
cover art for A RowAlong Adventure on your Rowing Machine

A RowAlong Adventure on your Rowing Machine

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  • Travel through the Forest with a few surprises

    Climb onto your rowing machine and join me as we walk through the forest, and possibly get into a few bits of trouble...Over the course of a 20 minutes workout, I tell a story of a walk through a forest, and as we need to escape various things, we need to row faster or slower. There's a 4 minute easy start followed by short pace change intervals.  Based around the following intensities: Easy - about 5/10 effort at a lowish stroke rate Hard - about 7/10 effort at a slightly higher stroke rateSprint -10/10 max effort and high stroke ratePower - Put max effort into a low stroke rate. If you want to row a more serious and focussed workout, take a look at the main RowAlong workouts on this channel. But for a way to pass 20 minutes on the rowing machine with a mix of intensities, this should be a good workout for you. The YouTube version of this (so you can see my hat) is here:

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  • Can You Survive Rowing The Seacaves?

    Don't let the cheesy story fool you - this is still an awesome 25 minute row. A mix of low, mid and high intensity rowing while I talk nonsense to you about an adventure to some sea caves will make the time fly by!You don't need to connect anything, you don't need a Concept2, you don't need to pay a thing. All it'll costs is a little buy in with your imagination as you RowAlong with me! All a bit of fun, designed to entertain you through an indoor rowing workout whether you're 6 or 60. And if you put in the effort, you'll get a great workout. 
  • Escape the Zombie Carrots

    Escape a horde of Zombie Carrots in this fun RowAlong Rowing Machine Workout20 minutes of rowing. 4 minutes Warming Up14 minutes escaping the Zombie carrots with a variety of intensities2 minutes cooldown. Can you escape the carrots???If you enjoyed this one, please check out the playlist: as I'm adding more every week. And do leave a comment / click like to let me know you enjoyed it. 00:00 introduction and machine setup01:25 Start with a warmup row05:25 Pause for a drink if you like05:55 Escape the Zombie Carrots!21:25 I hope you made it...
  • RowAlong Adventure - Trapped in a phone

    Make your rowing machine workouts a bit more fun by joining my on a journey as I get lost inside my phone. 15 minutes of rowing, starting with 4 minutes of light intensity to warmup. Then the next 9 minutes are spent going faster and slower in pace and stroke rate, before a 2 minute easy intensity to cool down. With any luck, 15 minutes of rowing exercise will fly by as we navigate the photos app, swipe screens and escape some Angry Birds. Your intensity is up to you - but the 20 strokes a miunute section should get your heart rate up but not feel too hard. The 24spm sections should feel like you're putting in a lot of effort and the sprint sections should be maximum pace. If you enjoyed this one, please check out the playlist: as I'm adding more every week. And do leave a comment / click like to let me know you enjoyed it. 
  • RowAlong on the Amazon

    RowAlong with me to help power a boat on the Amazon river, as I take you on a journey, telling you when to speed up and slow down as you row! ➡ We'll spend 4 minutes prepping and tuning the engines.➡ Then prepare for a 10 minute row as we'll leave the dock and set sail down the Amazon, facing who knows what!💫 14 minutes of rowing in total, and hopefully a fun distraction to keep you going through a short workout, no matter whether you're a new rower, a gym user looking for a distraction or a kid looking for some entertainment while rowing. 💫 ❗❕❗❕ A mixture of easy, tempo and fast rowing to give you a good, but short workout. Always remember to keep as good a technique as you can when rowing. Push with the feet, forwards tilt and straight arms - and then pull in with arms only at the back half of the stroke! ❗❕❗❕I hope you like this slight change to the usual chat I go through when making a Rowing Workout video for you to RowAlong to. After making a few 'new rower' videos, and 'gym user' videos - and then having a chat with a friend about how to keep people (especially kids) entertained on the rowing machine, but also giving them some kind of strucutre - it occured to me that maybe I could try this as an option. Let me know if you like it - whether you're 10 or 40 - did it keep you entertained? Did you get a good workout from it? I've got a lot more of these planned, so like all the rest of my videos - if you like 'em, I'll make 'em.
  • RowAlong in Space

    Have a fun adventure in space on the rowing machine as I take you on a journey, telling you when to speed up and slow down as you row! Join the Captain of the Spaceship RowAlong as I deliver a package to the other end of the universe. In order to get there safely, the ship needs two pilots to RowAlong in unison - so make sure to keep up with me. You never know what dangers lurk as you travel into the darkness of space...➡ We'll spend 4 minutes prepping and tuning the engines.➡ Then we'll take off and fly to the other side of the galaxy in ten minutes➡ Finally, we'll slow down for two minutes to get to our destination. 💫 16 minutes of rowing in total, and hopefully a fun distraction to keep you going through a short workout, no matter whether you're a new rower, a gym user looking for a distraction or a kid looking for some entertainment while rowing. 💫 ❗❕❗❕ A mixture of easy, tempo and fast rowing to give you a good, but short workout. Always remember to keep as good a technique as you can when rowing. Push with the feet, forwards tilt and straight arms - and then pull in with arms only at the back half of the stroke! ❗❕❗❕I hope you like this slight change to the usual chat I go through when making a Rowing Workout video for you to RowAlong to. After making a few 'new rower' videos, and 'gym user' videos - and then having a chat with a friend about how to keep people (especially kids) entertained on the rowing machine, but also giving them some kind of strucutre - it occured to me that maybe I could try this as an option. Let me know if you like it - whether you're 10 or 40 - did it keep you entertained? Did you get a good workout from it? I've got a lot more of these planned, so like all the rest of my videos - if you like 'em, I'll make 'em.00:00 Introduction02:04 Warm Up the Engines08:12 10 Minute Rowing Journey19:18 Deliver the final package as you cooldown