
Sh**p Talk

The ruminations of one professional creative.

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  • 5. for the love of the gods, read.

    Today the cats are wild, I talk about systematising and pattern recognition, being autistic, storytelling as controlled social experiment and what ways of reading are legitimate ways of reading (answer: all).

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  • 4. i can't people today.

    I'm in a dark mood after peopleing too much, and trying to work out how much I want to people (not much) and with how many people (not many) in the future. Also unpacking some of the things I don't like about the writing communities I've been in.
  • 3. ugly dancing.

    I love spotting ugly dancing in pretty media and love artists who dare to be something other than pretty and polished. Also, sales advice from 1935.
  • 2. my week.

    Join me in my vibes this week as I navigate anaemia, a lack of third spaces and the patriarchy in books.
  • 1. pilot.

    Kicking off by talking about burnout, creativity, having the work history of a millennial, and trying to find my way back to creativity. Not just in art, but in life.