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Sgwrsio with the EWC

Sgwrsio with the EWC: wellbeing | lles (bonus | bonws)

Season 1, Ep. 5.1

Cynnwys ychwanegol gan Graeme Jones o Ysgol Gynradd Palmerston. Mae Graeme yn cynnig ychydig o tips ar sut i gynnal a gwella eich lles eich hunain, lles eich staff a'ch cydweithwyr, yn ogystal â'ch dysgwyr.

Bonus content by Greme Jones of Palmerston Primary School. Graeme offers hints and tips on how to maintain and improve your own wellbeing, as well as that of your staff and colleagues, as well as the wellbeing of your learners.

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  • 5. Sgwrsio with the EWC: wellbeing

    36:00||Season 1, Ep. 5
    Dewch i fwynhau sgwrs hawdd a defnyddiol am sut i wella'ch lles eich hun, a sut i ofalu am les eich cydweithwyr yn y sector addysg. Yn y bennod hon mae Hayden Llewellyn cael cwmni Faye McGuinness, Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglenni Education Support, a Graeme Jones, Dirprwy Bennaeth Ysgol Gynradd Palmerston.Adnoddau Education SupportAdnodd what's on your plateArolygaeth Broffesiynol ar gyfer Arweinwyr Ysgolion, wedi ei ariannu'n llawnGwasanaeth Cynghorol i StaffRhif ffôn llinell gymorth 08000 562 561----------Come and enjoy an easy and informative conversation on how to improve your own wellbeing, and how to look out for your co-workers' wellbeing in the education sector. In this episode Hayden Llewellyn is joined by Faye McGuinness Director of Programmes at Education Support, and Graeme Jones, Deputy Head of Palmerston Primary School.Education Support resourcesWhat's on your plate e-learningFully funded Professional Supervision for School LeadersStaff Advisory ServiceHelpline number 08000 562 561
  • 4. Sgwrsio gyda CGA: Cymraeg yn y gweithlu addysg

    35:55||Season 1, Ep. 4
    Yn y bennod hon mae Bethan Holliday-Stacey, Cyfarwyddwr Datblygiad Proffesiynol, Achredu a Pholisi CGA, yn cael cwmni Efa Gruffudd Jones, Comisiynydd y Gymraeg, Meinir Ebbsworth, Cyfarwyddwr Strategol, y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol, a Luc Rasmussen, Swyddog Recriwtio a Chefnogaeth CGA.Maent yn trafod y Gymraeg yn y gweithlu addysg, gan gynnwys recriwtio pobl i'r sector, sut gall pobl ddysgu neu wella eu Cymraeg, a tharged miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg Llywodraeth Cymru, a sut mae hyn oll yn gweithio tuag ato.Mae'r bennod hon yn yr iaith Gymraeg.AdnoddauCymraeg Gweithlu Addysg | Dysgu CymraegAddysgwyr CymruComisiynydd y Gymraeg-------------------------------This is a Welsh medium episode.In this episode Bethan Holliday-Stacey, Director of Professional Development, Accreditation and Policy for EWC is joined by Efa Gruffudd Jones, Welsh Language Commissioner, Meinir Ebbsworth, Strategic Director, the National Centre for Learning Welsh, and Luc Rasmussen, Recruitment and Support Officer, EWC.They discuss Welsh in the education workforce, including recruiting people to the sector, how people can learn or improve their Welsh language skills, and Welsh Government's million Welsh speakers target, and how this all contributes to that end.ResourcesEducation workforce | Learn WelshEducators WalesWelsh Language Commissioner
  • 3. Sgwrsio with the EWC: Diversifying Wales’ education workforce

    35:22||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Yn y bennod hon, mae Prif Weithredwr CGA, Hayden Llewellyn yn cael cwmni cynrychiolwyr o amryw sectorau addysg Cymru i drafod y darlun presennol o ran amrywiaeth mewn addysg yng Nghymru, pwysigrwydd cynrychiolaeth ac amrywiaeth, a'r camau sydd i'w cymryd i well amrywiaeth, gan yr arweinwyr hynny sy'n gweithio ar lawr gwlad.AdnoddauCynllun Cymhelliant Addysg Gychwynnol i Athrawon (AGA) o Gymunedau Ethnig Lleiafrifol (£5,000). Os ydych yn uniaethu fel person o leiafrif ethnig.Cymhelliant Addysg Gychwynnol Athrawon ar gyfer Pynciau â Blaenoriaeth (£15,000). Os ydych yn bwriadu addysgu un o'r pynciau â blaenoriaeth.Cynllun Cymhelliant Iaith Athrawon Yfory (£,5000). Os ydych yn bwriadu addysgu Cymraeg fel pwnc neu addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.-------------------------------------------------------------------In this episode, host and EWC Chief Executive Hayden Llewellyn is joined by representatives from across Wales’ education sector to discuss the current picture in terms of diversity in Welsh education, the importance of representation and diversification, and the steps to be taken to improve diversity, from those on the ground to those in leadership roles.ResourcesEthnic Minority Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Incentive (£5,000). If you identify as a person from a minority ethnic background.Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Priority Subject Incentive (£15,000). If you intend to teach one of the priority subjects.Iaith Athrawon Yfory Incentive Scheme (£,5000). If you are intending to teach Welsh or through the medium of WelshGwestai'r bennod | Episode guestsChantelle Haughton & Leon Andrews, DARPLYusuf Ibrahim, Cardiff and Vale CollegeLoren Henry, Urban Circle NewportAminur Rahman, Addysgwyr Cymru/Educators Wales
  • 2. Sgwrsio with the EWC: peer-on-peer sexual harrasment

    35:37||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Yn ystod ein Dosbarth meistr ar 18 mai 2023, "Dy'n ni ddim yn dweud wrth yr athrawon": deall a mynd i'r afael ag aflonyddu rhywiol mewn lleoliadau addysg, cawsom fwy o gwestiynau nag oedd amser i'w hateb. Felly, ry'n ni wedi gwahodd rhai o'r panelwyr yn ôl i ateb y cwestiynau hynny. Mae Hayden Llewellyn, yn cael cwmni Kelly Harris, o elusen iechyd rhywiol Brook, Sharron Wareham o'r elusen plant Barnardo’s, ac Elinor Puzey o'r NSPCC.Peidiwch â cholli pennod. Tanysgrifiwch nawr gyda'ch darparwr podlediadau, neu chwiliwch am 'Sgwrsio gyda CGA' .Dylech fod yn ymwybodol fod y bennod hon yn trafod materion allai fod yn sensitif.Os oes gyda chi unrhyw bryderon o ran ymddygiad honedig neu anghymhwyster ymarferydd addysg cofrestredig, ewch i wefan CGA.--------------------------------------------During our Masterclass event on 18 May 2023, “We don’t tell the teachers”: understanding and addressing sexual harassment in education settings, we had more questions than we could answer. So, we’ve invited some of the panellists back to answer them. Host, Hayden Llewellyn, is joined by Kelly Harris from the sexual health charity Brook, Sharron Wareham from children’s charity Barnardo’s, and Elinor Puzey from the NSPCC.Make sure you don’t miss an episode. Subscribe now via your podcast provider, just search for ‘Sgwrsio with the EWC’.Please be aware that we discuss potentially sensitive subjects in this episode. If you have any concerns relating to the alleged conduct or incompetence of a registered education practitioner, visit the EWC website.Resources mentioned in the podcast / Adnoddau yn y podlediadNSPCC online safetyChildline report remove toolBrook online RSE courses on Brook LearnBrook free RSE resourcesBarnardo's resources and video
  • 1. Sgwrsio with the EWC: The Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales (QMYW)

    21:52||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Host Hayden Llewellyn is joined by QMYW Development Officer Andrew Borsden (EWC), Bethan Wilson (The Prince's Trust Cymru) and Bethan Allan (Newport City Council) to discuss all things Quality Mark. The group discuss the history of the Quality Mark, the benefits of applying, and news on how you can get involved. Make sure you don’t miss an episode – subscribe now via your podcast provider or just search ‘Sgwrsio with the EWC’.Bydd ein cyflwynydd Hayden Llewellyn, yn cael cwmni Andrew Borsden, Swyddog Datblygu Marc Ansawdd Gwaith Ieuenctid (CGA), Bethan Wilson (The Prince's Trust Cymru), a Bethan Allan (Cyngor Sir Casnewydd), drafod y Marc Ansawdd. Mae'r grŵp yn trafod hanes y Marc Ansawdd, buddio ymgeisio amdano, a gwybodaeth am sut i fod yn rhan ohono. Peidiwch â cholli pennod - tanysgrifiwch nawr gyda'ch darparwr podlediadau, neu chwiliwch am Sgwrsio gyda CGA'.
  • Yn dod yn fuan o'r CGA - Sgwrsio gyda CGA

    Yn dod yn fuan o'r CGA.
  • Coming soon from the EWC - Sgwrsio with the EWC

    00:43||Season 1, Ep. 0
    Coming soon from the EWC.