
Stewart And The Number 1
Season 1, Ep. 5
In this episode, Stewart from Lancashire talks about coming out and dating against a backdrop of a strict catholic upbringing in Manchester, his ongoing Christian faith and finding love amongst the trees. Listen out for the squirrel.
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8. Mark and The Number 22 - Part Three
52:22||Season 1, Ep. 8In the final part of my chat with Mark we start off in Lincolnshire, moving quite quickly to Melbourne, Oz where he settles in to dating and the gay scene and someone gets a warm hand on their entrance....We also talk about his meaningful tune for the Spotify playlist and I finally get to talk about how I got my lottery numbers, with the number 22. Still not a chosen per usual, its explicit throughout.7. Mark and The Number 22 - Part Two
50:11||Season 1, Ep. 7The 2nd part of three with Mark. In this episode we've moved to Japan (Tokyo) and will eventually move on to Thailand (Bangkok) and we will hear tales of bicycle theft, being both Gaijin and Hentai and the perils of dating when you dont know another man's preferences before you got there....There are explicit reference and swearing throughout and also a description of death.6. Mark And The Number 22 - Part One
49:11||Season 1, Ep. 6This recording with Mark, from Australia will be in three parts. Episode one covers the 1980’s with him exploring his sexuality, coming out and being thrown out of his home in Grimsby at 16 by his parents.At the end of the 80’s he emigrates to Japan, but first of all we move to London, Brighton, Leicester, and Sheffield and the episode ends on his first night in a strange country, with a cheese and tomato sandwich4. Tim and The Number 35
01:02:39||Season 1, Ep. 4Tim, 53 from London talks about coming out in Canada, living in Alaska, Florida and the UK. There's adoption, tears, wonder woman and homelessness where a gay man does what he can to get by. We talk about clubbing, cruising and clothes against a backdrop of late 90's Britain. We lost Princess Di but we gained Tim. In How I got My Lottery Numbers, Tim picks the number 35 and Murry tells us about Matthew from South Manchester.3. Maurice and the number 17
58:30||Season 1, Ep. 3In this episode, I'm talking to Maurice Greenhall. He's circa 83 and he's been living with HIV since 1984 and will talk about his early life and escapades in Macclesfield, Nottingham, Congleton, Durham, Amsterdam and more - this episode includes tales of working in theatre, teaching and an arrest for Cottaging due to a Police sting - Quite a common occurrence in this age.2. Ron and the Number 27
01:04:25||Season 1, Ep. 2Ron from Cheshire in the UK talks to Murry about being gay from the 1950's onwards; living with his partner Alan; AIDS and dealing with hospitals before and after the passing of the gay marriage bill. There's also an insight in to PrEP and dating online in your late 70's. Search for the Romp Podcast Playlist on Spotify to listen to the tracks mentioned in this show.1. Colin and The Number 37
01:00:17||Season 1, Ep. 1In this first episode 62 year old Colin talks about coming out in the 70's and the gay scene in the 80's and 90's with an appearance on World in Action but not quite Queer as Folk. In the part where we discuss how Murry got his lottery numbers he chooses the number 37