Seth Forgets

  • 23. I Was Thinking Today About Forgiveness

    13:51||Season 1, Ep. 23
    It's so easy to hold a grudge. When someone hurts us we never want to let them off the hook. But people are not their actions. It might seem counter intuitive but even if a person does a bad thing that might not make them a bad person. And when we find the ability to forgive someone that has wronged us, we also find the ability to forgive ourselves.
  • 22. I Was Thinking Today About Healing

    09:52||Season 1, Ep. 22
    Healing is nonlinear and backwards and tough.There is no wrong way to heal. We can numb ourselves. We can talk to people. We can distract ourselves. The only wrong way to heal is by doing nothing.
  • 21. I Was Thinking Today About Change (Feat. Nika Mabson)

    15:58||Season 1, Ep. 21
    Change is always happening. Good change and bad. When we fight it our worlds fall apart.
  • 20. I Was Thinking Today About Dancing

    14:25||Season 1, Ep. 20
    Dancing alone is the best way to meet yourself.
  • 19. I was Thinking Today About Lifeboats

    10:51||Season 1, Ep. 19
    Lifeboats save us from disaster but they're not meant to be a forever home.
  • 17. I was Thinking Today About Balance

    09:21||Season 1, Ep. 17
    Balance to me is not happy or comfortable. It's neutral.
  • 16. I Was Thinking Today About Hobbies (Feat. Jed Alcantara)

    09:45||Season 1, Ep. 16
    Hobbies are important. We need things in our lives that have little or no stakes. We need to enjoy just being. A hobby is just that. Why do we do things that have no value other than enjoyment? Because our value is not our productivity.
  • 15. I Was Thinking Today About Suicide

    11:12||Season 1, Ep. 15
    We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.Today’s topic is taboo. We’re not supposed to think about it or talk about it. But it’s necessary. We all have dark thoughts and hiding them is never a good thing.If you’re thinking about ending at all, don’t. There are many versions of living you can explore.
  • 14. I Was Thinking Today About Crying

    11:33||Season 1, Ep. 14
    Crying is a physical reaction to the emotion stored inside of us. As men we're told not to cry. Crying as weakness. And it causes so many problems. We can be strong and be sad and cry all at the same time.