
cover art for Episode 204: Fake Fans - DownloadAmber and Tony discuss the...

Salem, I'm Hit

Episode 204: Fake Fans - DownloadAmber and Tony discuss the...

Episode 204: Fake Fans - Download Amber and Tony discuss the nonexistence of fake fans, and then ramble. SW: The Force Awakens Old Who vs New Who Amy Acker Rocks - Suits is the nerdiest show on television Nostalgia Critic helped me see the light on the prequels - Sith Jar Jar - *Not Grevious - Dooku

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  • 9. Dirty By Proxy - ACHY II

    36:52||Season 3, Ep. 9
    Episode 3.9: Dirty By Proxy - ACHY IIAmber and Tony talk about the problematics again and their unlucky coworkers trying to wade through the mess.
  • 8. Limp Endings

    47:25||Season 3, Ep. 8
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  • 7. Stuff You Didn't Watch

    20:59||Season 3, Ep. 7
    Amber and Paul discuss things that you probably didn't watch, cause nerds.
  • 6. Jerk Media

    25:29||Season 3, Ep. 6
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  • 5. Ubicreed

    54:55||Season 3, Ep. 5
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  • Thank You Orphan Black

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  • Valerian and the City of Hot Garbage

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  • Orphans Back in the Black

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  • Wonderwoman Lives

    Amber and Tony finally got to see the live action Wonderwoman movie of their dreams!!! And it was GOOOOOOOD!!!!