
cover art for Ep 22 - How Tony Arreola Transitioned from Offline to Online Training and Went From $0 to $12k Per Month in Just 6 Months

Secrets To Their Fitness Business Success

Ep 22 - How Tony Arreola Transitioned from Offline to Online Training and Went From $0 to $12k Per Month in Just 6 Months

Ep. 22

Tony Arreola grew up poor. He became an engineer to provide for his family. 

All was well until he suffered a tragedy. His brother died suddenly. 

His brother left Tony a set of weights, and working out helped Tony feel closer to his brother. Fitness became a vehicle for him to get through difficult times. And that’s carried him through his life. 

Tony left his engineering career and became a big box personal trainer, and progressed to becoming an NASM master trainer. 

All was fine until COVID zero’ed him out. No income, no revenues, shut down. He remembered NPE from an NASM Optima event and decided to reach out for guidance and support.

The first thing Tony did after joining NPE was transition his business from offline to online. 

In this episode, you’ll learn…

  • How he reacted to the lockdown and used it as an opportunity to push the reset button for his business
  • The importance of training on sales and having a script and system to sell so your business can run by itself 
  • The business planning every business owner and fitness professional should have
  • The keys to having the confidence in your choices and grow your business to the next level
  • And much more...

Results: He signed 28 new clients and has just hit $12k per month in revenue for online programs. All this happened in just 6 months. 

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  • 23. Ep 23 - How Jess Cross Has Grown from 102 to 150 clients in 7 months (during COVID)

    45:56||Season 1, Ep. 23
    Jessica Cross’s new fitness studio wasn’t growing. She wasn’t sure of the best way forward.She joined NPE to help her get direction for generating leads and getting systems in place to grow her business. Just as she started implementing her programs, COVID hit. She would be unable to keep her (practically new) studio open.Working with her NPE Success Coach, Jess came up with a new business model. She created a great online service … and also offered outdoor training (which had been her specialty prior to opening her studio).She improved her website along with the feedback from her coaches and NPE community members. By nailing down one goal at a time, she was able to grow rapidly. She went from 100 clients in February and March to nearly 150 clients in August. Her revenue grew from $17.8k/month to $25k/month!In this episode, you’ll learn:How Jess started her personal training business from scratch and saved the money to open her own studioHow she leveraged her strengths to change her business model during COVID-19.What she did to retain clients longer and keep engaged and happyThe leadership skills Jess applied to get out of her comfort zone and become comfortable with sellingHow she put in place boundaries to separate friendships and business relationships with her clients (and that benefited her as a leader)And much more... 
  • 21. Ep 21 - How Matt Carroll Pushed ‘Reset’ During COVID-19 and More Than 3.5X His Revenue

    44:48||Season 1, Ep. 21
    Running a fitness business can be stressful.Running a fitness business with your spouse… even more so.Running a fitness business, with your spouse DURING a pandemic… WATCH OUT!In Episode 21 of our Secrets To Their Success Podcast, you’ll meet Matt Carroll, owner of Natural Edge Performance, Broome, Western Australia.After struggling for many years with business, Matt and his wife Marcela decided to use the pandemic opportunity to take a step back.Then decided to PLAN for success in a new way.And committed to investing their time and energy into developing the business skills they needed to grow to the next level.BIG challenges create BIG growth opportunities… IF you’re willing to face things head on and DO THE WORK!Matt did the work. He ended up terminating all of his current memberships and started over. He upgraded his programs, services, prices, chose ONE ideal client, and communicated very clearly what the company stood for. Then he “re-pitched” his new messaging to his entire database. The results were awesome. The professionals in his town responded well … and were more comfortable referring their friends. His revenues are 3.5x what they were and he’s gone from non-profitable to having $23k in monthly profit. In this episode, you’ll learn…How he reacted to the lockdown and used it as an opportunity to push the reset button for his businessThe importance of training his coaches on sales and having the script and system to sell so the business can run by itself The business planning every business owner and fitness professional should haveThe keys to having the confidence in your choices and grow your business to the next levelAnd much more...
  • 20. Ep 20 - How Sean Carroll & James Batey Rebranded Their CrossFit Gym to Serve Busy Parents ... and Grew 140% – Even During COVID-19

    46:44||Season 1, Ep. 20
    Sean Carroll and James Batey, owners of Rebuild Health and Fitness, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, thought their business relied too much on their own efforts. They were always on the gym floor, or finding and signing up clients, and otherwise IN the business all the time. The good news was they were making money. But there were no systems and the business wasn’t organized. They came to NPE for clarity, systems, and organization. With NPE, one of the first things they realized was their ideal client avatar needed adjustment. Professionals with children became the new client avatar. They rebranded the business and changed their programming to provide massive value to professionals with children. Client retention went way up, and they were able to charge more for their services. When COVID-19 hit, instead of shutting the business down, they saw it as a huge opportunity. They installed a new sales system and made premium offers to their new ideal clients. When Sean and James reopened their business, they signed up 38 people in the first month and their business grew 140% from the previous 12 months (even during COVID-19).In this episode, you’ll learn:How Sean and James started their journey as studio/gym ownersThe importance of getting a clear vision of who you want to serveHow aligning your messaging and programming to an ideal client attracts more of the best people and allows you to serve them betterHow getting disciplined about numbers leads to higher levels of successHow they recognized their strengths and leveraged them as leaders How they decided to shift their focus during COVID-19 and took massive actions for re-openingHow having a business coach made a difference in their journey to successAnd much, much more ... 
  • 19. Ep 19 – How Hassan Abdallah Rebranded Away From Crossfit and Raised Revenues and Profit On Reopening After COVID-19

    49:06||Season 1, Ep. 19
    Hassan Abdallah owned a CrossFit gym in Kogarah, NSW, Australia. But he began to wonder if he was selling his business short … While young people and the athletes loved his CrossFit gym, other people needed more attention. The pandemic lockdown offered him an opportunity to work through the details. Working with his NPE coaches, he rebranded his business. He shifted his business model from group training to personal/small group training. He switched from CrossFit athletes to busy professionals and parents. That allowed him to give individual clients more time and attention, with extra programming and nutrition coaching. In fact, he capped the total member base for his business to 85 (as opposed to 98 prior to the pandemic and a high of 120). With a greater client experience/quality of service to offer, he was able to raise his rates. That improved profitability, and even during the pandemic, he was able to bring in more revenue (from $28k ‘before’ to $32k ‘after’). Now the business is running near full capacity and he’s more confident than ever about the future of his business and his ability to serve his clients.In this episode, you’ll learn:The keys to success when you’re rebranding your fitness business, shifting your services, and how to effectively communicate with your clientsThe benefits of downsizing your classes and focusing on delivering extreme value to clientsThe power of practicing faith and realizing your vision of your business is possible despite obstaclesHow Hassan and his team overcame the fear of salesHow to stay engaged with your clients so they can see results and stick around longerThe importance of being open to feedback from your coaches, asking your community for help, and pivoting when necessary to allow yourself to grow personally and professionallyAnd much much more… 
  • 18. Ep 18 - Family Time Was Short, But They Found a Way to Win: How Amy & Sean Cornish Added 34 Clients and 2x Revenue in 4 Months

    40:35||Season 1, Ep. 18
    Amy and Sean Cornish were working long hours (5am to 9pm) when they joined NPE two months into the midst of COVID-19. As parents of two very young daughters, they felt like they were failing as parents. They also felt overworked, underpaid and frustrated not knowing how to move forward with the business.With the support of NPE, they hired a trainer so they can spend more time together every day and focus on building their business. They learned and began to use the NPE AUTO-CLOSER® Sales System and used the pre-qualification step to help them save time so they can focus more on the quality of leads. As lockdowns lifted, they were able to grow rapidly: Their business has grown from 54 to 88 clients, and from $12k to $26k/month, in 4 months.In this episode you’ll learn…Amy and Sean’s mission to empower women and moms age 30-50 who have lost their confidence but who want to be good role models for themselves and their kids.How they balance their business and personal life as parents of two little daughters.The identity crisis that Sean went through as a fitness professional during COVID-19.How they decided to stay open while other businesses shut down, and how they kept serving the community and stayed connected.How they overcame the fear of business coaching and grew their confidence and mindset as leaders.How the pre-qual system they installed helped them close more sales with efficiency.The importance of getting the support from coaching and the community of like-minded people.And much, much more.
  • 17. Ep. 17 – How Tim Frey Ignored His Critics, Changed His Model, Raised His Rates, and Had His Best Month Ever – During COVID-19

    42:49||Season 1, Ep. 17
    Tim Frey, the owner of Helix Gym, Perth, Australia, had signed up with NPE and nearly doubled his business in the first 3 months of 2020, to $12k a week ($48k/month). The success felt amazing and he was ready to keep growing. Then COVID-19 hit and the government declared restrictions, throwing the fitness industry as a whole and his gym in particular into chaos. His business model had included a powerful experience of group training classes of 40 people or so, with lots of music and energy. With the new distancing requirements, he was only allowed 9 people in the gym at a time. Listen now to hear how Tim: Transitioned his business model away from group training and into semi-private training involving 9 people at most. Changed his pricing so that fewer people would pay more money and increase profitability. Increased client value so that clients would be willing to pay the premium rates.Got help with sales from his staff, because he could not manage all of these things and sell at the same timeAnd much much more. Finally, when Tim came up with an action plan, he had to overcome the objections of … well, almost everyone else except his head coach. He took a leap of faith and went for it. He changed his business model to semi-private with 9 people in the gym at a time; he raised his rates 30%; he trained his staff on the sales process; and he increased value to clients. Result: After a couple of months, things began to rapidly improve. Tim’s business had its best month ever, and Tim didn’t do any of the selling. In this episode, you’ll learn:How Tim overcame his fear and focused on the sales and the numbers during COVID-19How he transitioned from group training to semi-private trainingHow he created more value for his clients (which became a vital turning point for the business)How he trained his staff members on the sales process and hit his best month ever in salesThe importance of practicing faith no matter what your peers say How he raised his rates and communicated with his clients and staffWhy his leadership development as a fitness business owner had such an impact on his businessWhy it mattered so much to have a coach who has achieved success and knows how to overcome similar challenges And much more…
  • 16. Ep 16 – How COVID Space Restrictions Led Raphael Freedman and Lachlan Rowston to a More Profitable Business Model, with Great Revenues, Happier Clients and Staff

    39:23||Season 1, Ep. 16
    Raphael Freedman and Lachlan Rowston are known for their 300+-episode strong podcast, The Mind Muscle Project. They’re also known for their Sydney, Australia-based gym Creature Fitness, which since they joined NPE, grew from one to three locations and increased revenues to more than $1 million a year.There was a problem: Their business model was based on group training, and that was suffering from increasing commoditization. Competitors such as F45, CrossFit, and Orange Theory were flooding the market with group training offers, and putting pressure downward on prices. Raph and Lach were looking for a way out of the race to the bottom. They wanted to be able to charge premium prices, but they weren’t sure of the business model that made the most sense. Then COVID-19 hit and they were forced to shut down from March to June. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. With their NPE coach, they set to work strategizing. When they reopened under new space restrictions, they had a new model in place: Semi-Private Training for high-end clients willing to pay higher prices for greater value. They delivered customized programming to create specific results aligned to the goals of each client. Within a couple of months, their revenues are back to where they were before they were shut down. But they are more profitable, have happier staff, and serve their clients better. 
  • 15. Ep 15 - Josh Leve - AFS: The #1 Fitness Industry Association and Event You MUST Join

    30:53||Season 1, Ep. 15
    If you think your fitness career or business is endangered because of COVID-19 (or if you aren’t sure you want to stay in the fitness industry), you’re not alone. Most fitness professionals and studio owners are feeling tons of pressure right now. And while the virus might be out of your control, you still have the power to decide how to protect and grow your fitness business. In this podcast episode, Association of Fitness Studios Founder & CEO Josh Leve discusses why now is the time to stay connected with the right people and resources–and the importance of remembering your WHY–the reason you started your fitness business in the first place.