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Shinigami Love Apples

Still Searching for the Fabled Delicious Slice of Life

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  • 17. Love and Hate for Top Music, and the Shinigami’s Many Mommy Issues

    01:10:43||Ep. 17
    In this likely-not-newsworthy episode of the podcast:Yuuyuu takes back what his kind words about Apple’s Top 100!Pinpin re-evaluates his taste in anime from when he was younger!Yuuyuu discusses the maliciously lovable Mommies of Gaccha!Pinpin skanks to some d*mn good ska!and the Shinigami get tired of AI being so helpful!Once the Shinigami quit skankin’, they discuss Japan’s third biggest export, the millions of vending machines being destroyed the hard way, and the thrilling dangers of the “yami baito”!

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  • 16. White Knights Save Japan (yay!), while Tourists Tear Down Walls to Take Sh*tty Pictures!

    56:30||Ep. 16
    In this week’s weirdly short episode of the podcast (Pinpin really had to piss):Pinpin celebrates Pride Month by immediately shortening it to a week! Send in the hate mail!Yuuyuu plows his way through 100 music albums, because he’s secretly a musical masochist!Pinpin explains how Psycho-Pass is properly thrilling and Attack on Titan, well, less so!Yuuyuu showers his love on Samurai Shampoo Champloo!The Shinigami give their thoughts on Wuthering Waves in hopes of free astrites!and PinPin reviews painfully short Higashi no Eden / Eden of the East (2009)!Once the Serious Shit starts, the Shinigami wade into the hot topic burning all the foreign nationals up this week, and then hit the happier notes of Tiny Desk Concerts coming to Japan and Swedish architecture marrying smoothly into Japanese tradition!
  • 15. White Girls in Flak Vests Protect Potential Cosplay Materials, and Japanese Cop Has a Bit Too Much Fun

    01:01:00||Ep. 15
    In this probably-not-anticipated return of the podcast:The Shinigami make excuses!Yuuyuu gets Bocchi’d and finds the experience pretty Bocchi!Pinpin raves about ancient Chinese drug pushers!Yuuyuu gives a heartfelt salute to Doge. Much sad. Wow!and Pinpin reviews Highschool of the Dead (2010)!After releasing four weeks’ worth of pent-up meme energy, the Shinigami discuss Japan’s growing distrust of commercial aviation, parenting laws attempting to reverse the population decline, and drunk cops being… well, pretty fun, honestly.
  • 14. P00P Gods, Wind Breakers, and Japan's Mystical Money Tree

    01:08:49||Ep. 14
    In this all-you-can-keep-up-with episode:Pinpin breaks wind (remarkable)!Yuuyuu discusses tiny Tokyo houses without roofs!Pinpin raves about the fecally funny Spy x Family movie!Yuuyuu reviews Little Witch Academia (2013)! andThe Shinigami get harassed by religious extremists at a mall!If that smorgasbord of topics didn’t satisfy you, then stick around for discussion on the very silly recovery of the 10M yen gold bowl from last week, the remarkably real Japanese money tree, and a sadly necessary discussion about global politics. Booooo. Boo politics.
  • 13. The Year is 2077, So Why is Job Hunting Still Sh*tty, and Osaka Builds a Ring... for Science!

    01:01:33||Ep. 13
    In this week’s return to normalcy (whatever that means):Pinpin loses a job opportunity but gains a few points of wisdom and perception (but mostly rage)!Yuuyuu dips and trips with 7G Choo-Choos of doom!Pinpin cries over a penguin movie (that isn’t really about penguins)!Yuuyuu admits he’s fully into the masochistic gaming experience! andPinpin reviews Trigun Stampede (2023)!After all is said and done, the Shinigami bowl their way into a comically petty crime against art, and discuss the incredibly boring logistics of cramming two Disney parks’ worth of people into the Ring to Rule Them All at Osaka Expo 2025.
  • 12. Japanese Technology: Unbelievably Good, or Just Unbelievable?

    01:06:10||Ep. 12
    In this very, very special episode of the podcast, Pinpin and Yuuyuu forget how to be funny and instead decide to talk technology in Japan! Learn about Japan's strange historic relationship with science, and how Japan's modern reputation as a "futuristic wonderland" came to be. Then, enjoy some popular technology myths getting absolutely crushed, followed by a heartwarming tale of all the ways Japan continues to be a robotics superpower.This was a content-special episode, so if you liked it, be sure to follow us everywhere and write in some fan mail! More positive feedback means more episodes just like this one!
  • 11. You Can’t Spell “Ignorant” Without “IGN”, and 7-11 Japan Considers Conquering the US

    01:06:09||Ep. 11
    In this episode of the Shinigami Love Apples Podcast:The Shinigami “ooh” and “aah” over the First Wonder of the Anime World: Frieren!Yuuyuu raves about a mobile developer’s new jaw-dropping AAA-ish title! We Can’t Believe It’s Not Hoyoverse!Pinpin admits he would never survive naked in the wilderness!Yuuyuu thinks Your Name is kinda dumb; wishes anime movie had been named “No Name” instead! andPinpin rants about IGNeous IGNorant IGNoramuses IGNoring reality IGNominiously!After all the ranting, raving, and altruistic alliteration, the Shinigami settle down to discuss new immersive experiences in Tokyo, and decide how best to welcome the US’s new convenience store overlords!