
cover art for The "Architecture" of Faith or Belief!!

Settle The Matter!

The "Architecture" of Faith or Belief!!

Season 1, Ep. 1

In this episode, Mr. Christopher Cady and I tackle notions of faith and belief and hash out our different "stances" on the matter -- we hit on religious faith, the existence of transcendent writings, the obscurity of deities, and more!

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  • Theatre, Acting, Trauma, and Meaning -- a Smattering of Heartfelt Dialogue and Personal Story!

    In this episode, I speak with Lena -- a student I met in one of my classes. Lena impressed me with her positive attitude, her lobster costume (yes, she dressed up as a lobster), speeches she prepared for her communication class, and her general willingness to speak about deeper ideas! The conversation took a profitable turn toward how we deal with trauma and emotional peril whilst finding meaning. I was deeply moved by what Lena shared, and I think you will be too!
  • 3. The "Primo" Philosophical Question: Why Not Commit Suicide?

    01:29:57||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Xander Holowka and I muse over what makes life worth living and travel down the rabbit hole wherever that idea takes us. We begin by discussing a bold statement by Albert Camus. Get to know Xander a bit and "enter in" to the dialogue!
  • 2. A Queer Person and A Jesus-Follower Have A Conversation Without Blowing Anything Up!

    01:03:39||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Rachel and I come from different worldviews and don't believe the same things about human sexuality and gender identity, but we managed to have an enjoyable conversation without BLOWING ANYTHING UP (metaphorically speaking of course!), and explored some of the ways folk can have a conversation with respect. We also explored some of our common ground and our shared flare for being kinda anti-establishment!