
cover art for Into 2024

Roleplay Rescue

Into 2024

Season 13, Ep. 8

As the New Year for 2024 arrives, where am I at with table top roleplaying games? What are my plans for the year ahead and what lessons am I carrying forward?

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024 and I wish you all the very best for the 50th anniversay of the publication of Dungeons & Dragons - that funny old boxed set that sparked this whole roleplaying games phenomenon in 1974!

This episode is - predictably enough - all about me, my hobby, and my thoughts as I begin the 53rd year of my life. I talk about Fellmyr, the School D&D Club, the Saturday Night Roleplay group, respond to calls about face-to-face gaming, and generally share some hopes for the year ahead.

Thank you to all the callers this week - to Simon, Frank, Jason, Sam, Bob, and Andrew. Your comments and feedback are deeply appreciated.

Check out On Mentors and Peers in RPG Learning; with Che Webster by Casting Shadows:

Game on!

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Nottingham Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Meetup Group:

Roleplay Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore:

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  • 4. Meta-Tech with Christopher R. Rice

    Hailing from Portsmouth, Virginia, Christopher R. Rice is constantly writing, tinkering with, and running GURPS. A frequent writer for Steve Jackson Games, if he's not writing for GURPS, he's blogging about it. His site “Ravens N' Pennies” is well-stocked with more GURPS goodies than you could shake a stick at.This one’s about GURPS Meta-Tech, his most recent book, but it’s about so much more. Even for those not into the GURPS system, there’s much to ponder and I hope you’ll listen in nonetheless. Christopher is a great evangelist for GURPS but he’s also a strong voice for creative, exciting game play. Big thanks up front to Christopher for coming on the show!Game on!Ravens 'n' Pennies Blog:Ravens N' Pennies - Caw! Caw! Look, it's a blog! About gaming and writing and...and stuff! ('s Ravenpenny Patreon:Christopher R. Rice | Creating Role-Playing Games and Fiction | PatreonOR on Warehouse23:GURPS Meta-Tech | Warehouse 23OR on Amazon:GURPS Meta-Tech: Rice, Christopher R.: 9781639990566: BooksOR Rescue Details:Voice Bluesky Social: Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore: and artwork by MJ Hiblin:
  • 3. Snapshot!

    Hello Rescuers!This episode is subtitled, "Tactical combat, wargaming, and RPGs". Although inspired by Snapshot, the thoughts are broader than any one particular set of rules.Opening with a quotation from Jamison's, "Gamemastering", this episode shares some thoughts about the place of wargaming in the roleplayer’s arsenal. The words of Brian Jamison tell us to be wary of such folk, but I am in disagreement.Big thank you to Jason, John, Simon, and Wiebe for contributing to the show with their calls!And thank you to you for tuning in and making this show a part of your hobby. I hope you find it useful.Game on!Roleplay Rescue Details:Voice Bluesky Social: Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore: and artwork by MJ Hiblin:
  • 2. Back To Analogue

    This episode brings us back to the most important question in rediscovering our hobby: How do we best recapture the spirit of play and of deep engagement with these games? This episode reflects on a shift in my experience of gaming and talks about what I have been learning as I focused on running two Fellmyr games - that is two groups of players using the same world - on a regular basis over the past six months. I also share some messages I’ve received from listeners which express gratitude for Roleplay Rescue and everything that this community stands for.Big thank you to Jon, Matt, Riley, Thorsten, and Peter Laws for contributing to the show! I would not be sitting here recording if not for your inspiration.Game on!Roleplay Rescue Details:Voice Bluesky Social: Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore:
  • 1. Imagine with Michael Tenery

    Hello Rescuers! We’re back! Sort of.As I said a few weeks ago, I am changing the pace of Roleplay Rescue from a regular podcast to being a, well, irregular podcast - in other words, although this is the first episode of the resurrected show, it may be some time (or not) before I record another.But this episode couldn’t wait. I thought about holding it back but, frankly, it was such a great conversation that I couldn’t in good conscience hold it back.Today, I am honoured to welcome W. Michael Tenery III, author of the Imagine Role Playing (, to our show. Michael’s game is something I discovered back around 2000 and have longed to play ever since.It’s a game I’ve dabbled with but never dived into… until now. During the interregnum betwixt series, I’ve found myself back reading and solo playing Imagine and, well, it’s a game I want to talk about more.Big thank you to Michael for coming on the show - it was a truly inspiring conversation and I have been deeply affected by it. I cannot thank you enough for the ideas that you’ve sparked. I hope it sparks something for others too.Game on!Links:Imagine Roleplaying: Encounter Show, "How Has This Hidden Gem Stayed Hidden?!": Rescue Details:Voice Bluesky Social: Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore:
  • 15. The End?

    Here’s the short version: I’m going to take a break - once again - from podcasting. When I do return, whether it’s in a couple of weeks, two months, or a year, I’m going to take the approach of recording when I have something I’m interested in saying. No more weekly or bi-weekly schedule, just grabbing the mic whenever ideas are worth developing. And so this is the End. It’s also the beginning of something new.Big thanks to Jon for the call-in which inspired the episode.Tiny Prep, the book: on!Roleplay Rescue Details:Voice Bluesky Social: Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore:
  • 14. RPGMatch with Joaquin Lippincott

    This is the last in a series of four conversations I’ve enjoyed with various guests over the tail end of 2023 and into January 2024.Joaquin Lippincott is the founder of RPGMatch, an application where you can register and meet other TTRPG players who like to play like you do. Following the call-in and my not-entirely positive feedback about the app in Episode 6, Seeking Face to Face, Joaquin reached out and we agreed to have a bit of a chat.Thanks to Joaquin for coming on the show! I hope you enjoy the chat as much as I did.Game on!RPGMatch is at Rescue Details:Voice Bluesky Social: Rescue's Solo Tales: Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Meetup Group: Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore:
  • 13. Intermission

    It has been a month since I last hopped on the mic and spoke. This episode is a GM Intrusion into the flow of the season to do two things: First, I wanted to share and respond to a few call-in messages I’ve received through January and February.Second, I thought I would update you on a couple of areas in my own hobby and thought - we just played a second face-to-face session at The Dice Cup, the School Club has shifted to playing Dungeon Fantasy RPG too, and I’ve even taken part as a player in an experimental modern-day game designed to seek deeper Otherworld-immersion. It’s been the busiest period of actual gaming that I’ve experienced in years.Thank you to all the callers - Frank, Simon, Dan, Jon, Evil Jeff, and Andrew - for inspiring and supporting the show! Thanks to the callers on the GM’s Journal weekly too - you keep me fired up!Game on!Roleplay Rescue Details:Voice Bluesky Social: Rescue's Solo Tales: Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Meetup Group: Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore:
  • 12. Five Percent Challenge with Bob from SAFCO

    This is the third in a series of four conversations I’ve enjoyed with various friends and new acquaintances within the Roleplay Rescue community over the tail end of 2023 and into January 2024. My guest today is Bob from the SAFCO podcast. Bob Loftin is co-host of SAFCOcast, a podcast about the Traveller roleplaying game and its derivatives. SAFCO stands for Super Adventure Friends Co., the tongue-in-cheek name the members of Bob’s group decided to give the company their characters formed for their Classic Traveller campaign, “Into The Void”. Bob keeps a log of the games on his blog, Concrete Lunch Gaming, and the chaps’ adventures have kept me entertained since I first came across them in 2019. I last spoke to Bob at length for Season 11, Episode 9 but he is a Patron of the show and this time Bob has an interesting challenge to propose.Thanks to Bob for coming on the show! I hope you enjoy the chat as much as I did.SAFCOcast: – a Traveller RPG Podcast – a podcast about the Traveller RPG and its derivativesOR on!Roleplay Rescue Details:Voice Email:hello@rpgrescue.comBlog Bluesky Social: Rescue's Solo Tales: Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Meetup Group: Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore:
  • 11. GURPS with Mr_Sandman

    This is the second in a series of four conversations I’ve enjoyed with various friends and new acquaintances within the Roleplay Rescue community over the tail end of 2023 and into January 2024. My guest today is Mr_Sandman, aka Andrew from Long Island. Andrew is a long-time GURPS GM and the mind behind his blog, In The Sandbox, which contains lots of great advice for aspiring and new GURPS GMs. I particularly enjoyed his post entitled, “My Tips for GMs New to GURPS” from May 2023. Last time I looked, that post was pinned to the top of the blog.Andrew has been an encouragement to me as an aspiring GURPS GM and I think this conversation clinched the deal on persuading me to go all-out and attack the game with gusto. It’s no coincidence that Fellmyr has become powered by GURPS through the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game.Thanks to Andrew for coming on the show! I hope you enjoy the chat as much as I did.Mr_Sandman's Blog, "In The Sandbox": on!Please note that, while I have been releasing episodes weekly into the New Year, we will return to a bi-weekly format going forward.Roleplay Rescue Details:Voice Bluesky Social: Rescue's Solo Tales: Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Meetup Group: Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore: