into the challenges of water consumption in denim production and how FashionArt is addressing these through techniques like laser and ozone treatment, and even starting their own cotton cultivation in Italy. Andrea shares his vision for the future, including the creation of an internal sewing academy and further internalization of strategic processes to protect their clients' designs and intellectual property.Content to Navigate the Episode:00:00:00-Introduction  00:01:12-Andrea's Background and FashionArt's Genesis  00:03:11-Chanel's Investment and Company Evolution  00:04:12-Innovation and Craftsmanship at FashionArt  00:05:09-Environmental and Ethical Compliance  00:07:55-Getting GOTS Certified  00:14:47-Complex Manufacturing Processes for Luxury Denim  00:21:00-Corporate Social Responsibility at FashionArt  00:25:34-Reducing Water Usage in Denim Production  00:29:14-Investment in Education and Academia  00:33:15-Future Expansion and Internalization of Processes  00:36:43-Innovation and Recycled Denim  00:39:22-Changing Industry Mindsets on Sustainability  00:41:24-Staying Informed and Inspired in CSR Initiatives  00:42:55-Concluding Thoughts and Guest's AspirationsKey Learnings:"Our products are a fusion of supreme craftsmanship and state-of-the-art technology like laser and ozone washing.""The journey of FashionArt has been about transforming a dream into a tangible reality with products that carry an unbelievable intrinsic value.""We insist on a supply chain that's not just effective but also ethical and environmentally conscious.""Achieving GOTS certification wasn't just a goal—it was a commitment to sustainability that we made reality, even during challenging times like the COVID pandemic.""Every euro spent towards certification and sustainability is an investment in our planet's future."
  • 62. #62 Camille Herry - Responsable RSE chez Chargeurs PCC et Lainière de Picardie.

    47:12||Ep. 62
    Dans ce nouvel épisode nous plongeons au cœur de la mode durable avec Camille Herry, Responsable RSE chez Chargeurs PCC et Lainière de Picardie. Sa passion pour la mode, combinée à un engagement profond envers la durabilité, nous offre des perspectives uniques sur la façon dont l'industrie peut évoluer vers des pratiques plus responsables.Camille partage son parcours depuis ses débuts dans la haute couture jusqu'à son rôle actuel où elle pilote des initiatives de changement significatif dans l'industrie textile. Avec des anecdotes personnelles et des exemples concrets, elle dévoile les défis et les opportunités liés à la mise en œuvre de pratiques durables dans le secteur de la mode.L'épisode aborde des sujets cruciaux tels que la traçabilité, l'éthique de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, l'innovation dans les matériaux et les processus de production, ainsi que l'importance cruciale de l'éducation et de l'engagement en faveur d'une mode plus éthique et durable.Que vous soyez un professionnel de la mode à la recherche d'inspiration pour intégrer la durabilité dans votre travail, ou simplement quelqu'un qui s'intéresse à l'avenir de la mode, cet épisode est une mine d'or d'informations, d'idées et de solutions pratiques pour avancer vers une industrie plus respectueuse de l'environnement et des personnes.Se retrouver dans l’épisode 06:25: Camille Herry et son parcours vers la RSE11:40: Aperçu de Chargeur PCC et la Lainièrede Picardie15:40: Les piliers de la RSE chez Chargeur PCC18:38: L'importance de la traçabilité et des audits dans la supply chain25:02: Le défi des certifications et standards RSE26:07: Initiatives et projets RSE chez Chargeur PCC et la Lainière de Picardie31:20: Sa feuille de route RSE pour les prochaines années36:00: Carrière dans la RSE et conseil pour les futurs professionnels39:05: L'aspect économique de la durabilité en mode41:10: Inspirations et sources d'information en RSEKey Learnings:"La RSE n'est pas juste une question de conformité, c'est une réflexion profonde sur le sens que nous voulons donner à notre industrie. C'est en réalignant nos valeurs avec nos pratiques que nous pourrons véritablement transformer la mode.""Naviguer dans le monde des certifications RSE, c'est comme apprendre une nouvelle langue. Une fois maîtrisée, elle nous permet de déchiffrer et d'améliorer l'impact environnemental et social de nos actions.""Chaque fois que je visite une usine et que je vois les améliorations apportées grâce à nos efforts en RSE, je suis rappelée au fait que le changement est non seulement possible, mais déjà en cours. C'est cette évolution qui alimente ma passion et mon engagement pour une mode plus durable.""L'industrie de la mode a un besoin urgent de ralentir. Moins de collections signifie plus de temps pour l'innovation, plus d'attention aux détails, et une meilleure qualité. C'est cette approche qui rendra nos vêtements plus significatifs et durables.""L'impact d'une pièce de vêtement ne se mesure pas seulement à sa beauté ou à la marque qui la crée, mais aussi à l'histoire de sa fabrication. En tant que consommateurs, choisir des vêtements de qualité, c'est voter pour un avenir plus équitable et plus durable.""L'éducation est au cœur du changement vers une mode plus durable. En partageant nos connaissances et en élevant les consciences, nous pouvons tous contribuer à façonner une industrie qui respecte à la fois les personnes et la planète."
  • #61 Eugénie Monroe - Recycling and Ecodesign Sales Manager at WETURN

    Episode #61: Eugénie Monroe - Recycling and Ecodesign Sales Manager at WETURNIn today's episode, we welcome Eugénie Monroe, who is currently responsible for sales in recycling and ecodesign at WETURN. Eugénie possesses an impressive expertise, marked by a professional journey that spans diverse experiences, including sales, product development, and operations management. Her background provides her with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and innovative solutions in the fashion sector.WETURN, founded three years ago by Sophie Pignères, is a pioneering initiative specializing in closed-loop valorization solutions for textiles. The company focuses on the collection and transformation of textiles, contributing to the production of local recycled fabrics. WETURN gained international recognition by winning the Innovation Award for Sustainability at VivaTech in 2021, demonstrating the effectiveness of its methods. Its collaborations with luxury houses like Christian Dior and Louis Vuitton underscore the positive impact of using recycled materials in the fashion industry.In this conversation, Eugénie Monroe shares her vision and inspirations. She discusses the significance of commitment and collaboration in integrating recycled materials into fashion collections. Drawing inspiration from sustainable initiatives in the food industry and The Guardian's reporting, Eugénie underscores the need for a conscious and responsible approach. The conversation promises to be enriching, highlighting the vital role of recycled materials in achieving more sustainable fashion.Content to Navigate the Episode:00:51: Eugénie shares her career path before joining WETURN.04:44: What inspired the genesis of WETURN.08:58: Eugénie's primary roles and responsibilities at WETURN.05:37: Eugénie explains the AGEC law.10:05: The major milestones for WETURN so far.13:19: The impact of the LVMH Innovation Award for Sustainability on the company.22:44: WETURN's presentation at Première Vision from February 6 to 8, 2024.26:07: How WETURN differentiates itself in traceability, transparency, impact measurement, and recurrence.19:55: Eugénie addresses criticisms of recycled materials being more expensive, lower in quality, and lacking traceability compared to virgin materials.16:15: Eugénie shares a case study on how WETURN worked with Dior.30:18: Eugénie's key message to the industry, particularly to creators and creative professionals, about sustainability and ecodesign.32:14: Quick rapid-fire questions: What does Eugénie want to close the door on in the industry?33:32: Eugénie's favorite current initiatives/crushes in the industry.35:18: Where Eugénie looks for inspiration and how she stays ahead of the game.36:23: The last piece of clothing Eugénie bought.36:44: The personality Eugénie would like to hear on this podcast.Key Learnings:Eugénie Monroe: "I want to dispel the misconception that recycled materials are always grayish, laden with synthetic additives, and of poor quality. Contrary to belief, textiletotextile recycling isn't limited to small quantities. The industry is seeing increasing volumes and ongoing evolution. I am convinced that textiletotextile recycling is the future.""It's crucial to start now, even on a small scale, because in 10 to 15 years, these practices will become the norm. We won't be able to rely solely on materials like polyester or recycled polyester. Natural fabrics will continue to be essential in many products."
  • 60. #60 Marwa Zamaray | Senior Advisor In The Apparel And Textile Industry

    22:55||Ep. 60
    Today we’re welcoming Marwa Zamaray, she is senior advisor in the apparel and textile industry, delving us into her professional journey and the burgeoning interest she has developed in sustainability within the fashion sector. She traces her awakening to the critical issues of worker exploitation and environmental degradation linked to the fashion industry, which propelled her into specializing in material traceability. Her central message underscores the vital role of championing ethical sourcing practices in fashion to avert potential financial setbacks and protect reputations.Further into the conversation, Marwa delves into the complex landscape of regulations governing traceability, transparency, and sustainability in the fashion industries of both the United States and Europe. She stresses that embracing sustainable practices presents a dual challenge and opportunity for businesses, paving the way for enhanced competitiveness and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies. Lastly, Marwa shares details about her recent involvement in a project that seeks to provide robust traceability solutions, designed to support brands in ethical sourcing and meeting the surging consumer demand for sustainability. Her advocacy extends to encouraging brands to adopt a comprehensive approach to sustainability, concentrating on refining their supply chains and transparently communicating their sustainability initiatives.CONTENT TO FIND YOUR WAY IN THE EPISODE :00:51: Marwa Zamaray's career journey01:44: Interest in sustainability and impact of Rana Plaza03:11: Potential for change in the fashion industry04:37: Role as a senior advisor in the fashion industry05:19: Definitions of traceability and sustainable fashion06:23: Mission and partnerships at Marwa Zamaray's organization07:34: Regulatory landscape in the United States and Europe09:18: What specific regulations will brands need to adhere to in the coming months/years?14:20: Best practices for industry players and consumers16:47: Challenges and opportunities in implementing sustainability practices17:47: New projects in collaboration she is excited about22:00: Quick Rapid Fire QuestionsKEY LEARNINGS"...I've been in the apparel and textile industry for 18 years now! It's been a roller coaster ride, filled with ups and downs, adventure, tons of learning, and substantial personal and professional growth [...] Then Rana Plaza happened. The glamour of the industry was not only overrated, but had also been clouding our judgement, making me feel implicated in the exploitation of manufacturers, contributing to environmental harm, and human rights violations.""Oritain is a leading company worldwide in the verification of the origin of raw materials. We have harnessed the power of science to provide a traceability solution, overcoming one of the crucial challenges in fashion’s complex global supply chains.""Workshops & Seminars, Engage with Regulatory Bodies, Stay updated with the latest regulations and standards. Partner with your suppliers for a joint approach, consult with NGOs, conduct risk assessments, start mapping your supply chain, conduct supplier due diligence, conduct internal training, hire specialized staff, and prioritize it in your overall strategy."
  • 59. #59 Elena Faleschini, Director Of Strategy And Sustainability At Seven For All Mankind

    24:38||Ep. 59
    Working for 20 years in the fashion and lifestyle industry, Elena Faleschini has worked for many brands such as Lancaster, Diesel, and Galeries Lafayette. Today, she holds the very new position of Director of Strategy & Sustainability at 7 For All Mankind, the famous premium jeans and fashion brand born in the US in 2000. Her role focuses on respecting the sustainable commitments in the social and environmental fields to produce the brand's items as an in-house expert. Her main mission is to be responsible for the development and execution of comprehensive sustainability initiatives, both for consumers and brand communication. With a background that emphasizes the uniqueness of denim and well-manufactured products, she is now dedicated to 7 For All Mankind's transparency and sustainability efforts.By offering beautiful, high-quality products, the brand focuses on responsible materials and practices to reduce their impact on the Earth. Their promises include being more transparent about the composition of fabrics, whether materials are recycled, and their origin, as well as taking care of the garments. The brand has implemented a program where customers are encouraged to donate their old items in exchange for a discount on the website. Every action is aimed at ensuring high-quality labeled products and brand transparency with long-lasting garments. Finally, communicating with clarity to 7 For All Mankind's consumers is one of her primary ambitions.In this new episode of Smart Creation, Elena talks to us about the sustainable business plan that she is developing for 7 For All Mankind, with a focus on transparency—a way to guide this authentic brand toward a responsible mindset of positive change. It's a way to sensitize their customers and convey a simple message in the end.CONTENT TO FIND YOUR WAY IN THE EPISODE :1.30 : Elena Faleschini is talking about her previous working experience3.14 : The guest introduces herself and talks about her role at the position of director strategy and sustainability at 7 for all mankind. 4.21 : Brief recap of the brand she works for : history and quality products.6.10 : how the customers can be concerned and interested in sustainable fashion / customer’s Education to sustainable fashion7.55 : Responsible challenges that the brand has to deal with9.08 : 7 for all mankind’s Transparency and sustainable actions11.12 : Advices for beginner responsible consumers11.56 : The process for Requirements and labeling standard / The process for a long term strategy 12.41 : Brand relationship with the clientele of 7 for all mankind 15.14 : How she manage to find the many informations that consumers need16.48 : A digital communication to get informed about the supply chain18.10 : Her biggest challenge as director of strategy and sustainability19.56 : Her advices for young sustainable designers 22.11 : Rapid-fire question sectionKEY LEARNINGS« Consumers are quite confused at the moment because they have been bombarded with information on sustainability for the past few years from all sides, from every brand. It's a mess and super confusing, even for us. »« Be curious, educate yourself, choose garments that are long-lasting and durable. »« Transparency builds trust and loyalty with consumers. »« We are working on implementing a digital passport for our products to ensure complete traceability and responsible management.»
  • #58 Léonore Garnier, Sustainability Project Manager at the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode

    Léonore Garnier is the Sustainability Project Manager at the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode. Her role focuses on promoting collective sustainability efforts within the fashion industry. With a background that emphasizes creativity, she defines sustainability as fashion's avenue to embody relevance, durability, and circularity while addressing environmental and social challenges.As part of the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode, Léonore Garnier contributes to its mission of advancing sustainability in the fashion realm. The federation initiates collaborative endeavors, such as the "eco-design for sustainable product regulation," guiding brands to integrate sustainable practices into their operations.Garnier's role involves guiding brands to comprehend their environmental impact, advocating for materials reuse, and incorporating sustainable design principles into events like Paris Fashion Week. With a vision that cherishes clothing's value and mindful consumption, the Federation aims to instill sustainability as a fundamental approach within the fashion industry.In this new episode of Smart Creation, Léonore talks to us about her vision of fashion and the importance of combining creativity, sustainability, and innovation, in order to make a positive contribution to the fashion industry and create a better future.CONTENT TO FIND YOUR WAY IN THE EPISODE01.11 The guest introduces herself and talks about her role at the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode01:54 : She talks about what she did before and where she studied03:02 She explains her definition of sustainability04:29 She provides an overview of the main sustainability initiatives that the Federation has implemented to help brands become more responsible07:19 She explains what’s a sustainable fashion show09:17 She talks about the different regulations for fashion shows, and what the Federation recommends to the fashion brands ? 15:20 She talks about the most important key learnings to become more sustainable as a fashion brand 18:02 She explains how the Federation influences the brands and how they measure their environmental impact 23:29 She explains how fashion can be sustainable and what are her hopes and expectations for the industry 25:40 She talks about the last item she bought and why 26:52 She gives her advice to fashion brands in order to make their practice more sustainable28:56 She talks about international markets and how they react to sustainability31:43 Rapid-fire question sectionKey Learnings : "Sustainability is a constraint; we confront a vast climate crisis that extends beyond any single industry. What I find intriguing is that when connected to fashion, it demands qualities of relevance, durability, persistence, and circularity. These substantial concepts gain true significance within creative industries, as creativity inherently thrives on innovation and unique thinking. Due to this constraint, sustainability demands a distinct approach. By its essence, fashion can be avant-garde, particularly given its contemporary nature, leading to the incorporation of environmental and social challenges.""Perhaps the most sustainable event is one with shared or rented materials. This notion extends beyond the event's immediate duration to encompass a week of activities. In our context, Paris Fashion Week facilitates cost-sharing—both financially and environmentally—by considering material reuse. While shows may appear extravagant, there exists substantial work dedicated to ensuring material relevance, usefulness, and multiple life cycles. A sustainable show possesses meaning, where every component serves another purpose."
  • 57. #57 Ana Silva Tavares, CEO of RDD Textiles

    44:35||Ep. 57
    Ana Silva Tavares is the CEO of RDD Textiles, a pioneering company in the field of sustainable fashion. With her deep commitment to environmental responsibility, Ana guides RDD Textiles in revolutionizing the textile industry by integrating innovative technologies and sustainable practices.Based in Portugal, the company specializes in natural cellulosic fibers, as well as innovative processes that significantly reduce the ecological footprint of their products. The company operates its own recycling center to collect garment remnants, which are then blended with other fibers for reuse.RDD Textiles also aims to develop and provide sustainable textile innovations to global brands. They believe in co-creation and technological exploration as essential drivers of progress in the industry. They operate with enhanced transparency and openness, emphasizing the importance of traceability in their processes through material tracking and analysis.In this new episode of Smart Creation, Ana talks to us about her vision of the future and the importance of combining creativity, technology, and transparency in order to make a positive contribution to the fashion industry and create a more sustainable future.CONTENT TO FIND YOUR WAY IN THE EPISODE1:05 Who is Ana?1:19 What's RDD Textiles?1:57 What is her definition of sustainable fashion?5:12 What's RDD Textiles' process?11:46 Why is it difficult to achieve the right colors naturally?17:36 What are the differences with conventional coloring?28:10 What are the challenges faced by fashion brands?29:22 What are the right certifications and how can one become more sustainable?33:15 Can you explain the design and creation process of the new hostess outfits for Premiere Vision and how it reflects RDD Textiles?37:27 Can you provide examples of companies that have a sustainable business model?40:26 What is Ana’s vision of a sustainable market?41:53 Where does RDD Textiles draw inspiration from?42:42 What was the last piece of clothing Ana bought?43:17 Who would Ana like to listen to in this podcast?KEY LEARNINGS"Biomaterials can also have a considerable negative impact, such as cotton, so we try to use different materials sourced from biological sources that have less impact than what we usually see in our materials.""I don't believe there is only one way to accelerate the sustainable revolution in fashion.""As a designer, I think one of the most challenging things right now is the availability of a wide range of materials and different processes that are on the market these days; you have to become a technical person to understand.""Certifications can be a tool to achieve traceability in the process, as well as to study materials.""At RDD Textiles, we believe that collaboration is one of the keys to the future."
  • #56 Ben Hanson, editor in chief at The Interline and expert in smart fashion

    In the fashion industry, where innovation and technology play an increasingly important role, Ben Hanson has emerged as one of the most influential editors-in-chief. As a leader at The Interline, a globally renowned publication focused on fashion and technology, Hanson has pushed boundaries and shaped the future of the industry. His commitment to exploring the synergies between fashion and technology has catalyzed major changes in this constantly evolving field.As the editor-in-chief of The Interline, Ben Hanson has used his platform to promote innovation and encourage dialogue among industry stakeholders. His editorial approach involves providing accurate and in-depth information on the latest technological advancements, new manufacturing methods, and emerging fashion trends. He has also initiated discussions on ethical and sustainable issues related to the use of technology in the fashion industry, contributing to collective awareness.Ben Hanson discusses in this new episode of Smart Creation, the magazine’s vision and the importance of combining technology, transparency, and sustainability in the fashion industry. CONTENT TO FIND YOUR WAY IN THE EPISODE1:12 What is The Interline ?1:51 What's his background in fashion2:02 What's the aim of the magazine ?2:19 Their partnership with Première Vision2:39 What brings him to technology 3:55 What’s Smart Tech ?4:27 Why are we hearing a lot about technology in fashion ?6:24 Why should  fashion companies invest in technology ?8:00 The role of 3D in fashion design11:11 What are the available tools on the market today ?13:03 How is technology going to contribute to sustainability and transparency ?16:20 The regulation of transparency for fashion brands18:17 What brands are the best at this topic ?20:00 How does technology revolutionize the product journey ?24:12 What are the barriers of using technology ? 28:45 How will AI impact the fashion industry ?33:52 His use of AI 37:08 How is AI going to impact the e-commerce acquisition process ?39:17 How can fashion brands collaborate with technology to create a better customer experience ?44:50 Can small brands access new technologies ?46:02 What is going to be the future smart technology trend in the fashion industry ?49:13 What are some examples of brands who have a degrowth business model ?52:40 Some advices for fashion professionals who want to get into Smart TechnologyKEY LEARNINGS“At The Interline, we're 100% focused on technology, 100% of the time, because we believe that fashion is going to be defined by technology in the future.”“Fashion is the core essence of self expression and creativity. However it's also stuck. Stuck in terms of how it works, and in terms of traditions. I believe it has a lot to gain by working smarter, and technology for me is the key for unlocking all of that.”“When you design in 3D to begin with, you get a 3D asset that allows not just the creatives, but also the people who commercialize it to make a bunch of different choices based on a digital representation product instead of needing to make countless numbers of samples and prototypes.”“Data is the primary currency for transparency.”“You have to change the way you work to go with the new tools.”