episode 57
the swansea hot tub incident, extreme football, gladiators, nanny wanks, two holes or one? steven bear the game. gambling cunts, taxidermy slag hamster, flying gaffney, IBS , forrest gump/ barry George multiverse, dave lazative can’t relax, karaoke.
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episode 91 with kevin bishop
42:22|piss, drunken tales, reconstruction tv, dreams, johnny vegas in the bath, forced friends, catholicism, showbizness, verne troyer recap..want more? get a guaranteed four video and audio episodes a month, plus, if you're really bored, listen to the hundreds of hours of nonsense we've chatted in the past.....7 day free trial at 89
01:03:30|zx cola sponsorship, the diddler, babestation, milk, jim carrey, russell brand, charity beans, the bat curse, smoking minnie mouse, bald animals, MTV’s Twisted Jail, jam boys, vom enters the astral plane, revenge of the predators........ Sign up to our patreon for a few quid and get 4 episodes a month, full video episodes and loads of other bollocks, 85
50:55|oasis, carny, jermaine penas, blind on blind, theme park paedo hunting, black haired gingers, ginger muslims, religion, the cocaine pot hole solution, violent gay snakes, do a line n dive in, karaoke….weekly video and audio episodes at 83
50:38|We revisit the greatest God dang country on planet Earth and grab it by the pisser.episode 81
01:11:22|bosh or posh, race war, boy tits summer, smoking kids, bumming beaches, holetox, Vom v AF race war., revisiting cruel TV, giggly little racists, crunchies, robot suicide, dead kens, dog men.for more loads more episodes go to 79
01:02:50|aluke effigy, supermarket fashion, return to shoplifting, naughty bulgaria, euros nonce plan, willoughby kidnap, fans vs auntie carol, 90’s football nonces, falsie MPs, bali time chamber, Indian baby reindeer….episode 78 (patreon special)
17:50|85 minute bumper episode, election round up, pirate fans, slovakian airspace homosexual legality, offering random women lifts, lion men, spice girls , kade beginzale, hitler’s final kill, cousin kevin, jay slater update, world exclusive moon news, listeners questions, karaoke.......go to to hear the restepisode 77
01:14:08|mad john, jews, football misery, leotown dreams, obelisk the killer horse, aliens versus predators, epstein island pranks, coop meat, Ricky roll, spit on that thang, cotswolds vom, shitting up, jay slader…..