
Shrine Podcasts
Coming Soon: Bad Sisters S2
It's taken a while, but we are ready to come back! After having fun with Happy Valley, Trigger Point (!) and Line of Duty, up next we are going to be watching Bad Sisters. Season 2 starts weekly on Apple TV soon, so now is your chance to binge or rewatch season one. Join the madness as we recap each episode with a brand new podcast in your feeds every Friday between now and Christmas! Patreon subscribers will get episodes early on
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Bad Sisters S2E7: Pick A Prick
35:39|Our favourite of the series! Things went a bit Line of Duty with a rotten apple at the core, Roger had a nervous stomach, Loftus got absolutely roasted at his own retirement party and Houlihan couldn’t give a cat’s tit. Eva was on the warm white wine, Becka was on the kegel balls but the big question is will horse-loving "Ian" fall at the final hurdle? Get Shrine podcasts early by supporting us on Sisters S2E6: Are You A Jehovah?
34:38|Brendan, Hannah and Rebecca delve into season 2 episode 6. Is Angelica still alive? Is it Ian in the boot? And are you a Jehovah? Let's attempt to find out.Bad Sisters S2E5: Boom
29:20|Join Rebecca and Brendan as they discuss the Garvey goings-on from episode 5. What is Ian up to, what is that part of a boat called and is it tortoise or turtle...?Bad Sisters S2E4: Zero Craic Ken
36:28|Finally, we can claim we correctly guessed a storyline! Becka is pregnant. But why does Angelica have a bunny in the wardrobe, and what is Eva doing entertaining Ian? You can hear Shrine episodes early on Sisters S2E3: Mumbles
38:14|The Garvey girls are grieving after a tragic event, and Angelica, 'the grief thief', has eyes on her next victim. We are dying to know why Grace took out so much cash and whose body is in the cow print blankie in the car boot?Bad Sisters S2E1&2: Shellfished Up To The Gee
50:14|We kick off a brand new season with our recaps of Bad Sisters S2E1&2, asking all the big questions like what was Bibi wearing to the races, why is Angelica wearing a ghoulish garter and who is in that car boot? You can hear these episodes early by supporting us on Sisters: All You Need To Know
29:21|We're back with a little life catch up and a quick Bad Sisters recap (for all our benefits) ahead of the start of season 2 on Apple TV. You can get our episodes early on Point S2E6: Hopeless
32:08|With Lana recovered from her tasering, she fools her kidnappers into thinking she is willing to build a bomb and blow up the Home Secretary. Lana's parents are locked in a booby-trapped house, but it turns out all they needed to do was cut a hold in the front door and Hope is hopeless as she can't hear a thing her reluctant bomber is saying or doing. You can hear these episodes early by supporting us on