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Examine Your Quest
21:39|Thanks for listening and celebrating Slow Faith's first birthday!If you felt encouraged by this episode, share it with a friend.You can listen to the music from this episode by following the links below:
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Facing Difficulty Feat. Andrew Arndt
39:30|Big thanks to Andrew for sharing on this Slow Faith episode! What has your experience been of facing difficulty, and how have you experienced God's presence in those moments?If you want to hear more from Andrew, he hosts The Essential Church Podcast. Andrew has also written a couple of books, including Streams in the Wasteland and All Flame. He frequently writes on his Substack page.Brock Hewitt created the song titled, "Moving" in the episode. You can listen to it here:, Caleb Fincher created the song titled, "Reach." You can listen to that song here: Will We Begin?
19:38|What can you offer to God today?I quoted Olive Schreiner and I would highly recommend her writing to you. I discovered this quote through Howard Thurman's book Disciplines of the Spirit (1963).The music in this episode was produced and performed by Caleb Fincher. The song is called Looking Forward. You can listen to this amazing song here: Deepen Your Roots!
13:41|Some of the most important truths in our lives don't come to us as new information but as wise reminders. My experiences of truth or the gospel feel more like coming home or returning to a truer sense of myself, than arriving at a new destination.What important reminders do you need today? Who have been the people who have given you those reminders? The music in the episode is by Zimpzon and the name of the song is "Meditation." You can listen to it here:, Acceptance, and Abundance
23:47|In this episode, Drew speaks of how difficult it can be to accept the reality of Jesus when Jesus stretches and challenges our understanding of who God is and how God meets us.Drew mentioned Dr. Judson Brewer at the beginning of this episode and spoke about becoming mindful of the present moment. Judson Brewer's book Unwinding Anxiety (2021) and many of his videos teach his methods for curiously investigating the present moment for multiple purposes.The music in this episode is a song titled "Mullan Sun" which was written and performed by Abstract April:
10:18|There are so many ideals we hold and desire. Sometimes we cling to the idea of a perfect life so tightly that we fail to recognize what is already good, beautiful, and right before us. In this reflection, Drew considers Moses' encounter with God via the burning bush in Exodus 3. This encounter likely happened in the middle of Moses' daily routine.If God seeks to get to us, all places and all time is holy. Let us let go of our many ideals, and wake up to the holy reality before us. Let us yield.The music in today's episode is by Sanchii and the song is titled "Discovery." You can listen to it here: for listening and if you found this episode helpful, share it with someone you care for.Dust and Ashes Feat. Katie Griffis
12:01|Katie Griffis reflects on Psalm 51 and growing up near the Piedmont National Forest. In the same way that controlled burns keep forests healthy, we too need to burn those things that could ultimately ruin us. Katie says, "We have to set fire to the things in our life that are getting in the way of a healthy existence."Katie has two other podcasts! Check out Gospel and Grits and Find Your People with Mandee Caldwell.The song in the episode is a song titled "Equilibrium." It was written and composed by Sanchii. rate this show so that more friends can encounter these life-giving moments.