
Restless The Podcast
Trailer # 2 True Discipleship
This is Steve with Restless the Podcast and what you just heard was a portion of an up and coming podcast called True Discipleship, The Real Story. Ed Gross, our guest, is the writer of several books including The Harvest Prayer of Jesus, Are you a Christian or Disciple? And Disciple the Nations. Ed was ordained in 1978 and received his doctorate at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1988.
He teaches on New Testament discipleship nationally and globally. He also leads renewals of biblical discipleship throughout the U. S., Europe, and Africa. He facilitates Discovery Bible Studies, better known as DBS, with groups and new disciples. He leads and attends disciple making movements around the world.
Ed and his wife Debbie travel the world serving, teaching, and speaking to all those who have ears to hear Jesus call to go out and make disciples of all the nations in the manner that Jesus taught in Matthew 9. Ed is a delight to be around because his native language is Jesus, yet his gentle and humble spirit leaves you wanting more time with him.
Ed, however, pulls no punches when he tells the truth about what's going on in the world and the American church that is on life support. Stay tuned as we prepare to release True Discipleship, The Real Story.
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True Discipleship/The Real Story: Dr. Ed Gross
01:51:53|Welcome to Restless the Podcast, Todays Episode is titled True Discipleship the Real Story. Doctor Ed Gross, our guest, is the writer of several books including The Harvest Prayer of Jesus, Are you a Christian or Disciple? And Disciple the Nations. Ed was ordained in 1978 and received his doctorate at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1988.He teaches on New Testament discipleship nationally and globally. He also leads renewals of biblical discipleship throughout the United States, Europe, and Africa. Ed, facilitates Discovery Bible Studies, better known as DBS, with groups and new disciples. He leads and attends disciple making movements around the world.Ed and his wife Debbie travel the world serving, teaching, and speaking to all those who have ears to hear Jesus call to go out and make disciples of all the nations in the manner that Jesus taught. Ed is a delight to be around because his native language is Jesus, yet his gentle and humble spirit leaves you wanting more time with him. Ed, however, pulls no punches when he tells the truth about what's going on in the world and the American church that is on life support. Perhaps one of the most powerful podcast we have done regarding what Jesus commanded His followers to do verses what's really happening. You don't want to miss this episode.Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve
34:05|Unlike other elections in our nation's history, it appears that this election has placed our nation, we the people, and those who purport to be followers of Christ at a critical intersection. Will we heed the warning of the Bible echoed by our forefathers regarding what happens to a nation that rejects God, to those that reject Him personally, and those that follow Him tepidly? Both Moses and Joshua at critical intersections warned the people of Israel as well to choose between life and prosperity or death and destruction with these words, "choose this day whom you shall serve."Note: Soundtrack: Epic Adventure Cinematic | Epic Shield by Alex-Productions |Sources: Barna Group, First Liberty, Arizona Christian UniversityGot Questions, Christian Heritage, Teachings of Jack Hibbs, Cavalry Chapel, Chino Hills.Rules of Civility George Washington, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Rush, Ben Franklin, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, Charles Carroll of Carrollton Other misc. sources.True Discipleship/The Real Story - Trailer 1
05:10|This is Steve with Restless the Podcast and what you just heard was a portion of an up coming podcast calledTrue Discipleship: The Real Story.Ed Gross our guest is the writer of several books including The Harvest Prayer of Jesus, Are You a Christian or a Disciple, and Disciple the Nations. Ed was ordained in 1978 and received his doctorate at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1988. He teaches on New Testament Discipleship nationally and globally. He also leads Renewals of Biblical Discipleship (RBDs) throughout USA, Europe and Africa.Ed also facilitates Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) groups with new disciples and leads and attends Disciple Making Movement (DMM) around the world. Ed and his wife Debby travel the world serving, teaching and speaking to all those who have ears to hear Jesus’s call to go out and make disciples of the nations in the manner that Jesus instructed them. Ed is a delight to be around because his native language is Jesus yet, his gentle and humble spirit leaves you wanting more time with him. Ed however, pulls no punches when he tells the truth about what’s going on in the world and the “American Church that he describes as "on life support.” Stay tuned as we prepare to release True Discipleship/The Real StoryBeyond The Battlefield: A Soldiers Continuing War
02:04:27||Season 6We have a special guest, soldier, American hero, and a friend of mine, Matt Hursey. In our podcast today titled, Beyond the Battlefield: A Soldier's Continuing War, Matt shares the story of his battalion's journey into Iraq's Sunni Triangle of Death recorded in the book, Black Hearts and Painted Guns, written by Kelly Adds and Daniel S. Morgan.Matt is the recipient of the Purple Heart, and in today's podcast, takes us into the Triangle of Death, and recounts the difficult circumstances that he and his fellow soldiers faced. Just as important, he takes us beyond the battlefield and speaks to the ongoing war that a soldier continues to fight with PTSD when he returns home..Matt's story is a soldier's story. and while he spared us of the graphic horrors that he encountered, it's important that we experience some of their pain so that we can begin to understand what they have faced. The last thing these brave men want from us is our sympathy, but they deserve our thanks and respect. Matt's story is a story that can inspire others who are struggling with PTSD from traumatic encounters that there is hope and healing through organizations like Warrior Path. .Most every soldier placed in a life and death situation reaches out to God in what is known as a "Fox Hole" prayer. We ask Matt to discuss the role of faith and the elephant in the room for everyone there a God and how do we respond to His call on our lives.It's was honor to have recorded and produced Matt's storyRegarding the Outro Music: The song "Face of Darkness" was written and performed by James House at the Warrior Path conference that Matt attended. It was written specifically for Matt's Team based on their own traumatic struggles.Copyright, Restless the Podcast, 2024. All rights reserved. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission.Beyond The Battlefield: A Soldiers Continuing War: Trailer # 2
05:15|You've just listened to the second trailer for Beyond the Battlefield, A Soldier's Continuing War. This was a portion of an interview with an American Hero and soldier, Matt Hersey. Matt's Battalion's journey into Iraq's triangle of death is recorded in the book, Black Hearts and Painted Guns.Many of us know a veteran or have a family member that has served our country, but very few of us, have experienced what they have. Matt's story is a soldier's story, and while he spared us of the graphic horrors that he encountered, it's important that we experience some of their pain so that we can begin to understand what they go through.The last thing these brave men want from us is our sympathy. What they deserve is our thanks and respect. Matt Hursey, like many other soldiers, are working hard to take this difficult part of their lives and turn it into a positive. We look forward to releasing the full episode of Beyond the Battlefield, A Soldier's Continuing War, so please tune in.Beyond The Battlefield: A Soldiers Continuing War
02:55|Trailer for the upcoming podcast "Beyond the Battlefield: A Soldiers Continuing War..Ever Learning Never Understanding
07:47|We live in a world obsessed with learning, acquiring more knowledge, gathering new information constantly but as 2 Timothy 3:7 tells us "we are always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Are you ready to actually know the "Truth." His Name is Jesus.Eternal DNA
06:23|He has made everything beautiful in its time.Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 God has "Set Eternity in the Hearts of Man". Let it serve as a hope and a warning. A hope in that we were made for more than the temporal or tangible and warning in that no man will be able to say on "that day" that we did not know that there is only one God and in Christ we have been given the gift of salvation for all those who receive it. What are you waiting for?